"Did you find out what it was?"

The both of them shook their heads, "We were trying to figure that out. We're thinking it's a Waterrath or some kind of Demon. It's something that deals with water."

"Yeah, but it came up and killed him in the sink." I said, lingering on the thought, "It has to be water that comes from the same source, guys."

Sam's hazel eyes were on me, "The lake."

I nodded.

"Which explains why it's upping the body count." Sam says, "The lake is draining, it'll be gone in a few months. Whatever it is, it's running out of time."

"If it can get through the pipes, it can get to anyone almost anywhere." Dean states, standing up, "This is gonna happen again soon."

"And we do know one thing for sure, this does have something to do with Bill Carlton." Sam states.

I nodded, "Yeah, it took both of his kids within one day.

Sam nods, he looks to me, "Also, after you left the motel, Emma," He started to glance between Dean and I, "I asked Sheriff Forbes and some of the locals in Mystic Falls. Lucas is Bill Carlton's godson."

Dean's green eyes glanced between the both of us, "Then we should pay Mr. Carlton a visit in the morning."

I nodded, "Great, I can't wait to talk to him tomorrow." I said, sarcastically as I flopped back down on the bed. Dean shakes his head, "No, no, Em." I furrowed my brows, and sat back up, "You're going to school tomorrow."

I groaned in annoyance, "But Dean, I don't wanna go to school."

"That's too bad." He replies, standing up and walking to the bathroom.

My green eyes shifted to Sam, "Can you help me get out of this?"

Sam forced a smile onto his face, "Sorry, Em, I can't do that." He says, shaking his head.

I rolled my eyes, and flopped back down onto the bed.


The next day, Sam, Dean, and I arrived outside of the Carlton's house. He sat down on the deck, staring out at the lake.

The three of us were walking down the deck on the lake towards him. Sam was leading us, "Mr. Carlton?"

The older man looked over at us.

"We would like to ask you a few questions, if you don't mind."

"We are from the department-" Dean tried to say.

"I don't care who you're with." Mr. Carlton mumbles, his eyes shifted back to the lake, "I've answered enough questions for today."

My brothers and I stared at him for a moment, before Sam took a breath, "Your son said that he saw something out in the lake. What about you? Have you ever seen anything out there?"

Mr. Carlton didn't say anything.

I stepped up, "Mr. Carlton, Sophie's drowning and Will's death..we think there might be a connection to you or your family-" I said, putting my hands together in front of me.

"My children are gone." He snaps, cutting me off. I watched as tears began to fill his eyes, "It's worse than dying." He says, looking over at my brothers and me.

We didn't say anything. We just gave a very light nod in response.

Mr. Carlton looks back out to the lake, "Please..go away."

Sam nods, before looking back to Dean and I.

The three of us then turned and walked back to the Impala. Sam looks to Dean and I, "So, what do you think?"

[Book 1] Star-Crossed Enemies ~ SPN/TVD/TW/CharmedWhere stories live. Discover now