Part 7

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~~with Sam and Dean~~

Sam and Dean were racing to where you were being held, which was conveniently at the back of the property. They would've taken baby but a thick metal fence kept them from driving into the lot.

It was almost ten minutes of running until they got to where your signal had came from where, of course, demons were outside waiting to take them down.

~~with you~~

Inside the building the demons working on you and Cas were trying to make you bleed out before the boys got there, knowing they would be devastated. Cas looked slightly better than you did, you assumed it was because you were more fun to torture, with you screaming uncontrollably whenever they dug their knives into your flesh. It felt like hours later when the boys had crashed through the door, you were slipping in and out of unconsciousness, barely able to comprehend what was going on from your massive blood loss.

~~ out with Sam and Dean again~~

It took a while, but the boys had finally gotten past the hoards of demons trying to kill them. If it wasn't for your screaming, they wouldn't know what room you were in. When they bust through the door it was a bloody massacre inside the room, blood was splattered everywhere and a small fire was burning in the corner. One look at Cas and you sent shivers up Dean's spine, it was worse than he had imagined. Sam takes down two demons on his own while Dean tangled with the third one, the head honcho.

"You'll never save her in time." The demon whispers as Dean stabs it in the heart with the demon knife.

"Too bad you won't be here to see it." Dean says in a low tone, before jerking the knife out of his chest and rushing to you after releasing Castiel, who was far less bloody but more burned.

"Fire....On bleeding." Were just about the only words you could mumble through your swollen, almost unrecognizable facial features. You had a lot of history with medical things, so you knew that fire would cauterize the veins and stop the ever so fast bleeding.

Sam knew what you were getting at and reached for his small lighter and meeting the flame to were a major source of the blood was coming from, you bit your lip and squeezed Dean's hand. Sure it hurt like hell, but hey, it's better than bleeding out on the way to the hospital. Dean looked like he had no clue what to do so he copied Sam's movements with his own lighter. The pain of two burning sources at once was almost unbearable, you reached out and grabbed Sam's free hand, after he reached up and put a bullet between your teeth.

About five minutes later you were unconscious but the bleeding had majorly subsided, enough to were it was safe to move you. Dean had been the one to pick you up and carry you out, running to the impala with Sam and Cas hot on his trail. Once to the car, he let Sam drive and Cas sit shotgun while Dean was in the back with you, your head on his lap as he held your hand racing to the emergency room.

~~Once there~~

When Dean had carried you in his arms, Sam behind him helping Cas limp along with one arm over his shoulder, you all looked pretty bad and nurses and doctors alike had rushed toward you. The hospital was practically empty, only two other people there waiting to see their loved ones, so you four got immediate attention. One doctor took you out of Dean's arm, you didn't go without some resistance from Dean, and onto a gurney Dean still holding your hand as far as the doctors would let him go. You were rushed off to surgery, and Cas off to get an x-ray, while him and Sam were sent to get stitches and the story on what happened.

"What is your relation to the girl, and the other boy." One nurse, a girl says to Dean, stitching on his forearm.

"She's my girlfriend, and the dark haired guy is my best friend." Dean says looking everywhere but the woman.

"And the other man?" She asks, talking about Sam.

"That one's my brother." Dean says looking over at Sam, talking to a similar nurse patching him up.

"What happened to you guys, what could possibly rough you up so bad?" She says taking in Sam's size as he waves at her and Dean, who waves back.

"Uh, it was a camping accident. My girlfriend got some of the hot embers from the fire thrown on her by accident and she fell down a bluff." Dean says making up something as he went, Sam listing and getting the story together.

"And your friend?" She says, looking up at Dean with an eyebrow raised.

"He fell in a hole while we were going after her." He says expertly lying, showing no hint of it on his face.

"Huh well, should we call the sheriff's department about it then?" The nurse says looking over at the other one, who shakes her head, Dean lets out a breath he hadn't even realized he'd been holding.

"It's just a camping accident, it's not like the girl was attacked. Besides, these boys don't look like they need a run in with the law." She says winking at Sam, Dean knew there was something going on there but chose to ignore it if it got them out of talking to the police.

After they were stitched and ready to go, the nurses led them to where Cas was, you were in surgery so it would be a while before they got to see you. So they waited in Castiel's hospital room, hoping for you to make it out alive and on the road to being well.

When they entered the room, they say Cas looking very pale but still weakly smiling at them with a big bulky blue cast on his leg. It wasn't nearly as blue as his eyes though.

"Hey Cas, how're ya feelin?" Dean asks, taking a seat in one of the chairs provided in the room.

"I feel pained and tired Dean. This is not a good feeling." Cas says in his serious tone, looking at Dean with a look that said 'I hate being human'. Dean chuckles and leans back in the chair, slightly relaxing knowing that Cas was safe but still worried about you. The chemical smell in the air was definitely not helping at all to calm his nerves, it smelt like death and despair.

"You should sleep then. Maybe you'll feel better when you wake up." Dean says smiling slightly at Cas then looking over to see his brother passed out in one of the uncomfortable chairs.

"But I want to be awake when (y/n) gets here." Cas says, yawning, his eyes drooping lazily as he fights sleep.

"I'll wake you up when I hear something Cas, now go to sleep." Dean says, watching him sleep for once. Even if he wanted to Dean couldn't sleep, not with all the worry about you on his mind.

~~ Since I've deprived you of knowledge of the story for a few days, I wrote a little bit more than normal if you didn't notice. I'm really tired so I'm ending here for the night.~~

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