Maleficent 2 Chapter 15

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Philip, Aurora, Ben, and Beast struggled to counter these accusations.

Conall shook his head; once an advocate for peaceful coexistence, he now believed it best for fairies and Dark Fey to live in the moors in a different realm, free from the constant threat of human schemes and invasions.

The VKs, Heroes kids and villains listened attentively.

Jafar scoffed, "Humans hate what they don't understand or those who do not look like them."

Mal hearing the Dark Fey's painful history, began to grasp why they were hesitant to trust humans. The chance given to humans resulted in Maleficent being framed and treated as a criminal.

Ben saw Mal's anger but felt helpless in defending humanity's actions.

A high curved ceiling, made of tightly woven grasses, rose above her, giving the room a natural warmth. Hearing a whoosh behind her, Maleficent tried to sit up. But when she did, pain shot through her. Lying back down, she gingerly placed a hand on her wound.

Everyone we're slightly awed by the sight, while Mal muttered in awe"It looks beautiful

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Everyone we're slightly awed by the sight, while Mal muttered in awe"It looks beautiful."

Evie, Jane, Audrey and other agreed.

The site was cleaned and dressed, covered in a bandage made of bark. Someone had clearly taken care of her. But who?

Hearing voices outside the room, Maleficent shifted nervously. Wrapping her wings tightly around her, she forced herself to a sitting position.

The voices were growing louder, more heated. For the first time in a long while, Maleficent was frightened. She cautiously lowered her feet to the floor. The pain was terrible, but she wanted to be standing when the owners of the voices revealed themselves. Walking slowly across the floor, she made her way toward a circular opening in the wall. Peering through, she found herself looking into a dark, empty tunnel. Taking a deep breath, Maleficent entered the tunnel. She could see a small shaft of light at the other end and limped toward it. As the light grew brighter, the tunnel widened, finally opening into a huge cavernous circle.

Maleficent’s eyes widened as she took in the room that went up, up, up, its sides covered with branches. It was as if she were inside a giant bird’s nest. Her eyes became wider still when she saw, standing in the middle of the nest, ten towering figures. Each figure had a large set of horns on its head and dark heavy wings hanging from its back. Dark Fey.

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