
"What would you like to discuss?" I asked the DeMarco as we sat in an office in one of my buildings.
"Well recently we have found ourselves slowly being cut out of business. We have no clue what has happened with the mafia. We are slowly being pried out, we assume by your request, and it is being done strategically so as to not be noticeable." Luca explains. I am an excellent liar when I need to be, and this is exactly one of those moments.
I chuckled, then sighed, facing the men of the DeMarco family. "Things happen, Luca. I become so busy sometimes I forget to check in, maybe update people. None of this so called prying is being done on purpose, no matter how much you believe it is, and I truly hope you can understand my side of this, simply forgetting things. I hope we can forgive and forget these instances of what you believe has been the DeMarco family being 'forgotten.'" I tell them. Some stare at me in disbelief, others nodding their heads in agreement.
Even if they talk back, they know I am more credible than most of the people they are sitting by, people who they call their siblings and cousins. They lie and scheme against each other all the time and this family truly has to fix their need for money and power.
"Very well then," Francesco says, then proceeds to begin with wanting to strike up another business deal. It was actually a good idea, so I agreed, then left.
I had told them I was only free for an hour, but that was a lie as well. I only have to do some paper and then wait - impatiently - for Aria to get off of work.
I am excited to take her, walk her around the city, then show her off at the event. I didn't want us to stay in a hotel, so I bought a house there. Then, I remembered that Aless and Sofia were also going so I asked him if he wanted a house too, but he said no because Sofia wanted to stay with Aria so they're staying at our house too.
I get to the estate and find Aless waiting for me. "What are you doing after we're done?" he asks me.
"Probably working out, why?" I replied.
"Why don't you just take a few hours off and watch a fucking movie or something?" he asks me. I roll my eyes and start to head for the stairs.
"What else am I supposed to do while I wait for Aria to get off of work? And I am watching a movie, I just can't watch it without Aria because she told me not to, and I forgot the name of it." I explain to him. He rolls his eyes at me before we go into my office.
As soon as we start the paperwork, he starts the teasing. "Have you picked out an engagement ring yet?" he asks me.
"Alessandro." I say sternly, glaring at him.
"Me personally, I think you should do the wedding in the winter. Right between Christmas and her birthday." He continues on. I sign the paper in front of me, letting him ramble on while I ignore him.
I sigh, "Alessandro you know why we can't get married yet." I tell him. I really don't want to have to explain it to him again. He barely even listens so it would barely be worth it.
"Oh come on," he begins with a groan, "Sofia and I got married like four months after we started dating." he reminds me.
"I know. The baby bump in the wedding pictures remind us all of that."
"Exactly. What would the damage be in marrying the girl you know that someday you're going to marry anyways. Why delay it?" he asks me.
"Alessandro your marriage was arranged," I begin, slightly angered that he would not stop asking. "You just happened to get her pregnant before you got married. And you know it's not that simple. The world she grew up in was not like ours." I continue, clutching the pen in my hand, trying to bring my attention back to the papers. "We will get there one day, but when she is ready."
"Okay, whatever." he replies, rolling his eyes once more. I do the same towards him and we continue filling out the paperwork.

•POV Switch•
•Aria Marino•

I let out a frustrated sigh as I listened to what Flora was saying about me behind my back. To some random person on the phone.
"Sì, they have been together for a while now. But I doubt she actually likes him. I mean, she hates this job and he is some sort of billionaire, she probably wants him so she can quit her job and become a housewife." she rambles, her annoying high pitched voice ringing in my ears, making me want to throw a knife. Not necessarily at her, but if it happened to stab her out of all people, I wouldn't necessarily be complaining. "I bet he is probably only with her to get a wife to be married for business. It will work out perfectly."
I pressed my lips together so as to not make a noise since she didn't know I was at my desk which was right across from hers, the dividers between each one hiding me perfectly. "And because of this, I have to deal with annoying, broody Ermes. I do not know what he sees in her, but he is completely fucking in love with her." She pauses to let the other person speak. "Okay maybe she is really pretty, but she is so grumpy all the time. What does she have to offer? He could do so much better. Like me." she giggles, even slapping her desk as she lets out that annoying giggle aggressively.
I already knew Ermes liked me. She told me weeks ago, she can't seem to keep her mouth shut, but I just ignored it because I don't care. Plus Ermes and I barely have to work together anymore since he is usually at his desk, sometimes studying cold cases while I go out with Annachiara and Flora, solving cases actively.
She continues speaking, "So what if I am married? My husband fucks his secretary, why can't I have a little fun with a coworker?" she complains to this other person. I rolled my eyes to myself. Of course. That is why she is like this.
I get up from my desk, revealing that I had been there the entire time. Her eyes widen and she stands up, hanging up the phone. She goes to defend herself but I stop her. "Non sei molto bravo a nascondere il tuo odio nei miei confronti. O a mentire al riguardo." I tell her, walking away. (You're not very good at hiding your hatred of me. Or to lie about it.)
I walk towards the hallway that leads to the restrooms, but when I go to turn the corner, I quite literally bump into Ermes. "Oh," he gasps, "Aria. I'm sorry." He says.
"Doesn't matter. Go hang out with Flora, I know she's been missing you." I tell him, a smile threatening to break out on my face while he looks at me confused.
I walk down the hallway and head for the bathroom, only hoping for the day to go by faster.

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