now or never - sunset curve (julie and the phantoms cast)

Start from the beginning

it only took ten minutes to get to the molina household with gracie running, but after she texted the girl that she was on her way and received no response, she was beginning to panic. she hopped up the pathway to the front door and knocked, rocking back and forth on her feet.

mr. molina opened the door in confusion, his face twisting even more at the sight of the girl he faintly remembered from julie's middle school years.

"hi, um, is julie here?" he nodded slowly. she must've looked crazy to him, showing up late at night in her slippers, glasses, and cut up off-the-shoulder queen shirt. not to mention the pajama pants jj had convinced her to buy for them to match... trolls themed.

"she's in the garage." she nodded, thanking him.

she was trying to control her breathing which had become panting after running and panicking from the texts she got, but now she was beginning to feel idiotic. why had mr. molina reacted like there was no issue?

"julie?" she called, pushing open the garage door. her furrowed brows jumped up before they knit together once again at the sight of three boys standing around her. julie's eyes widened and she threw her hands up into jazz position.

"gracie! wow, you showed up! man, i wasn't expecting that! maybe you should go, though. you really need to stop doing everything everyone says for them." gracie stared, her keys subconsciously held in a protective manner. she felt like she was getting whiplash. first julie texted her like it was life or death, then acts surprised she showed up, then kicks her out, and then tries to give her advice?

"who's she?" a boy in a long denim jacket asked, pointing at gracie. he had brown hair that was fluffed up around the edges and a very expressive face - she could already tell.

"gracie. don't you listen?" another boy remarked. he was around the same height as the first with paler skin and darker hair. he was wearing a leather jacket.

"i think he meant 'why is she here?'" the blond boy explained. he was taller, wearing a pink hoodie.

"what the fuck?" she asked, surprising all of them - especially julie since she'd never heard her swear before.

"honestly, i just think i took one too many-"

"who are they? are they hurting you? do you want them here?" a short silence followed her words where she held her keys up protectively near the first boy. the cutest, in her opinion.

no, stop. he's a random boy possibly trying to hurt julie. he's ugly, actually.

the boys looked between each other, even more surprised than julie who just looked tired.

"yo, hold on-" he tried, but gracie held her keys up with shaky hands.

"you can see us?"

"oh my god, are these homeless guys who followed you? this happened to my moms friend before - only that time they weren't drugged." gracie explained to julie, looking around the boys.

"neither of them get it." the blond threw his hands up, pacing.

the boy closest to gracie had an amused face placed upon him, catching her eye. she kept her gaze hardened, suddenly regretting not bringing her pocketknife. she stretched her keys out more, but he only grinned like she was telling a joke. then he did something she wouldn't have imagined - he stepped into her hand, the keys going through him.

she screamed, flinging her only weapon and jumping back to hold her cold hand.

"sorry!" he tried, taking a step forward with a guilty expression only for her to cover her face and shake her head.

electric touch // luke pattersonWhere stories live. Discover now