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"Kai, you look incredibly handsome tonight... I can't believe how fortunate I am to have someone like you interested in me. My mind is in such disarray that I can no longer distinguish between what's real and what's just my imagination. I keep seeing that awful person everywhere, even when they're not actually there, and my nightmares are becoming increasingly worse. Lately, I find myself crying more than I smile. All I want is for this nightmare to end so I can move forward with my life and regain a sense of normalcy as a teenager again."
"Stell, where did you go?" Kai asks me, concerned. "Sorry, what?"
"I asked if you wanted a glass of champagne. They always have it stocked in the limos, so I thought we could all enjoy a glass before prom."
"Just a small sip," I reply.
"That's the spirit." Kai pours me a small amount of champagne, and we clink our glasses before taking a sip. "Oh, goodness, this stuff is terrible." My face contorts into an unattractive expression.
Everyone bursts into laughter... "Was it really that bad, sis?" Dakoda asks.
"Do you guys actually enjoy drinking that stuff?" I ask, as we decide to stop drinking champagne and head towards the high school where the prom is taking place.
"This place looks amazing," I said to Dakoda.
"Yeah, the girls did an incredible job decorating the gym for today," Dakoda replies. Mac, who was part of the decorating committee, worked tirelessly to ensure everything looked exactly how she wanted it. "I've never seen her so bossy before," Dakoda adds, chuckling.
"Who's being bossy?" Mac asks, joining us from behind in a stunning dress of her own. Although we went dress shopping together, I had forgotten just how beautiful her dress was. It's an elegant green gown that reaches the floor, with one sleeve cut out and the other a long sleeve. She looks more like a model than a senior attending her prom.
"I think you've done it," I tell her, a smile spreading across my face as I look up at her.
"No, I just wanted our last prom to be absolutely perfect," she says, pouting slightly.
"Well, you've definitely succeeded," I assure her.
"Thank you! By the way, you girls look stunning," she compliments us. "Now, let's go dance!" she exclaims, grabbing Dakoda and me by the arms and enthusiastically leading us to the makeshift dance floor. I glance over at Kai and see him smiling at us, so I blow him a kiss.
In that moment, I let go of all the worries and troubles that have been weighing on my mind and simply enjoy the company of my friends and sister for this one night. We dance until our feet ache, and eventually, the guys join us on the dance floor. Kai holds me so close that it seems impractical, but the teachers are too busy indulging in their own flask of drinks to care about what any of us are doing. I can't help but giggle to myself, finding it amusing to see our teachers acting like teenagers again.
Kai looked down at me and asked, "What's so amusing, baby?"
I replied, "I'm just observing everyone. You know, I'll miss this. We spend our entire lives waiting to graduate, but now it's just around the corner. I'm scared. When I reflect on this year, Kai, I can't recall any of the good times."
Kai reassured me, saying, "Oh, baby, we'll create new and better memories."
"I know we will," I said, smiling at him. I stood on my tiptoes and planted a kiss on Kai's cheek.
"If you keep doing that, baby, we might have to sneak away to the limo for a while," Kai teased, winking at me.
I playfully punched his arm and exclaimed, "Kai!"
"What's wrong, baby?" he asked, laughing and rubbing his arm where I had hit him.
"You're such a typical guy," I told him, then turned around to join Dakoda and Mac, who were dancing with their partners. "I'm thirsty. Do you want to come with me to get something to drink?" I asked them.
"Yes, I'm really thirsty," Mac shouts, prompting us to head towards the punch table to grab some drinks. Afterward, Mac and I return to our seats with snacks in hand.
As we sit down to rest our feet, Kai informs me that he needs to use the restroom and will be right back. It has now been fifteen minutes since Kai left. "Can you guys please check on him?" I ask, growing increasingly concerned.
"Sure, but I'm sure it's nothing. Maybe he's planning a surprise for you," Gage tries to reassure me, but deep down, I sense that something is amiss. "Actually, let's all go together," I suggest to the group.
"I'm not sure if that's a good idea," Korey hesitates, standing up from his seat. "You girls stay here, we'll be right back, okay?"
Reluctantly, I agree, saying, "Hmm, okay." I can't help but worry that history is repeating itself. Perhaps a teacher has detained Kai for a conversation. He's been at this school his whole life, so it's probably nothing to worry about. I'm just being paranoid. However, when the guys return five minutes later, panic evident on their faces and no sign of Kai, I know that my worst fear has become a reality.
"He's not in the bathroom hallway or outside near the limo. The limo driver mentioned that he hasn't seen him since we entered here for the night," Korey informs us as he and the guys return to the table.
"He... he took him," I exclaimed.
"We can't jump to that conclusion, Stella. Let's explore all possibilities before assuming that," Korey advises.
"Korey, if we don't address this, he will harm him," I assert, standing up and heading towards the exit.
"Easy there, Stella. We don't want you to go missing too, so calm down and we'll all go together, alright?"
"Then let's go, because we need to find him before it's too late."
We all rush towards the exit at the back of the gym, hoping to catch a glimpse of something, but it's completely dark by the time we reach there.
"It's time to involve the police," Gage suggests.
"Has anyone tried calling his phone?" Dakoda asks, prompting me to retrieve my phone from my purse and dial his number, but it goes straight to voicemail, as expected.
We provided the police with a photograph of Kai, but Professor Hamilton proved too clever to be located. As I change my clothes, my phone begins to ring. Kai's name appears on the screen, prompting me to quickly pick up and answer the call.
"Oh, Kai, where are you? You've frightened all of us. We even called the police, thinking you had been kidnapped."
"Stella, my beautiful girl, calm down. Everything is alright now, I'm here."
"Tell me, Professor Hamilton, what have you done with him?"
"Don't worry, my dear. He is safe. Now, listen carefully. This next part is crucial. I need you to escape from your bodyguards and meet me at the rear of your apartment building. I will be waiting in my car to take you to your boyfriend."
"How can I trust that you will truly bring me to him and that this isn't some sort of trick?"
"You won't know unless you try," Hamilton replies, chuckling. "But here's a gesture of good faith."
"Stella, darling, don't do what he wants. Stay in that apartment, do you understand me?"
"Be quiet, you pathetic little coward," Hamilton's voice echoes through the room as he strikes Kai with an object. The sound of Kai's pained cry reaches my ears.
"Alright, enough! Don't harm him, and I'll comply with your demands," I interject, desperation lacing my words.
"That's my obedient girl. Now, do as I instructed. Find a way to escape without alerting your friends and sister to your actions," Hamilton commands.
"Fine, I'll figure something out," I respond, my voice trembling. I end the call and survey the room, pondering how I can make my escape.
"Window," a voice inside my head suggests.
Following the advice, I approach Kai's window and cautiously open it. A fire escape comes into view, offering a potential means of escape. Without hesitation, I climb out and swiftly descend the metal stairs. Although I should have informed the guys about the situation, I couldn't risk Kai's safety by involving them.
Abandoning my initial plan of seeking help from my friends, I make my way towards the road behind our apartment. True to his word, a car awaits me, and I rush towards it, opening the back door. My heart sinks as I see Kai lying motionless on the driver's side. Sliding into the car, I move closer to him and softly plead, "Kai, my love, please wake up." His body jolts, and he turns his head in my direction, responding to my voice.
"Oh, Stella darling, what have you done... go back and run," he whispers.
"Stella dear, ignore your Boy-Friend unless you want him to meet his demise," Hamilton spits out, then turns around with a gun aimed directly at Kai's head. "I would truly regret damaging that beautiful face. Now let's just relax and enjoy our short journey for now, shall we?"
"You're a twisted individual...." Kai yells at Hamilton's back. That was a mistake, as Hamilton swiftly turns back and strikes Kai on the temple with the gun's butt. I desperately try to stifle any cries, not wanting to further enrage him, but one escapes, and I catch a glimpse of the anger in his eyes before he points the gun at my head.
"Now Stella, I am attempting to save you from heading down the wrong path here. But my dear, you are making it incredibly difficult, so unless you wish to end up like this insignificant fool, I suggest you sit back there and remain silent."
"Yes, sir," I whimper.
He never blindfolded me or anything of that sort, so I am carefully noting down every street name and number. I had the foresight to bring my cell phone with me, which I discreetly took out and put on silent before texting my sister.
Stella: He messaged me, threatening to harm Kai if I didn't meet him outside the apartment. We're currently in his car, heading somewhere. I'll try to provide you with the street names as best as I can. My phone is on, so please contact the police immediately. "Oh, don't text back. He might hear the vibration."
After sending the text, I concealed my phone in my bra to ensure he wouldn't find it in my back pocket. I can't believe I'm going through this again. I can't comprehend why the authorities haven't been able to apprehend this man. He has tormented me for a year now, and the nightmare continues. "When will it be enough? When can I reclaim my life and be a teenage girl without the constant fear of being kidnapped, killed, or assaulted by my deranged teacher?"
Hasn't he caused sufficient harm already? I bear lifelong scars on my body from when he threw me out of a three-story window. To make matters worse, I inflicted additional scars on myself in an attempt to escape the pain. I'm afraid that if my sister and the police don't act swiftly this time, I won't survive. It makes me question if I was a terrible person in a past life, leading to all this misfortune in my present one.
I only realize I'm crying when Kai wakes up and gently wipes away my tears. His comforting words scare me, as I fear it will only anger Hamilton further and put Kai in danger.
"Stay quiet, Kai. Don't let him see you're awake," I whisper, leaning down to kiss his head instinctively. But, of course, our actions don't go unnoticed.
"Aww, is the worthless boyfriend finally awake? Maybe I should get rid of him right now," Hamilton sneers.
"No! Please, don't make a scene," I plead desperately.
"You know, Stella, why can't you just love me the way you clearly love this insignificant piece of trash?" Hamilton yells, glancing back at us.
I want to shout back at him, to tell him that he's the one who's truly deranged. But I know it won't end well. "Professor Hamilton, where are you taking us?" I manage to ask, my voice trembling.
"I've found the perfect place for us. It's a secluded island in the middle of the ocean. You'll have your own private beach. We'll need to take a boat to get there, but I promise you'll love it, Stella."
I glance at Kai, and he silently mouths "Niihau Island."
I quickly text Dakoda with the latest update, hoping that the information will reach the authorities and we'll never have to set foot on a boat with this monster.
As we drive through Hawaii, the vastness of the place becomes apparent to me. It's surprising, considering we've never really ventured beyond our own island before.
Kai signals for me to lower my voice and lean in closer to him. I comply, making sure not to attract Hamilton's attention.
"I think you should jump out of the car and run as soon as Hamilton stops," Kai whispers urgently. "I'll kick him when he opens my door, giving you a chance to escape."
"That's not a good idea, Kai," I whisper back, ensuring only he can hear me.
"What the hell are you two up to back there?" Hamilton barks, clearly suspicious.
"I was just checking on Kai, making sure he's still breathing," I quickly responded, trying to come up with a plausible explanation. "He's been unconscious for quite a while now."
"Good, maybe I knocked some sense into the idiot," Hamilton chuckles. The thought of what Hamilton might do to Kai once we're on the boat and headed to the island he mentioned sends a shiver down my spine.
The car halts, and Professor Hamilton swiftly exits before reaching Kai's door. I attempt to restrain Kai from carrying out his intended actions, but my efforts prove futile. As soon as the door swings open, Kai forcefully kicks Hamilton in the abdomen, causing him to stumble and collapse.
"Stella, leave now!" Kai commands, urging me out of the car. I comply and begin to flee, but my escape is abruptly interrupted by the sound of a gunshot. I swiftly turn around to witness Professor Hamilton gripping Kai by the throat, a gun pressed against his temple.
"Stella, my dear, returns here immediately, and I promise not to harm your beloved." Reluctantly, I retrace my steps towards their location, questioning the absence of the authorities. I had alerted Dakoda as soon as this ordeal commenced, and they should have been close behind us.
Suddenly, the distant wails of sirens reach my ears.
"Stella, my love, what have you done? Did you disclose our situation to someone?" Hamilton inquires.
"No, I promise I didn't reveal anything," I assure him, although his skeptical gaze tells me he doubts my words. As the police draw nearer, his anxiety intensifies, causing him to wildly brandish his firearm.
"Oh, Stella, why have you done this? I must protect you. I truly believed you were the one," Hamilton laments, aiming the gun directly at me before pulling the trigger.
The gunshot propels me backwards, but the pain I experience is solely from the impact of the fall. I remain motionless, feigning unconsciousness to prevent him from realizing I am still aware. However, what unfolds next shatters me.
Another shot resonates from Hamilton's weapon, and Kai collapses to the ground. He blinks at me twice, then his eyes shut. Dear God, why is it taking the authorities so long to reach us?
Professor Hamilton approaches me as I lie there, and I make every effort to remain still. I believe I have succeeded until he unexpectedly kicks me in the ribs, causing me to curl up in a fetal position.
"Quite the clever girl, Stella, but I'm afraid I cannot allow you to live," he declares, pulling the trigger. This time, the bullet pierces through my side.
The pain is unbearable, and I let out a howl. I hear another gunshot, but I realize I am unharmed. As I glance over, I see Hamilton lying on the ground with a bullet wound in his head. Thank goodness it's finally over.
But Kai... Oh God, Kai. I attempt to rise so I can reach him, but each time I try to stand, my knees give way, causing me to fall to the ground again.
"Easy there, sweetheart. Just lie back down so I can assess your injuries," a voice says.
"But Kai, I need to go to him. He needs help," I pleaded with the person.
"He's in capable hands now. Let me examine you," the paramedic reassures me, gently guiding me back down.
We arrived at the hospital, and I was informed that I needed surgery because the shot to my side had punctured a lung. It finally made sense why breathing had become increasingly difficult. However, before allowing them to take me to the operating room, I inquired about Kai. Unfortunately, they refused to disclose any information.
When I regain consciousness in a hospital room, I find my parents, Dakoda, Mac, and the guys surrounding me. I notice Gage's absence, which reminds me of Kai being shot.
"Kai," I manage to say weakly.
"He's going to be alright, Stella. He's a fighter, but his injuries are quite severe," Dakoda informs me.
"What do you mean?" I ask, seeking clarification.
Dakoda glances at our parents, who shake their heads at her.
"Sorry, care bear, he would be furious if I said something that would upset you and hinder your recovery," Dakoda explains.
"Damn it!" I exclaim in frustration.
"Whoa," my mom intervenes, coming over to hold my hand. "I'm sorry, dear. It's just that I blame myself for what happened to him... How will he ever forgive me?"
"Stella, that boy loves you so much that forgiveness is unnecessary. Besides, it's not your fault that the perpetrator was mentally disturbed and the police failed to do their job," my mom reassured me.
I smile at my mom, realizing that I must have inherited my tendency to use strong language from her.
After being discharged from the hospital about a week later, I learned from the doctors that Kai still has a long road to recovery. I finally had the chance to visit him recently, but he doesn't quite resemble the Kai I know just yet. When he believed I was in danger and tried to come to my aid, Kai ended up getting shot in the lower back. Despite managing to break free from Hamilton's grip, Hamilton still had the gun and fired at Kai as he ran away.
According to his parents, the doctors have expressed doubts about Kai's ability to walk again, stating that it would be a miracle if he could. I attempted to apologize to both his parents and Kai himself, but none of them were willing to accept it. They echoed the same sentiment my own parents have been telling me – that I am not to blame for Hamilton's actions. However, I still can't shake off the overwhelming guilt.
Once I return home, Mac is already there, and we spend our time watching our favorite movies and indulging in ice cream. "So, Stella, graduation is coming up next week. Are you prepared?"
"I fail to understand how I can still manage to graduate despite all the classes I've missed," I inform Mac.
"That's because you caught up on your schoolwork during those weeks, so it didn't put you at a disadvantage," she explains.
"But I didn't receive any assignments or tasks," I expressed my confusion. She simply shrugs her shoulders, indicating her lack of knowledge. "What did you and the others do during that time?"
"I genuinely have no idea what you're referring to, Stella."
"Of course, you don't," I responded skeptically.

@Crystalsteadman 2023

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