CH. 19 - I'm sorry

Start from the beginning

'Because she's dead.'

"23.20 –" She suddenly stopped in her words.

'And I will never forgive myself for what I have done.'

Damian sighed. "Just take this 50, and... keep the change." He said, and put down the 50 dalc on the counter.

The cashier slowly took the money and scanned his looks. "...Sir Damian Desmond, is.... is that you!?"

She hadn't expected the great Damian Desmond to look like a total bunch of baloney with messed up weird-looking hair. His hair looked like a wreck and he was wearing normal clothes; which was odd for a very rich and well-known person to do.

Damian became annoyed with all the looks and attention and wanted to get out of there immediately before this got on the press. 

"Please hand me my groceries now." Damian demanded.

The cashier hesitantly reached out to his grocery bag but took the chance to ask him something instead. "Would you perhaps, um, like to...go on..." She fiddled with her hands nervously. 

"An...outing...? ...With me? Later...?" 


'Is she insane...?' Damian judged her with a face full of disgust.

The cashier immediately noticed his expression and started to play tricks on his mind to make him agree. "I mean, it's fine if you don't want to... it's okay. I'm, *sniff* not, *sniff* that... affected..." She sniffled. 

"Is that Damian Desmond?"

"No way, is he gonna reject a girl?"

"This will totally go popular once I tell this to the news pressss..."

The cashier kept sniffling, secretly sneaking in glances every second or so to see his reaction.

Damian put a hand on his forehead, and sighed.  Couldn't he get enough attention? "Uh, I'm sorry. But I don't-"


"YOU DISAPPOINTMENT!" Melinda slapped Damian ruthlessly. "Your father already got jailed. Now you're also gonna disappoint the name of the Desmonds!?" 


Damian stumbled over, the slap was so hard that he fell to the ground. His hand hesitated over to his cheek, the impact of the slap burned his skin.


"ARE YOU GONNA KEEP IGNORING ME!?" Melinda slapped him again, becoming harsher each time. 






"Uhh, Sir Damian Desmond...?" The cashier poked his shoulder.

"...What?" Damian looked around, shaken by the horrible thought he just encountered. His mother could never be so cruel.

"I asked you if you would like to go on an outing with me?" She repeated, staring at him with direct eye contact which made Damian feel pressure.



The passersby waited in anticipation, holding out a very obvious camera. 

"...Later." He reluctantly said.

The cashier squealed loudly, jumping up and down. Damian looked at her judgingly; he wanted to slap her so badly and just take his groceries away and leave.

And It All Started With A Punch - DAMIANYA Where stories live. Discover now