Chapter 12

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Bella's POV:

I didn't miss the way he was looking at me. My wolf practically purring at the thought of him watching us walk away. Once inside my room I grabbed the short black skintight dress from the closet and headed to the shower to get cleaned up. I was covered in dirt, sweat and blood. My hair had little pieces of leaves in it.

He put up a good fight. Put her on her ass more than anyone ever had. He was strong, and extremely sexy. Sparring with him turned her on in ways she didn't know possible. Seeing him all sweaty and ready to fight.

I shook my head with a sigh, trying to clear my mind of the dirty thoughts that kept coming. I would give him something to look at. I thought to myself as I stripped and jumped into the shower.

Once done, I rubbed vanilla lotion over my body before sliding into my dress. After blow drying my hair, I decided to let it down. Putting on some light makeup, and giving myself a smokey eye, I grabbed my lip-gloss before heading over to the bed to put on my heels. I settled on a pair of black strappy heels, about 2 inches tall. He was a lot taller than me so this would give me a little more height. After checking myself in the mirror once again, I headed downstairs where he waited for me.

He was wearing a tight black t-shirt, his hair fixed back out of his face, and dark blue jeans. Seeing him made my heart flutter and my wolf purr. He was the most attractive man I had ever seen. His beard, short and thick was kept neat and clean cut. His scent taking over my senses and filling me with a need I didn't understand.

"You look beautiful." He said with wide eyes.

"You don't look so bad yourself." I said with a slight smile, giving him a wink as I took his hand, he had held out towards me.

He led me to the dining room which held a huge table that was long enough to seat 50 people. At the end there were two plates set up across from each other with a glass of red wine beside them. It was beautiful.

"Wow, you went all out. Feel bad for kicking my ass in the spar." I said with a laugh.

"You kicked my ass. But no, I figured you deserve something special and there is something we need to discuss, but first food." he said with a smile as he pulled my chair out for me before heading to his own chair.

The food came out shortly after, two plates each with a huge bloody steak, surrounded by broccoli and potatoes. My mouth instantly started watering at the sight. I let out a small moan as I cut a piece and put it in my mouth. The juices running down my throat.

I looked at him and saw his eyes turn black for a split second before returning to their natural emerald, green color.

"Sorry, guess I was hungrier than I originally thought." I said with a shy smile, my face turning red. 

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