"I can't, my arms fucked up." Dream happily hummed.
"I guess you'll have to come with me~" he walked into the bathroom.

George scrunched his nose as his eye lightly twitched... he really depended on him.
"You little ass.." he followed after Dream.


Dream laid in the tub, only wearing his boxers.
"It's fucking cold." He huffed.

"Hush, you are covered in walked blood." George carefully wiped dreams arm with a towel, cleaning off the dry blood.
"This is what happens when you go against what I say."

"Yeahhh.. but you lied so it's okay." Dream leaned back.. relaxing into the water.
"It cancels out perfectly." He grinned.
"So you don't get to scold me."

"You.." George scoffed, sitting next to the tub.

Dream smiled happy.. shrugging softly.

George cupped dreams cheeks.
"Stop doing reckless things." He huffed in annoyance but happily smiled.. cleaning dreams face.

"I came to help you." Dream muffled, his smile growing.
"I don't want you hurt." He hummed.

George softly sighed, soon smiling.
"I know... but Promise you won't be reckless again." He rested his hands on dreams shoulders.
"And try and be careful.."

"I promise." Dream nodded his head.
"Only if you promise to tell me where you go" he ruffled George's hair, using his good arm of course.

George let out a small chuckle, nodding his head.
"I promise." He smiled happily.
"But only if you tell me more about your life, I want to learn more about you dream."

"There's not much to know, only the details before the outbreak." Dream lightly shrugged, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Before everything went down." He quietly mumbled.
"I'm not an overall interesting person."

"Tell me about how you met Sapnap." George carefully used the wet camp cloth to clean the marks off Dream.
"I'm curious how you two became friends"

"Well.. it's not much of a story- we both just ran into each other." Dream chuckled, leaning back in the bath.
"Literally.." he shook his head.

"And why didn't the lovely blonde fall in love with that one." George was curious.. he didn't know if Dream was the type to fall in love with anyone he met.
"Since you love guys so much."

"Meh, he wasn't a pretty doctor with a nice heat~" Dream happily smiled, looking at George with a happy look.
"Plus.. he's more of a friend then anything." He rubbed his shoulder.
"And once things go back to normal! Then I can show you where we met!"

George's gaze softened.
"You.. know things aren't returning back to normal..? Right..?" He softly spoke.
"This is how life is now."

Dreams gaze softened, lightly shrugging.
"There's always hope...?" He mumbled.
"The military is helping."

"The military is barely holding on as it is.." George shook his head.. he knew there was no hope.
"You didn't see what I saw in the city... you fled quite fast."

"I saw what happened a bit in the city and towns.." Dream remembered a bit of the chaos before leaving.
"But then I returned and saw a shit ton of those walkers.."

"You are lucky then... the sight of everyone ripping each other apart isn't a pretty sight." George nudged his head, holding up a towel.
"Come on, let's get you into bed." He smiled happily.

"What.. happened in the city?" Dream knew what happened in the hospitals.. but the rest- he assumed they all ran.
"I imagine it wasn't good.." he stood up.

.: A needle in a wasteland:. Zombie apocalypse Dnf Au .:.Where stories live. Discover now