As he walked away and wiping tears from his face. He realise that now that he got a core again he can wield suibian again. Making him wonder if it will still answer to him even though he got a different core now. Well it's definitely something to explore.

"Better make my way back and end this soon so I can come back to my family. I wonder how Lan Zhan is doing?. Will find out soon I guess. Lan Zhan. Lan Zhan. I hope you won't mind if I get justice for you after this is all over."

He talked with himself and chuckles softly. The war is still in the early stages but with their knowledge from the past he does not think that it would dragged on for so long again.

Lan Xichen walked into his brothers tent after their meeting ended. Lan Zhan looked up and laid his hands on the strings of his quqin and stilled it. He stood up.

"Brother what are doing here?".

He asked as he made his way over to the low table and waved his brother to sit before he poured them both a cup of tea. Lan Xichen lowered himself and took the offered cup of tea. He watched his brother over the rim of tea cup. What he was looking for he don't know. When they were done they both put their cups down.

Lan Zhan did not make a move to asked again.

"Wangji I don't know if you have heard but young master Wei was here."

He said as he watches his brother but he was disappointed when Wangji only looked at him blankly.

"Wangji are you fine?".

He asked with concern.

"I am fine brother. Thank you for telling me because I did not know."

Wangji answered him. Lan Xichen is a bit confused by his brothers uninterested mannerisms.

"Wangji I am sorry. You know I would've done anything to prevent you from being hit but my hands were tied."

He said as Lan Zhan looked at him with cold eyes and under the table he balled his hands into tight fists.

"Sect Leader Lan there is no need to apologize nor did I wanted you to protect me. I did what did because I wanted to because it was the right thing to do. So please excuse me if I do not jump up and run to go find Wei Ying because that's what you was thinking. I got my own life now and I have my own path to follow just like Wei Ying. Please leave."

Lan Zhan said with a cold and emotionless face and a cold voice and Lan Xichen gasps softly as pain and shock flashed across his face. He stood up and said.

"Wangji you know me and uncle had no choice. The elders. They...."

He spoke softly.

"The elders lived but I almost died for standing up for what's right. I asked you to leave. Now leave and do not bother me again unless it is war related sect leader Lan."

Lan Xichen turned on his heels and left. Lan Zhan uncurled his fists and took deep breaths calming the raging storm inside him. When he felt himself calming down he looked of into the distance.

"Wei Ying."

He spoke with a broken voice.

Jiang Wayin was beyond pissed at the Yiling Loashi. His whole body was vibrating with anger and zidian's purple lighting were sparkling on his wrist. Jiang Yanli were watching him from where she was sitting at the low table. She brought food for them to eat but her brother is so angry that not even she could calm him down.

"Do know what he said a-jie?. What he did?".

He asked his sister with a thunderous face.

"A-Cheng what did A-Xian say. Sit down and tell me."

Your acting just like mother now goes unsaid as she waved her hand for him to sit down which he did begrudgingly.

"He defected a-jie. He defected and he threatened all of us. After everything we did for him after he got you killed. Got Jin Zixuan killed. He still have the audacity to threatened us. He knew the Wen killed our parents. Burned downed our sect and he still chose them over us and he is doing it again. Instead of groveling before us for forgiveness he threatened us instead."

He ended his tirade and Yanli looked at him wide-eyed before she spoke.

"A-Cheng are you sure. A-Xian would never do that. Not to us. We made a promise to always be together. To always protect each other. A-Xian will never go back on his word A-Cheng."

She spoke softly and Jiang Wayin shook his head.

"A-jie you did not see him. His eyes were red. Red and he called himself the Yiling Loashi. I don't know why father didn't leave him on the streets. Why he had to bring him into our sect. Look where he is now because of that street rat and he took mother with him. It's all that Wei Wuxian's fault. Everything that went wrong it's all his fault. A-jie as your sect leader I forbid you to ever speak to him. Do you understand?".

He said with venom in his voice and Yanli could not believe what she just heard.

"A-Cheng you can't be serious. A-Xian is our brother and I love him just as much as I love you. Why do you hate him so much A-Cheng?".

She spoke as she reached out to her brother but he pulled his arm away from her touched. Yanli pulled her hand back as tears forms in her eyes as she looked down at her hands.

"I am dead serious Jiang Yanli and you better obey your sect leaders order. Because of him I lost everything. Mother was right. He did bring destruction and death to our sect. If he didn't played the hero than they would still be alive. If he didn't protect that stone face and that peacock. Our sect might still be standing and mother and father did not have to die. He is the cause of everything. "

Yanli couldn't listen to her brother anymore and stood up and walked out of the tent. What had happened to the two boys she raised. How did it come to this. A-Xian wasn't the cause of her death. She gave her life willingly to save him but it seems that he still died in the end. She will never regret what she did and she will do it again if she have to. She slowly made her way across the campsite to where the women are being housed.

The Yiling Loashi could not help but to wonder and question what he saw in the orb. He needs to get to Lan Zhan. He needs to know why he did it. He now starts to wonder if there is something that he is missing. Something very important. Something he is suppose to know but can't remember. The futher he moved away from the village the more he convinced himself to just go back and asked Lan Zhan. See for himself that he is fine.

But he never got the chance though because as soon he found himself battling with Wen soldiers. Chenqing once again was heard on the battlefield. It's eery tune and the devastation that goes with it echoes through the night. As he fought he could feel his body and mind fall into tune with the death and blood that was being spilled. Soon the allied camps were informed that the Yiling Loashi had finally joined the war. Relieved and joy spread through the camps at the news.

Lan Zhan however was not happy. He wished that Wei Ying never did. That he had stayed far away. Took the Wen and went far away from this corrupt world. He would've been happy if Wei Ying had done that. Lan Zhan will always love him. Always care about him. All of him. Wei Ying. Wei Wuxian. The Yiling Loashi. Lan Zhan love them all. Will they be fighting side by side again. Watching each other's backs. If they don't he will always cherish the memories of a life long lost.

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