Chapter 9

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Derek's POV:

I followed Marina into the next room. She was already pissed off, so I assumed Andrew had told her the news. Asshole, I wanted to wait and tell her myself.

"So, that's her?" she said, her arms folded across her chest, fire burning in her eyes.

"Yes, she is my mate." I said, reaching for her hand but she knocked my hand out of the way.

"What about me? What about us? You promised me Derek. We were supposed to come out to the pack when you returned and make it official."

"I know but things have changed Marina. I found my true mate; I cannot take you as my chosen anymore. She is the true Luna of our pack." I said, sighing in defeat. I didn't want to hurt her, but I couldn't lie to her.

"I am the Luna, not her! She knows nothing about our pack, nothing about our people. She's been living among humans for a year!" she yelled, throwing her hands in the air, the fire burning brighter in her eyes.

I expected her to be upset, maybe a little angry but I didn't expect this. She was more than angry; her wolf was on the edge of breaking free.

"You need to calm down Marina. I know you're upset but you need to calm down. You know what a true mate is, you know the bond is undeniable. It is the moon goddesses will." I yelled, using my alpha voice on her.

I watched as her body froze up, the command of an Alpha forcing her wolf to back down. She tried to fight it, but there was no use, an Alpha's command was strong, no one but another Alpha or Luna could fight it.

"How dare you use your Alpha command on me!" she yelled, tears rolling down her face.

"You left me no choice; you were on the edge of shifting. Your wolf was in more control than you were. It was the only way to calm you down."

"How could you do this to me? You know how I feel about you, about us. It wasn't supposed to be this way. We were supposed to be together." She said, sadness and anger lacing her voice.

"I know, but this is the way that it is now. I know what I promised you, but she is my mate, Marina. She is my destiny. I was meant for her and her for me. You know we only came to this arrangement because we never found our mates, but it's different now. I found her. You can be angry with me; I don't blame you but don't let it control you. You will find yours one day, this gives me hope that you will." I said cradling her face.

She was my best friend. Her and her brother. Hurting her was the last thing I ever wanted to do, if I had known that I would find my mate I never would've agreed to make her my chosen mate, but no one could've known that Bella would be the one. At the age of eighteen we would get our wolf, and most of the new shifters would find their mate by the age of twenty-one. I just turned twenty-four and so did Marina. We gave up hope of ever finding the other half of our souls. So, we turned to each other, it seemed like the best idea. We've known each other our entire life, it would have been an easy pairing. But that's over now, and we needed to move past it.

"It doesn't change the fact that it hurts Derek." She said before walking away.

I didn't chase after her, there was no point. She needed time, time to heal, time to forgive and I owed her that. I had more important things to worry about, Bella was here and with her here, we were all in danger. When the rogues find out that we have her, they would attack, and we needed to be prepared. I'll be damned if I let them lay so much as a finger on her. She was mine!

I headed upstairs, to check on her and see how she was adjusting. Praying my sister hadn't driven her away yet. 

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