Chapter 2: Day Before Graduation

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"Talking" - normal
"Thoughts" - italics
'Jutsu' - italics ex) -> ' random jutsu'
"Kyuubi in head / inner Sakura" - italicized and bolded
"Kyuubi in control or Nine tails cloak" - only bolded
*vfx's? Noises? Actions? Idk what to call it* - italicized

[3rd pov]



"Omg he LOOKED AT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"No, you skank, he looked at ME!!!"


"Here we go again...." Y/n thought , as he heard the fan girls from the hallway outside of the classroom, "I'm so glad they love Sasuke more than me, hopefully they won't notice me, and I can get through the day without having to deal with them"

Y/n hated the fan girls and they only slight showed interest in him cause he was quiet, respectful and nice, they were also very annoying, and he wished they would be more interested,in being a ninja than paying attention to boys.

"Okay, I think I'm good, no one has noticed m-"

"Hello Y/n, I would like to talk to you after class about your grade on the last test"

Y/n's face immediately dropped and he wore a disappointed smile on his face, but still tried his best to look happy. "Okay, Iruka sensei (...why'd you have to call me out loud...)"

After some ruckus and Y/n attempting to be nice to the very small percentage of fan girls that talked to him, as most were still with sasuke. Iruka attempted to get his classes attention, "Okay guys let's all quiet down. Hello?? Is anyone paying attention?!? (Of course they don't listen to me)" and eventually he resorted to yelling, "OKAY, I NEED EVERYONES ATTENTION, ....NOW!!!"

" *whispers*Silence, finally... Okay, we're coming up on the end of the year guys, your all about to become fully fledged ninja. You've all done very well on your transformation jutsu test the other day, and all I can say is keep up the good work. Now I'll take attendance then we can go over the homework and then practice sparing and physical conditioning for the rest of the day"




"Naruto! Why did you do such a thing?!"

"Your really gonna get it this time!"

Three blurs raced through the village as two chunin were chasing Naruto through the village. Naruto had painted and vandalized the stone hokages faces, and now he was being chased and seemingly he was having fun.

"I don't care!" Naruto, trying to flee from his hunters, was jumping from rooftop to rooftop. "You know your problem? You can't do the things I do, y'know!" Naruto dipped into an alley before jumping back up to the roofs in an attempt to evade his chasers. "Only I can do this! I'm better than all of you! Believe it!"


"Lord Hokage!"

"There's a problem sir!"


"What is it? Did that Naruto do something again? (I swear that kid will be the death of me some day, he needs to be more like his brother) "

It was a peaceful day for the 3rd Hokage, a wise man who has experienced a lot for his age. He was spending his few unoccupied hours relaxing peacefully when he was interrupted.

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