Chapter 2: The Newborn

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Meggy: Morning, everyone

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Meggy: Morning, everyone.

Everyone: Morning!

Meggy: We've got some breaking news to share.


Everyone: *CHEERING* WOO-HOO!!!

Meggy: Her Baby was born at 01:22 in the morning, on this very day!

Mario: It's confirmed that the new Baby's Birthday is today.

JubJub: Happy Birthday!

Melony: OMG, I'm so happy!


Meggy: However, it's not out of the woods yet.

Boopkins: How come?

Meggy: Because, the Baby was born prematurely... the Hospital has put the Baby into the NICU... which means that it's gonna be kept alive by a Machine.

Mario: Imagine if it was ran by AI.

Meggy: But, it will survive... I'm sure.

Saiko: *sigh* Poor SMG4 & Tari... they must be really nervous.

SMG3: Well, there is 95% chance of it surviving... so that's a good thing.

Mario: What's with the 5% missing?

SMG3: I don't even know... I think it's just something to do with Natural Causes! I'm not a Doctor, so I'm just guessing.


Luigi: Hey SMG4

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Luigi: Hey SMG4.

SMG4: Hey Luigi.

Luigi: How was your night?

SMG4: Well, I'm glad that night is over and it's morning time now.

Luigi: Aye.

SMG4: I also see you've got a Plaster Cast.

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