Chapter 17

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Derek's POV:

"Alpha! There's trouble at the pack house." A guard said through the link.

Bella. I took off running as fast as I could. I should've checked on her first before going to the infirmary. I burst through the door to see my little Luna, with her teeth in Marina's neck, pinning her to the floor. She wasn't killing her, if she wanted her dead then she would've been dead. Instead, she was trying to get her to back down. From the looks of the house and the blood pouring from her thigh, there was a fight here.

When they noticed me, they both looked towards me. Bella with determination in her eyes and Marina with pleading eyes.

"Back down Marina or she will kill you."

Marina growled out, to which Bella's hold on her throat tightened. She looked at me with horror before barring her neck in defeat. Bella let go of her throat and they both shifted back. Marina's face was badly bruised, her nose broken, and bleeding. My mate had a chunk missing from her thigh but stood tall not showing that she was in any pain. Her lip was busted and bleeding, her thigh still pouring blood.

I shifted back to my human form.

"What the hell is going on here?" I yelled.

"Your chosen one attacked me. I didn't want to fight her, but she left me no choice. She cornered me."

"Is this true Marina? Did you attack your future Luna?" I asked in disbelief. She knew the rules, she knew what could happen to her.

"Yes. She took you from me."

"She didn't take me from you, I was never yours to take. She is my mate. You know the laws, Marina. You knew what would happen if you attacked her. I have no choice." I said with a sigh.

"No, please don't Derek. Please." Marina begged, tears rolling down her face.

"I am Alpha to you. You will not address me by my name, only Alpha." I growled out. I was beyond pissed, pissed that she would do this, pissed that she would make me do this.

"Derek..." Bella said calmly as she walked towards me slowly.

"There is no other choice. Marina, I Alpha Derek ban you from the pack. You are not to return, if you do you will be killed on sight. Do you understand?" I said letting my wolf take control, as making the command broke my heart.

"Please, don't do this." She begged and pleaded.

"Do you understand!" my wolf growled out.

She lowered her head, looking at the ground. I could feel the defeat and hurt through the link. She was broken and couldn't believe that I would make her leave. After all we had been through. But she had crossed the line and there was no coming back from it.

"Andrew, you need to come to the pack house." I said through the link. He would be upset with me but what's done is done.

When he arrived he saw the state his sister was in. She was still covered in blood and crying.

"What happened Alpha?" he said running to her and looking her over.

"She attacked your Luna."

His face dropped in disbelief and he backed away from her slowly.

"No... Marina, how could you? Why would you do this?" he asked her, she just shrugged, wiping the tears from her face.

"Because she will NEVER be luna! She isn't worthy!" she yelled and pointed towards Bella.

"Andrew. You better get her out of here, my wolf is on edge and already wants to rip her apart."

"Yes Alpha. Marina, you did this to yourself. I will walk you to the border." He said with a sigh.

I knew his heart was broken. She was his little sister and he loved her dearly, but he was the Beta, the enforcer of the pack laws. He knew there was no changing it. She had brought this on herself, and she would pay for it.

"Take your time at the border to say goodbye Andrew. I am sorry it came to this." I said before turning towards my mate.

"I am too." He replied before leading her out the door. 

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