Chapter 1: The Moon's Love to the Night

Start from the beginning

Rak: It could be worse.

Khun is irritated hearing that and yells at him.

Khun: What?!! Like what could possibly be worse than that?!

Everyone laughed again seeing them argue.

Baam looks at the child he's carrying and smiles at him whilst it's stretching its short arms and trying to reach out for something.

Baam: Hi there, Khun Winter. We love you!

Khun approached Baam and both of them looked at their children together in their arms beaming with delight and everyone around them cheered for their new babies.

Night after that Khun and Baam went to their room so they could put their newborns to sleep.

They both sat on their bed whilst cradling the sleeping babies in their arms and whispered to each other.

Baam: We actually made it, Khun.

Baam looked at Khun and smiled.

Khun: Yeah, I can't believe it. A new beginning in our life. We're parents now.

It seems like just yesterday when we couldn't communicate our emotions to one another. We were unaware that our connection could grow beyond friendship. Nevertheless, we overcame those obstacles and look at where we are now.

Baam: Yeah, I still remember it all vividly..

88th Floor, Residential Area

After the test that feels like forever to finish.

Khun: Finally! Whew The test is over. I'm worn out.

Khun entered their room at one of the residential area to rest.

Khun: We can now rest for a bit.

That was tough.

Rak: Yeah! I'm so hungry too.

Khun: You're always hungry.

Rak: What's wrong with being hungry?! I eat a lot to get stronger! Unlike you, turtle! You barely eat so you're weak!

That's why all you can do is sit and command others to do stuff for you!

Isn't that right?!

Khun becomes irritated by the loudmouthed crocodile and tries to push him out of the room, but Rak resists.

Khun: What did you say?!

You here to fight?!

I don't eat because I don't like to eat and I don't want to be fat like you, you glutton!

Rak: Lies! You are just weak and getting weaker! Admit it, blue turtle! If you want to be strong, we should eat!

Rak pushes Khun harder but Khun just push him back harder than him til he's knocked down on the floor and starts to pull him by his shirt to go out of the room.

Rak wriggles and squirms as Khun pulls him to try and get away from him.

Rak: Let go! What's wrong with eating anyway?! Black turtle eats too! So you should too!

Khun stopped pulling Rak to the door, realizing Baam wasn't there yet. It was already twilight.

Khun: Hey Gator.. Now that you mention it, have you seen Baam?

The Irregular's Children (Tower Of God, Khun X Bam Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now