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𝐘/𝐧'𝐬 𝐩𝗼𝐯
As promised Neve was taking charge of getting my water and getting bread, it wasn't much but it was enough so I didn't die.

But as each day passed I would either sweat uncontrollably despite the cold, or I'd be throwing up without sign of stopping, whatever Lucious had put into my food, it was strong and it was taking longer to get out of my system, taking so long that I was being forced to prepare for the ball.

"Hm you're rather skinny, Empress," the dressmaker says as she measures me, her comment not helping as I was on the brink of starvation, feeling my health decline.

"Mhm," I hummed, looking over at Neve who was sneaking a few of the treats laid out, the two of us aware that whatever drug was given to me was dangerous for others, meaning no other food would have it.

What made things worse was that Lucious started requesting meals, and I'd just be sitting there with the tainted food in front of me, the water the only thing I could have.

The entire time I knew Lucious was trying to tempt me, every day's meal larger than the last.

"What's wrong? You're still not eating?" Lucious grinned "Yeah I'm fine, y'all's food doesn't live up to my standards anyways" I shrugged, ticking the man off a bit before leaving without a word, the guards escorting me back to the room.

Once back in the room with Neve, seeing that she was reading a book, I had just let out a breath, looking at my hands to feel a slight pricking feeling, my magic slowly coming back, the feeling almost bringing tears to my eyes.

𝐀𝐮𝐟𝐡𝗼𝐫'𝐬 𝐩𝗼𝐯
As Y/n had her revelation, Gojo snapped, deciding to venture down to his dungeon, most cells are empty unless you account for the bones still left behind.

But in the very end in the darkest corner was Lance, Gojo at first decided to just let everyone else deal with him, but he changed his mind.

"Oh it's you" Lance spoke with venom as Gojo walked into the cell, locking it behind himself, not even phased as a femur bone had snapped under his foot.

"Yeah it's me, but let's talk for a moment" Gojo smiled, his blue eyes showing how crazy he had become, his hair also a bit disheveled as well and he looked at Lance with nothing but pure anger and disdain.

"About what? Y/n?" "Bingo" it scared Lance with how weird Gojo was acting, normally he would go right for the kill to get the information out of Lance, but this time was different.

Instead, Gojo was playing a game, and that was something Lance did not want as Gojo circled him, stalking like a predator in the woods as Lance stood there, anxious about what Gojo could do.

"So about my amazing Angel, why did all of this start? Why did you take her from me?" Gojo asked, and Lance was trying to think on his feet, knowing that depending on his answer he could either get a painless and quick death or a death that would stick with his soul for eternity.

"I made a deal with Geto if I brought her then I'd get help in getting power for myself" Lance spoke, not giving away the fact that he was the one to bring up the deal to both Geto and Lucious, but that was under the assumption that Gojo had zero clue on the topic.

"And what was Geto going to do with her? And don't lie to me" Gojo says "he wanted the same, but to have the power to take over all of the demon realm" With those words Gojo laughed "he barely stood a chance against me" he shook his head before taking a step closer to Lance.

"Now I want you to tell me the full truth, I know you're the one who brought up the deal, but who else was in on it" Now Lance could feel the pressure, so intense that he might have thrown up if it weren't for the taunting grin on Gojo's face.

"Lucious was in on it" It all came out in a whisper, like Lance had just gotten in trouble and didn't want to fully admit to the problem.

"Say that again, speak up this time," Gojo says, almost in disbelief at what he heard the first time.

"Lucious was in on it" Lance repeated "From the north?" "Yeah, h-he knows about the story of how Y/n is supposedly the strongest out of her sisters...so he wants to marry her and have her bear a child for him"

There it was, once Lucious's wishes were spoken out, Gojo had lost his singular nerve of reason and it was very obvious as even his eyes seemed to show how all reason was thrown out.

"When would it be?" Gojo asked "Three days from now he's throwing an engagement ball before the wedding" Lance answered, scared for his life as he saw Gojo smile.

"Perfect" and what happened next was terrible, even Y/n would be horrified to hear about what her husband did to Lance, the demon barely leaving behind any remains except for blood and bone once he was done.

Even as he walked out of the dungeon, shoes leaving behind bloodied footprints, nobody dared to get in his way, not even Nanami who simply stepped out of the way.

"In three days we're going to Lucious's engagement ball for Y/n" was all Gojo says, everyone wondering if it was safe to let Gojo out of the palace in his state.

But it didn't matter as Y/n's family was informed of the news, Y/n's parents were shocked while her siblings were pissed about the situation, everyone never thinking that the northern empire could stoop so low.

But of course, Lucious did, and to say the ball wouldn't be a bloodbath was an understatement.

𝐈𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐥
𝐖𝗼𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝗼𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1013

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