Chapter One

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"He's like this buffed out tower of a man," Jungkook explains, waving his fingers above his head to indicate the height of his roommate. "He also happens to be incredibly stupid and he seems exceptionally happy about it."

Jimin sips at his frozen coffee, a half-amused expression adorning his features while humming out a "Mhmm."

"When Mingyu said he found someone to sublease his part of the rent he didn't mention it was a hyperactive idiot." Jungkook further explains with a simple roll of his eyes.

"Well, naturally," Jimin responded, attempting to scoop whipped cream off the top of his drink with his straw. It flops off the straw and onto the table. Jimin pokes out his lower lip to pout.

"He's only been living with Seokjin and I for what, a week?" Jungkook muses, mentally counting back through the days of torture he's had endured.

Jimin was bobbing his straw in the air as he thought, "He wasn't there when I visited last so, yeah. A week sounds about right."

"A week, and I already want to pull my hair out," Jungkook motioned toward the locks that had been pulled back into a half-bun. His hair had grown out, and styling it has not been a priority of his despite having a friend like Jimin who likes to poke fun at Jungkook's questionable fashion choices.

"It looks like you've already tried." Jimin snorts.

"Shut up. And God," he allowed his arm to fall heavily on the table, "Taehyung can't stand him. Every time Taehyung comes over, he literally resembles a cat who's caught in water–color drains from his face as he tries to fight the urge to break into a full sprint in the opposite direction."

Jimin chuckles while still battling the acquisition of whipped cream, "Poor kid. Dealing with you is bad enough as it is."

Jungkook, whose features twist into an offended pout, picks up Jimin's unused plastic spoon and lofts it at his head. Jimin squeaks at the gesture while trying to curl into himself to avoid it.

"That's an improper use of plastic ware!" He whines before opening one eye to peek over his drink at Jungkook. "What's his name?" He goes on to ask when Jungkook has no other object to lob at him.


"The new guy. Your roommate." He clarifies.

"Oh, Namjoon."

Jimin's lips pulled down. "Namjoon, huh? I expected a name that sounded more..." his hands twirled around in the air, "Stupid."

Jungkook narrows his eyes in spite of his amusement, "What? It's a pretty stupid name as is."

Jimin rolls his eyes. "It's ironic if anything, considering its meaning."

"That guy is like a walking paradox." Jungkook goes on to explain. "I mean, he has this very intimidating vibe about him, but the moment he opens his mouth, it's like conversing with a puppy."

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