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Today is graduation day, and I'm finally going to see Kai after a few weeks apart. He didn't want me to visit him in the hospital or witness his struggles, so I respected his wishes and stayed away. But I miss him terribly. I can't help but worry that the only reason he's attending graduation tonight is because his brother and friends are graduating too.
I fear that he may never want to see me again because of what Professor Hamilton did to him, and I can't blame him for feeling that way. The professor caused a lot of damage in a short amount of time, and I'm not sure how any of us will be able to move past what happened.
It took some time, but I can finally sleep through the night without being haunted by nightmares of the professor coming after me. I remind myself daily that he can no longer hurt me.
I continue to see my therapist twice a week, and it has been incredibly helpful. Opening up and discussing what happened to me has allowed me to move forward and start anew. I just hope that future includes Kai.
I suppose I'll find out soon enough, as everyone is gathering at the house to head to the school and prepare for our final walk at high school. After that, we'll embark on more significant endeavors in our lives. Or so they say.
"Stella, are you ready to go? We're heading to the diner for a meal before we head to the high school," Stella's mother called out.
"Yes, mom, I'm coming," Stella replied, smiling at her. "Hey, mom, is Kai here?" she asked as her mother walked towards the door. Her mother shook her head sadly.
"No, sweetheart. He's not here," she said.
"Okay, thanks. I'll be down in a minute, alright?"
"Alright, sweetheart."
In this situation, actions speak louder than words. I need to pick myself up and move on. I shake off the sadness and make my way downstairs to join my family and friends.
"Oh, Stella, you look beautiful," her dad complimented.
"Thank you, daddy."
"Would you girls do an old man a favor and stand in front of the fireplace so I can take a few pictures of the three of you, then the twins, and of course, you and your friends?" her dad requested.
So, we followed our dad's request and stood in front of the fireplace. The first few pictures were of me, Dakoda, and Mac, then the next ones were of me and Dakoda, and finally, her and her boys. I struggled to hold back my tears when everyone finished, knowing that Kai wasn't here. But just as we were about to leave, I heard his voice.
"Do you not have any pictures with your favorite person?" he asks me, and I turn around to find him standing in the hallway leading to the kitchen. "How did you manage to get in there without me noticing?" I inquire.
"I've been here all along, my beautiful," he replies.
"Why were you hiding from me, Kai?"
"Not exactly hiding. I just wanted to surprise you and the rest of the group by demonstrating what I am capable of now."
"And that's when I realized. Kai is standing on his own."
"Oh, Kai, does this mean you can walk on your own?" I ask him.
"Not completely, but with this," he says, raising a cane, "I can walk independently."
"Oh, Kai," I exclaim, rushing over to where he stands and embracing him tightly. "I'm so... so incredibly sorry," I whisper.
"Stella, stop apologizing for something that was beyond your control, baby. It's not your fault." Now give me a damn kiss because I miss you like crazy, girl."
"God, Kai, I miss you too."
We make our way to the diner, and to my surprise, Kai is behind the wheel, driving on his own. It dawns on me that since the gunshot wound affected his left side, he is now able to use his right freely. It's fascinating how the human body adapts like that.
"I've missed you," I confess to Kai, feeling a vulnerability I've never allowed myself to show before. The time apart has made me realize just how deeply I love him.
"Um... I've missed you too, baby. I'm sorry for my behavior these past few weeks," Kai responds, remorse evident in his voice.
"I understand more than you think, Kai. I've been battling my own demons, feeling like a party of one. Self-loathing has become my constant companion. But I was afraid that this time apart would be the breaking point for you. That you would finally see the extent of my brokenness," I admit, my voice filled with apprehension.
"Baby, nothing anyone says or does to us will ever diminish my love for you. I will cherish every single broken piece of you for as long as you allow me to... do you understand?" Kai reassures me, his words filled with unwavering love.
A smile forms on my lips, tears welling up in my eyes. "Yes, I understand," I reply, leaning over the console to plant the most heartfelt kiss on Kai's cheek.
Kai nibbles on his lower lip, emitting a low groan. "Damn, babe, I'm dying to take you home and strip that dress off you."
"Um, Kai, I think we still have to wait a bit longer for that," I interject.
"Forget about that nonsense!" he exclaims, his frustration evident on his face. I can't help but chuckle at his reaction.
"Kai, you're injured. It'll be some time before you can engage in anything like that," I explain, and his expression turns as if I just broke the news of his beloved cat's demise.
"We'll see about that," he mutters defiantly.
After finishing our meal at the diner, we headed towards the school. The graduating students were directed to the cafeteria, while our families made their way to the football field. Inside the cafeteria, we had to go through another round of rehearsal, practicing the walk to receive our diplomas. Once everyone had their diplomas, we were instructed to stand up, tilt our tinsel-adorned caps to the side, and toss them into the air.
"Alright, ladies and gentlemen, let's head out to the field and take our assigned seats. We'll begin with the valedictorian's speech, followed by the scholarship recipients. All other students will go next. Remember to stand and throw your caps when the last student returns to their seat," announced the principal.
"It's time for the field," the principal added.
We made our way to our designated seats and sat down. Fortunately, Dakoda was seated right beside me, although the boys were scattered around, which was tough for them. They couldn't stand being away from Dakoda for too long, so this arrangement was bound to drive them crazy.
"Hello, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to our 2022 senior year graduation ceremony. We will begin by calling the valedictorian and the five scholarship winners. The valedictorian will deliver their speech, followed by the rest of the students. Alright, let's get started," the principal announced.
"Our very own Elizabeth Anthony is this year's Valedictorian."
"Now, I will invite the five scholarship students to come forward."
"First, we have Korey Kahi."
"Next, we have the twins, Stella and Dakoda Savage."
"What on earth?" Dakoda whispers. "I couldn't agree more," I whisper back as we make our way up the aisle. We were completely unaware of this, but it definitely takes some pressure off our parents.
"Fourth in line is Gage Kahale. And fifth is Kasey James."
Our families cheer and congratulate us as we walk towards the makeshift stage. "To be honest, I have no idea how we managed to get these scholarships."
"Alright, Elizabeth, the floor is yours," Principal Daniels announces to our Valedictorian.
"Good afternoon, fellow students and parents." I want to begin by expressing how honored I am to be standing here today as your valedictorian. I had prepared a speech, but honestly, I'm not feeling it today, so I'm going to speak from the heart.
"When we first started school at the age of five, they asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up." I said I wanted to be a princess, and I remember the boy next to me saying he wanted to be a superhero. They asked us again when we entered 6th grade. I said I wanted to be a ballerina, while some kids said astronaut, rockstar, and one even said suffer. He's really excelling at that! "And once again, they asked us what we wanted to be at the beginning of our senior year. I answered with 'I want to be a teacher,' but deep down, I wanted to say 'who the heck knows.'
" We will spend the next four years in college, living our best lives, and yet we will spend our final year still wondering what on earth we want to be. Some of us will have that epiphany the moment we step into our first college class, but for most of us, it will only become clear when we are almost there, just within reach. "So, to my fellow students, here's what I say... go out into that world and conquer it!"
"Gage was amazed by her speech," he says.
"So, who was the one claiming to be a surfer in sixth grade?" I inquire.
"That would be me," Korey admits, raising his hand, and we all share a laugh.
"Did you guys know we were going to receive scholarships?" I ask the guys and Dakoda. We haven't been at this school for long, and I feel like I've missed so much. I'm even surprised I graduated with you all this year. "So, how did you guys manage it?" I ask, looking at Korey, the one who always gets things done around here.
"I have no idea what you're talking about, Stella. Contrary to your beliefs, I don't have that kind of influence."
I give him a skeptical look, then make my way over to where Kai and my parents are waiting. "So, care bear, have you told Kai which college you're going to yet, or are you going to keep him guessing a little longer?" Dad whispers in my ear as I hug him, and I just smile back at him.
"You've been influenced by your sister," Dad smiles.
"This is the moment, kiddo. You've done it. You've endured all the nonsense that came your way in the past year and you've conquered it," mom says, her eyes welling up with tears.
"Please don't cry, mom," I whisper, knowing that if she starts crying, I'll start too, and I don't want to break down in front of our friends and classmates.
"You're absolutely right, darling. So, what are you guys planning to do? Is there a party you're heading to?" mom asks.
I glance at my sister, unsure of our plans.
"Well, actually, mom, we're going to the beach to have a bonfire. Why don't you and dad join us?" Dakoda suggests.
"No, I think your dad and I will call it an early night," mom says, giving dad a suggestive look. Oh my god, she wants to be intimate with dad. "You go ahead, mom."
"Alright then, we'll head out now," mom says.
"Aww, she embarrassed herself."
We arrive at the beach and find a group of kids. I spot Mac and Charlie together at the bonfire. Finally! They've been dancing around each other for months, but now they've taken the plunge. I walk over to where they're standing, give Mac a hug, and greet Charlie.
"Congratulations on your scholarship, babe," Mac says, planting a gentle kiss on my cheek.
"Thanks, but I still can't believe it happened," I replied, puzzled.
Mac shrugs and smiles at me.
"Mac, do you have something up your sleeve?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.
"No, ma'am!" she insists.
"Mmm hmmm... I'll let it slide for now. I'm heading over to where my incredibly attractive boyfriend is and maybe do some dancing," I say playfully.
"You go, girl. I'm thrilled to see Stella back in action," Mac says, beaming at me.
"We'll see," I tease, wiggling my fingers at her as I make my way towards Kai.
With a smile, I gaze up at Kai, feeling incredibly fortunate to have him in my life. After everything I've been through, he stuck by my side. He even endured being kidnapped and shot because of me. Now, he's hoping we'll attend the same college and build a future together. How many young men are ready to settle down in college, let alone with someone as damaged as me?
"Hey there, beautiful," Kai greets me, meeting me halfway and enveloping me in his arms.
I embrace him tightly, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Kai Matthew Kahale, I love you."
"Baby, I love you too... Stell, is something bothering you?"
"No, I've just come to realize how fortunate I am right now. Also, I wanted to let you know that I'll be moving in with you after the summer. We'll be college roommates."
"College roommates, huh? Is that all you want from me, just jokes?"
"Mmm, no, I want so much more from you." I whisper in his ear, relishing the sight of desire in his eyes.
"Stella baby, if you keep talking like that, we won't be able to stay here for long."
"Don't you dare Kai me. It's not my fault that you've got me all aroused with your body pressed against mine and your provocative words."
"Dance with me, Kai."
"Um- baby, I would love to dance with you all night, but I'm not sure if my legs will allow it."
"Oh, I feel so foolish. I didn't even consider the fact that you're using a cane."
"Don't let your thoughts consume you, Stella. Don't let my injury make you overthink things. If you want to dance, let's give it a try. You might have to take the lead. Can you do that? And Stella, please don't pull away from me like you did before. You're the only one keeping me together."
"I believe I can do that," I assure him, and we sway to the rhythm of the music. The tempo is fast, but all I desire is to hold my partner tightly and dance at a slower pace. All I want is to be close to him, but it's painfully evident that this opportunity may never come again because of one monstrous individual. I rest my head on his shoulder once more.
I feel his arousal pressing against my stomach, and I can't help but let out a giggle. "Kai, you're insatiable."
"Only for you, baby. Hey, I spotted a secluded spot nearby, a little cave. We could have some privacy there."
Part of me wants to decline, but I also yearn to be alone with Kai at the moment. So, I release my arms from around his neck and grasp onto his free hand, and together we make our way towards the cave Kai discovered.
Kai and I descend into the cave, marveling at its beauty. It's been years since I last visited with my grandparents, back when Dakoda and I were young. As we venture further, a chill runs through me.
"Feeling cold, love?" Kai asks, wrapping his arms around me from behind and planting a kiss on my neck. I know he's not ready for this, but I can't bring myself to stop him. His touch ignites a fire within me, making me feel alive.
Kai holds me tighter with one arm, while his other hand ventures down to the top of my jeans, which I changed into on our way to the beach. He unbuttons them and slides his hand inside, finding my most sensitive spot effortlessly. My hips involuntarily buck, and I press my hands against the cave wall to steady ourselves.
Turning me around, Kai kisses me with a passion that steals my breath away. Every emotion is poured into this kiss.
"Oh, Kai," I whisper as he slips two fingers inside me. Wanting to reciprocate, I reach down to the front of his pants and begin to rub his already growing arousal.
"Oh my goodness! Stell, this sensation is incredibly pleasurable. I desire to intimately connect with you, my dear."
"Kai, I believe you might be exceeding your limits. Let's focus on this for the time being." I express with a moan, as I am on the brink of climax. It has been weeks since Kai and I have been intimate, and my body is eagerly absorbing every touch and sensation from him.

@Crystalsteadman 2023

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