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Hari froze in her steps... did he really think they were that close? As much as she hated to admit it, those words sent shivers up her spine. "I..." What did Hari say to that? "Good. Cool." She kept walking at a mild pace, yet she was breaking a sweat. Jungkook continued in step with her. She didn't want to think about the unwanted, yet undeniable, connection she felt to him.

Hari prayed he didn't try to explain himself. She wanted to believe what she was thinking; if he explained himself, there was a chance she'd have to think something else. Hari cleared her throat, "So, what drink are you getting...?"

Jungkook smirked-Hari had to look away. "Sake," he said. "You should get some. They have a strawberry one and it's the best."

Hari gave a nod and when they got their drinks they went back over to the group. Not much practice was getting done; at this point, Felix and Wonyoung were just joking around. Hari and Jungkook both knew they should be practicing, but she supposed it was the first few sips of sake that convinced them both to put their rivalry aside for the moment. And what was supposed to be a small break turned into hours of goofing off. They went back for more alcohol as they dared Jungkook to chug, which he did successfully, but it hit him hard. When they realized the time, Felix and Hari agreed to get to work, while Wonyoung and Jungkook said they were going to take a quick nap in hopes of waking up more sober.

It was just Hari and Felix, alone in the practice room. "Let's practice the lift," Felix said.

"We need Jungkook for that. You can't lift me by yourself."

"You think so?" asked Felix, smirking. "Wanna bet?"

"I'd bet that you can't do it without dropping me," Hari giggled, Felix rushing towards her. He launched her up in the air, doing his part of the lift, before quickly tumbling to the ground, both of them giggling hysterically. Hari collapsed on top of him and they rolled over, lying down facing each other, faces inches apart.

"So," Hari said, voice quiet. "I won the bet. What do I get?"

Felix smiled gently. "This."

For a few moments they just stared at each other, before Felix leaned in and kissed her softly. She kissed him back, his hands placed on her waist. Hari felt at peace, maybe because of the sake they'd had or maybe because this - the two of them - could actually work. Whatever the reason, she wanted more, and she slid her tongue into his mouth, to which he responded with the same action. Their kisses grew more and more passionate over what felt like hours, Hari straddled on top of Felix. She dug her fingers into his hair, her hands slipping lower onto his neck. Felix pulled back from the kiss, removing his shirt. He tried to look her in the eyes; but the eye contact was not reciprocated. She looked at his abs before she looked into his eyes. His eyes were filled with sin, but luckily, so were hers. Felix looped his fingers at the end of her shirt and looked at her for permission. She helped him remove her shirt, revealing her bra.

He traced her body before connecting their lips, slowly kissing down her body. Hari responded with soft moans as he reached her more sensitive spots; Felix taking notes of the responses and focusing on those areas. He followed his way up back to her lips, connecting them, his tongue slipping in; propping himself up on top of her. He edged his fingers to the edge of her skirt, as he wrapped his fingers around they were stalled to an abrupt stop.

"Wonyoung wanted me to gather you guys..."

The one voice she didn't want to hear-Jungkook. Hari pushed Felix off of her, sitting up and closing her eyes; hoping it was a dream.

"So, you did have a thing for Felix." Jungkook smirked, receiving a dirty look from Hari.

"Get out." Hari, being flustered, got up and closed the door. Felix handed her shirt to her. "Hari, are you okay?" He asked, grazing her hand and squeezing it, for reassurance, or comfort.

"... yeah, I'm fine. Let's go meet Wony." Hari pulled on her shirt and rejoined her hand with his. They walked out of the practice room and headed over towards the room Wonyoung and Jungkook were headed to.

Wonyoung cleared her throat. "I got our outfits." she pointed over to the side of the room. They had light pink camo pants, the girls having white shirts and the boys with black. Wonyoung ordered them to put them on and practise their positions. They recorded a couple take with their costumes and props on Wonyoung's phone, now mostly recovered from their drunken haze; before finally calling it quits. "Practice 9:00 tomorrow?" Hari asked, and the other idols nodded their agreement.

Jungkook and Felix headed toward the boys' dorms, while Wonyoung and Hari headed to the girls' dorm. Jeongin walked by them, looking at Wonyoung and stopping in his tracks.

"Can I help you with something?" Wonyoung asked, Jeongin taken aback, not noticing how intense his gaze was. "Uh... sorry, I was just wondering if you knew where Felix went, I thought he was in your group."

"He's heading back to his dorm," Wonyoung replied, not at all charmed by Jeongin's dazzling looks.

"Thank you... you look nice, by the way."

Wonyoung responded with an awkward smile and faced over towards Hari, covering her mouth. "Wony, he so likes you," Hari giggled out

"Well, I don't," Wonyoung scoffed and sat down on a chair, Hari joining her. "I mean, I appreciate and acknowledge his gesture, he's just not my type."

"What is your type?"

"Not men."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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