Chapter 2

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It was the middle of fall, most of the leaves had fallen from the trees and covered the ground in beautiful colors. My favorite time of the year, besides winter which I only loved because my wolf was as white as snow and blended in so perfectly. I was the only white wolf that I knew of, no one in my pack was one color besides my father who was a large all black wolf. My mother was a gorgeous cream color, with black on her paws that looked like she was wearing little socks. The rest of the pack a mixture of light browns, and greys, some with different colored spots on them, all beautiful to me.

I remember the day the attack happened. I was in my room getting ready for our annual pack feast, a feast that was meant to celebrate us children turning 18 and finally getting our wolf, the first shift coming with the next full moon. It was a celebration we held once every so many months, once we had a group of us. I was about to head downstairs to meet with everyone, when my mom came running into the room, tears soaking her face and blood splattered across her torn dress. Her eyes filled with fear and sorrow.

"Mom, what's going on?! What happened?!" I asked in a panic, worried about whether the blood was hers or not.

"We don't have time. You need to get out of here." She said grabbing me and pulling me towards the book shelf built into my wall.

I watched as she stuck her fingers between the wall and the shelf, feeling around for something before I heard a click and the shelf popped out from the wall, showing a secret pathway behind it. I looked at my mother with eyes wide, I had this in my room ever since I could remember and never knew this was here.

"Mom." Was all I got out before she was pushing me into the opening. There was a bag with stuff in it on the ground beside me. She picked it up and shoved it into my hands.

"You must go. Run to Alpha James pack and never look back. No matter what you hear, no matter what you see. You run and you never look back. Do you understand me?" she rushed out, rubbing her hand across my cheek.

"I don't understand. What's going on mom?" I asked, trying to pull her with me.

"We are under attack. Your father... Your father is gone. I will hold them off as long as I can, but you need to run Bella, you need to run as fast as you can. I love you. I wish more than anything I could go with you, but I can't. Everything you need is in the bag." She said softly, before kissing my cheek.

I watched as the tears fell down her face. This can't be happening. My father can't be gone. I can't... this isn't real. I said to myself.

"Mom, please come with me. Please. We can go together." I begged, trying to pull her with me.

Her head jerked towards the door, the fear filling her eyes again before she turned back to me and shook her head.

"Their coming! You must go, now! I love you." She said before forcing me into the opening and closing the bookshelf behind me.

I heard her screams as they attacked her. Heard the thump as her body hit the ground. I couldn't move. I couldn't breathe. I just stood there, listening as they tore her apart and laughed about it.

"Where's the girl?" I heard a rough manly voice growl out.

That snapped me back to reality and I ran. I ran down the cement stairs, into a long long under ground tunnel that seemed to never end. I couldn't see my hand in front of my face, it was so dark, but I couldn't stop. I had to keep running. When I came to the end of the tunnel, it opened up to a storm drain. I crawled out, pulling the bag out behind me. If I went right, it would lead me to Alpha James pack, but if I went straight, it would take me further. So, I ran straight, and I didn't stop until I got here.

I pulled myself out of the memory and focused back on my feet as I walked down the sidewalk. There was no use thinking back on it. Realizing now that there was nothing, I could have done differently that would've saved my mother, my father or our pack. If I didn't run, I would be dead too and my parents' deaths would've been for nothing.

When I reached the bookstore, I cleaned my feet off on the mat before heading in. Max was working today, and it was always nice to see him.

"Hey there beautiful!" he said, giving me that charming smile.

"Hey Max! How's it going today?" I said, returning the smile and heading behind the desk to the box full of new books he just got in today. The perks of being friends with Max is I always got first pick on the new books.

"it's been good, really slow but I'm not complaining. What are you doing on this cold day?"

"Eh, the usual. Come to check out the new orders. Get anything good in?" I asked while sifting through the pile.

"Depends on what you're in the mood for today." He said with a shrug.

"Wolf romance? That's what you ordered?" I said with a eye roll.

"Hey, it's big right now. Everyone wants some, so I made sure to order whatever I could find. They sell really fast."

"Well, there's nothing here I want today. That's fine, I can always come back Friday when you get more in." I said with a shrug, flopping down in the chair beside him.

"Ugh, maybe not. Same things coming in that order too." He said with a shy smile.

"Well, when you order some good ones, you let me know." I said with a laugh.

We sat there for awhile chatting about random stuff. Stopping every now and then when someone would come in to buy a book. Before long, it was time to head out. The store was starting to get busy, and I wasn't a big people person.

"I'll see you later! It's getting too crowded in here for my liking." I said before waving bye and stepping out the door.

I stopped in my tracks, that scent. I recognized that scent. Lifting my nose to the sky, I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply. My eyes popping open in horror, before I took off running, running as fast as I could back home. That was the scent of death, of danger. It was the scent of another shifter, and I needed to get away before they caught mine and followed me. I ran as fast as I could, letting my wolf come forward just enough so I could sense around me, know if whoever it was, was following me. I didn't stop running until I was safely inside my house, the doors and windows locked behind me.

I listened for any sounds of movement, but there was nothing. Whoever was in town hadn't followed me home. Maybe they didn't pick up on me, maybe I was quick enough. I kept saying to myself, as I stood in my living room, listening and waiting, hoping that I was fast enough. 

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