Chapter Thirty-Five: Deterioration of the Fight or Flight Response

Start from the beginning

Eddie's Voice Over: We need a beating heart.


Outside the hospital Bailey was trying to apply pressure onto Eddie's leg, which didn't seem bad, but was bleeding a lot, if Bailey had to guess, she lost a good amount of blood, but nothing to bad, as they waited for help to arrive. Eddie seemed to be running on adrenaline, while Burke seemed to be out of it, remaining motionless.

"Eddie, were you hit anywhere else?" Bailey asked.

"No...just my leg." Eddie said, as she focused on Burke, glad to see that he seemed to be breathing with the ragged rise and fall of his chest. "Is the other man okay?"

"No, he died." Bailey said sadly. While the man had been insufferable he shouldn't have died that way.

Eddie nodded, as she saw the medical teams Bailey had called for running outside. A few went to check on the shooter, whom hadn't moved since he shot himself, a small team went to Brad, the man who was the target of his anger, and the biggest group ran towards Bailey, Eddie ,and Burke.


Addison Voice Over: When our heart is threatened ...


Alex Voice Over: we respond in one of two ways:


"How is Burke?" Bailey asked.

"He is breathing, but he seems dazed, he hasn't spoken in a while." Eddie said worriedly.

Burke just groaned.

"Burke, can you hear me?" Eddie asked, trying to get the man's attention, but he seemed dazed, or like he couldn't hear her.


Conrad's Voice Over: We either run ...


Derek Voice Over: or ...


Rory's Voice Over: we attack.


A nurse took over Eddie's position of applying pressure on Burke, as she was gently moved onto a gurney so they could bring her inside the hospital. 

"Oh my god! Eddie!" Callie cried seeing the young intern she had grown to care for laying on the stretcher.

"Callie." Eddie said as Callie jumped into doctor mode and started looking at her leg, which was stained with her blood and started to order around the others to get pressure on her leg, as Bailey worked on Burke.

"What in the hell happened?" Callie asked her as she applied pressure.

"The shooter....he came....shot that man, and he shot Burke. I went to check on him when I was shot." Eddie said with a sigh. "Then...I thought...I thought he was going to shoot me again, but he shot himself." 

Callie sighed.

"Hey, you're going to be okay, alright Eddie." Callie promised. "You're going to be okay."

She grimaced in pain when her leg was jostled. All of a sudden, Burke all starts moving appearing shocked and startled.


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