Part 9

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On the way back to the bunker the party had to stop almost every two hours for something. Stop once for food, twice for a bathroom, third time to pass out medication to you and Cas. It took almost twice as long to get back to the bunker than it did to drive to the hunt.

"How much longer." You wine laying on Cas in the backseat.

"We're almost there sweet-cheeks." Dean says to you, he was blaring music until a couple hours ago when Sam turned it down.

"Yeah its less than an hour now (y/n)." Sam says smiling back at you. They'd been extra nice since you'd left the hospital and, quite frankly, it freaked you out a little bit. There isn't any sarcastic remarks, no grumbling about making stops. It wasn't like them at all.

"What's up with you two? Your'e so quiet." You say leaning forward as best as you could with all the stitches and bruises painting up your torso.

"Nothing. We're fine." Sam says frowning at you.

"Yeah sure. We're supposed to keep you from being upset. Doctor's orders." Dean says not looking up from the road.

"Since when do you listen to doctors orders Dean." You retort, Sam scoffs at you and looks out the window.

"Since they were for you." Dean says smoothly, glancing at you through the mirror. You roll your eyes and laid back down on Cas, who was passed out and probably not waking up anytime soon. "He comfy?" Dean says, obviously talking about Cas but you don't realize it at first.

"Oh, yea sorta. He's a little too soft." You say moving Cas's coat over and away from your neck. Dean chuckles softly at you then pays attention to the road again.

~~At the bunker~~

When you arrive Dean tries to carry you inside, that earns him a harsh scowl. Your'e not useless, you can walk even if it is slowly. It's 3 am so everybody goes straight for their rooms to pass out, you decide on some food before bed. After making a sandwich or two you make your way to the table and sit to eat, in your slow process, Dean takes one of you pb&j's and puts nearly half of it in his mouth.

"You pig! Why don't you make your own sandwiches?" You scold him, picking up the other one in case he makes an attempt for it too.

"They're better when you make them." He says, grinning through sandwich at you.

"You're lucky I'm hurt, I'd have you on the ground choking on that sandwich." You say pointing at him, you couldn't stay mad at him though.

"I'd like to see you try." Dean says putting the other half of your sandwich in his mouth. You laugh and put your foot in between his legs, Sam walks in and he goes bright red.

"Don't stay up too late (y/n), you need your rest." Sam says after getting a glass of water and standing behind you, ruffling your hair. "What's wrong with him?" Sam asks pointing to Dean, frowning at his red face.

"Nothing, he's just constipated." You say grinning at Dean, he glares at you the best he can then tries to speak and chokes on the food he'd tried to wolf down. When Sam leaves, not wanting to know what was going on, you look at Dean with a very sincere face. "Told you I could." You say before getting up and going to your room.

~~The next morning~~

You wake up to Dean gently shaking your shoulder, with a plate full of food in his free hand.

"Good morning princess. Want some breakfast in bed?" Dean asks, handing you the plate as you sit up.

"I don't deserve this." You say glowering up at Dean.

"Sure you do. It's not like you did something wrong." Dean says giving you his signature smile.

"But I did Dean. If it wasn't for me Cas wouldn't have a broken leg and the hunt would've went smoothly." You say looking down at the plate in your lap. He had made eggs, bacon, and toast for you.

"You couldn't control that (y/n). Besides, it could've been worse, me and Sam are doing just fine aren't we?" Dean says putting a caring hand on your shoulder. "Honestly I don't know what I would do without you." He says leaning in to your face, but you turn your head, suddenly feeling sick.

You put the plate on the bedside table then stumble your way into the bathroom, then proceed to vomit stomach acid, until you end up weeping on the floor. Dean follows you in and rubs your back, soothing your sobs as he pulls you into his lap.

"That's what happens when you get upset. The nurses warned me about it before we left the hospital." Dean says after your sobs turn into short gasps and sniffles.

~~I'm really late to updating today so I'm ending here so you at least have something~~

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