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Wow, she is incredibly beautiful. I can't believe we almost lost her. I will never let this girl out of my sight again. As I enter her, I can feel her body accommodating me and it's overwhelming. It's been weeks since we were last intimate. "Are you okay, baby?" I ask as I fully immerse myself in her. I have no intention of stopping now.
"Kai..." Stella whispers, and I surrender myself to her.
After we clean up, we lie back in bed and I can't help but seek answers as to why she thought suicide was the solution to her problems. "Stell?"
"Will you talk to me, baby? I need to understand what was going through your mind and if there's anything we can do to prevent you from feeling that way again. Please don't shut me out this time, Stella." Stella puts a finger to her lips, signaling for silence, then sits up and gazes down at me. "Kai, the best way to describe what I was feeling is like drowning in my own thoughts and emotions. I was exhausted from the fear of him finding me and hurting me again, possibly even killing me this time. I couldn't bear the thought of my parents' relationship falling apart because of me, and I wouldn't handle it well if they divorced because of me, Kai. But the truth is, I didn't even realize I had harmed myself. It was like I was detached from my own body."
Stella confesses her fear and anger towards herself for allowing her fears to escalate. "I assure you, that person will never come near you as long as I'm alive. Do you understand?"
"How can you be there all the time?"
"Oh... darling, don't underestimate my craziness when it comes to your safety." Stella chuckles at that... and it's one of the most beautiful sounds I've ever heard from her. I shift my position and gaze down at her for a few moments, and it suddenly hits me. I'm deeply in love with this girl. I lean down and kiss her, then I rise back up and lock eyes with her, whispering three words. "I love you, Stella Rose Savage." Stella looks up at me, tears welling in her eyes, for several minutes. "Do you truly mean that, Kai?" she asks.
"Absolutely, I do."
Later that afternoon, I found myself in the kitchen, trying to catch up on the homework I missed while Stella was in the hospital last week. Reflecting on the events of the past year, I never would have imagined that I would be so captivated by a girl like Stella Savage. I've always been the type to have casual flings and move on, but there's something about Stella that has me questioning everything. In just two months, she'll be graduating high school, and I hope she decides to come to the same college as me. I've never asked her which colleges she applied to, assuming she already has, but I wonder if she would consider moving in with me. Maybe even her sister and the guys could join us in a bigger apartment. Well, I guess I'll have to talk to her about it and see where she stands. But for now, I need to focus on my schoolwork and stop being so infatuated. Although, being "pussy whipped" isn't necessarily a bad thing.
Suddenly, I hear my roommate's voice calling out from somewhere in the apartment. "Yo... Kai, are you here?"
"Yeah, I'm in the kitchen. What's going on?"
"There's a wild party happening just down the road, and here you are, stuck in this apartment doing homework. Who are you, and what have you done with my party animal friend Kai?"
"The party animal version of Kai has retired. I've found someone special and want to spend my time with her."
"Please tell me it's not true," Jordan says in a drawl. "Alright, brother... don't wait up because I'll be out late tonight... going to have all the fun you usually have with girls."
Jordan walks out of the kitchen and I return to my homework... but was I really that much of a jerk before I met Stella? Now that she's in my life, I can't imagine cheating on girls like I used to. I guess this is what happens when you find the right person. I just hope she can move past her past and have the long, healthy, happy life she deserves. God, I sound so whipped.
I finally focus on my schoolwork, only to realize it's late. Before I go to bed, there's a knock on the door. Jordan must have forgotten his keys again, but when I open the door, to my surprise, it's not Jordan at all. It's Stella.
"Baby, what's wrong?" Stella wraps me in a tight hug. "I need you to talk to me, Stella. What happened?"
"I-I can't sleep," she stutters. "I can't stop thinking about him and what he did to me. I'm scared he'll find me and make things even worse. I don't feel like I deserve you, Kai. You deserve someone better than a broken mess like me."
"Damn it, Stella, never think like that... you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. I want to marry you someday." I whisper the last part to her. Stella looks at me with surprise, wiping away her tears.
"What did you just say, Kai?" she asks.
"You heard me, Stella... I plan on marrying you in the near future. Are you alright with that?"
"Kai, you shouldn't say things like that unless you truly mean it."
"And who on earth says I don't mean what I'm saying, Stella?" She simply smiles at me and resumes hugging me, so I lift her up and carry her to the couch, settling down with her on my lap. "Do you want to talk about what brought you all the way here and made you hold onto me as if you never wanted to let go... now don't get me wrong, I love this, but open up to me and let me assist you, baby."
Stella exhales deeply, then gazes up at me with tear-streaked cheeks. "Last week, I contemplated suicide because the same nightmare kept recurring. Professor Hamilton was harming Dakoda, and I believed that by ending my life, he would stop searching for me and cease hurting those I care about. I know it was wrong to think that way and it would cause pain to the people I love. But I still feel overwhelmed and I want to spend the night with you, so I won't dream about him."
"Well, you're in good hands. Why don't we go to the bedroom and lie down? We can discuss anything you want until you're so tired that you can't keep your eyes open anymore. Does that sound good?"
"Yes," Stella says, followed by a yawn. "Well, it seems like falling asleep won't take too long after all..." She giggles at me. "Let's go, darling."
The following morning, I woke up to find Stella resting on my chest, her beautiful brown locks cascading down her back and shoulders. Reluctant to disturb her, I remember that we have school today. Knowing she'll be upset if we're late, I gently stroke her back to rouse her from sleep. "Good morning, beautiful," I say once I see that she's awake.
"Um, can we just sleep a little longer?" she asks me.
"I would stay here all day if I thought you meant it, but we both need to get ready for school. As much as I want to be with you again this morning like I was twice yesterday, we have to get up... so up you go before I change my mind."
"Ugh, if you insist, Kai," Stella replies, rolling out of bed with a noticeable frown. I can't help but want to pull her back into bed with me, but I resist the temptation because it would make us late. I can't afford to be weak... damn finals.
"Oh, by the way, Stella, prom is on Friday, right?" I ask, trying to change the subject. She gives me a skeptical look. "Crap, I was hoping you forgot about that," she confesses. "What? No way, you made me go out and get a tux. We're going to prom and we're going to have a great time." We grab our keys and head out the door. I walk Stella to her car and give her a goodbye kiss before she drives off to get ready for school. I really enjoyed having her in my bed last night.
Once Stella has left the parking spot, I head towards my truck. I reach for my phone to text my brother, but I'm taken aback by an unknown message that sends a chill down my spine.
"Damn it!"
Unknown: You and Stella seemed quite cozy in that bed. I wonder if her parents are aware of what you're up to with their daughter... should we inform them? It's up to you, you little bastard... either we expose your naughty deeds with their daughter or you keep your hands off what's mine.
This guy is completely delusional if he thinks his threats will affect me. He's messed with the wrong person. I hop into my truck and head to school. Once my tests are done today, I'll take this straight to Mr. Savage.
Me: We need to talk.
Gage: What trouble have you gotten yourself into now?
Me: Why does it always have to be something I've done, man?
Gage: Alright, when and where do you want to meet?
Me: Let's meet at my apartment around lunchtime. My tests will be over by then, and it's best if Stella isn't around for this conversation. I don't want her to panic just yet... until I have more information.
Gage: Damn, Kai, did you catch an STD or something?
Me: Screw off, Gage... just meet me at the apartment around lunch.
I step out of my truck and make my way towards the first building. As I enter my classroom, I retrieve my books and prepare for the morning test. When the professor enters the room accompanied by someone, I can't help but burst into laughter. It takes all my self-control not to jump out of my seat and confront that person. Clearly, he doesn't realize that I recognize him. It's baffling how my professor fails to identify him.
Me: Call 911, he's in my classroom.
Gage: What? Who's in your classroom, Kai?
Damn, my brother can be so clueless sometimes.
Me: The professor, Gage.
Gage: Oh, shit! I'll take care of it.
I remain seated at the back of the classroom, attempting to appear calm, but it's difficult. Why are the police taking so long to arrive? This class is almost over.
True to form, when we finish our test and the bell rings, the person is nowhere to be found by the time the police finally arrive in the hallways. I approach them, frustrated.
Me: Where the hell have you guys been? My brother called you over 30 minutes ago. Now, we have no idea where he's gone off to.
"Mr. Kahale, please try to remain calm. Are you absolutely certain that the individual you encountered was Professor Hamilton?"
I stare at the officers in disbelief, finding their incompetence infuriating. "So, let me get this straight. You didn't respond immediately because you thought I might have mistaken someone else for the professor who kidnapped and harmed my girlfriend? Well, guess what, you morons? I wasn't mistaken, and now he could be anywhere on this tiny island, ready to snatch Stella at any moment because you're incapable of doing your damn job."
"Is that calm enough for you?" Without giving the officers a chance to respond, I stormed off towards my other classroom. I know I'm being unfair to them, but if anything else happens to Stella, it will be irreversible.
Finally done with my classes, I make my way back to my apartment and wait for Gage to arrive. As I head to the kitchen to grab a bite, my phone buzzes with a message. It must be Gage, letting me know he's on his way.
Unknown: I suppose I didn't do a great job of concealing my identity from you, did I? Well, perhaps next time I'll manage to fool you a little better. "Oh, and do pass along my regards to the police. Good luck finding me, Kai."
"Kai, are you here?" Gage calls out as he enters through the front door.
"Yes, I'm in the kitchen."
"Did the police arrive on time?" Gage asks as he joins Kai in the kitchen.
"No, they didn't. They were about five minutes too late. That despicable person knew that I had identified him and would involve the authorities," I inform Gage, showing him the text messages as evidence.
"What's your plan, Kai?"
"I think we should bring this to Mr. Savage and let him decide how to proceed. Gage, I know my thoughts won't benefit anyone, but please keep this information from Stella. She's still dealing with her own past struggles, and I'm not sure how she would react if she found out he was here."
"Alright, brother, you have my word. Let's head to Mr. Jim's office and discuss this situation with him, and then we can determine the next steps together."
"Is that son of a gun really here, and you're certain it's him, Kai?" Mr. Jim exclaimed.
"Yes, sir, and I have evidence on my phone of the taunting messages he's been sending me. Should we involve the police? Or do you have another plan in mind, sir?"
"Stella isn't aware of this, is she?"
"No, she's already struggling enough with everything. I didn't want to burden her with the knowledge of him being here and contacting me. Did you know she came over to my place last night because she couldn't sleep due to the nightmares she's still having?"
"Yes, she mentioned it this morning. It's hard for me to admit as a father, but I think she might be safer staying at your house for now. You can keep a closer eye on her than I can at the moment. Your classes are almost finished for the year, right?"
"Yes, that's correct. I have two more weeks of classes, and I finish at noon every day. But sir, what's our plan regarding this guy in the meantime?"
"I apologize for the language, but I really need to take a lunch break. Let's go to the police station and find out what actions they plan to take regarding this situation. The individual in question is a wanted fugitive for kidnapping and murder, so I hope they will take immediate action." Mr. Jim suggests, standing up from his chair. We both make our way to the police station together.
As we enter the station, a young officer at the front desk greets us, asking how he can assist us. "Good afternoon, my name is Jim Savage, and this is Kai Kahala. We would like to report a wanted man who is responsible for the kidnapping of my daughter, Stella Savage, and the murder of his neighbor in Washington. He managed to escape from Washington before the police arrived and is now in Hawaii. He has been sending threatening texts to Kai, and today he even appeared at Kai's school disguised as a teacher."
The officer nods and informs us that he will bring us to the chief detective. After a brief wait, a senior officer emerges from an office and motions for us to follow him. Once inside his office, we reiterate the details we shared with the receptionist. The chief detective attentively takes notes but remains silent, which initially frustrates me. However, after a moment, he finally speaks.
I can't believe this guy... he is such an arrogant jerk, don't you think? "So, you're saying he changed his hair color, officer?" I ask.
"Yes, sir, he dyed it black and cut it much shorter than before." The notes I thought he was taking turned out to be a sketch of the person we're talking about. "Does this drawing resemble the man we're discussing?"
"Yes, it does. The drawing is spot-on." The officer did a great job.
"We will apprehend this guy. I can't guarantee it, but I promise that I will have every police officer in this county and beyond searching for him."
"Thank you, sir. That's all we're asking for. I just want my daughter to stop living in fear. It's not fair to her," Mr. Jim tells the officer.
"I'm a father too, and I completely understand where you're coming from. If it were my little girl, I would do everything in my power to find this jerk." The officer reassures Jim. Jim nods and we say our goodbyes.
Once we're outside, we head to our respective vehicles and drive to my apartment to make arrangements for Stella to come and stay with me. I'm not sure if she'll be comfortable staying here with Drew, Arron, and Jordon also living here, so I think it's time to talk to the building owner about my place. This apartment building is perfect for students, and I have the funds to secure one today. After taking care of all that, I go to Stella's house to discuss the situation with her and her parents.
"My parents want me to move in with my boyfriend near a party on campus. - what's the real reason you're okay with this?"
Stella's parents exchange glances before turning their attention back to their daughter. "Well, sweetheart, you're incredibly intelligent, aren't you?" Her father says, sounding defeated.
"Yes, I suppose I am... so tell me the truth, dad."
Mr. Jim runs his hands over his face, seemingly trying to gather his thoughts. "Stella, my dear, why are you resisting this? Don't you want to stay with me for a while?" I whisper in her ear.
"Don't blame me for suspecting there's something else going on." She yells at me, then stands up and storms off to her room... I assume.
"No, young lady," I retorted, throwing her words back at her. "Sit back down and listen to us, Stella. We're doing this for your own good, but we need you to trust us enough to follow our request without questioning. We're doing this because we don't want you to worry about anything during the last few weeks of your senior year. Besides, Stell, you slept better last night at my house than you have in weeks, didn't you?"
Stella shoots me a piercing glare, then gets up and stomps up the stairs. Why on earth is she so furious about temporarily moving in with me?
"Kai, do you realize that it's not about you or her moving in with you? That's the underlying issue, isn't it?" Mrs. Savage inquires. "Yes... well, no, I don't know. Yes, I think I understand," I respond.
"Sometimes you men can be so oblivious. She's angry at both of you," Mary points between Jim and me, "because you won't explain why she has to leave her own house. She's not naive, and she knows you two are keeping something from her. So, let me ask you this: if she were hiding something from you, would you react differently than she is? Just try to put yourselves in her shoes for once, boys."
Damn, mom makes a valid point.
"How do we break the news to her that the one guy she's afraid of is back to get her?" Jim whispers to his wife.
She simply shrugs her shoulders. "I honestly don't know the answer to that question, honey, but you're a smart guy. I have faith that you'll figure it out."
"Dad!" Stella's voice echoes from upstairs, and I can sense the distress in her tone. We all rush up to Stella's room. As we enter, we find her sitting on the floor, clutching her phone, rocking back and forth, tears streaming down her face.
"Damn it."
Jim snatched Stella's phone and passed it to me. I examined the device and immediately understood why she was in a state of panic. We had tried to shield her from this information, but the despicable person had practically confessed their presence to her.
"He... he's here for me, dad... is that why you wanted me to go live with Kai? Did you believe I would be safer there?"
"Yes, sweetheart, that's precisely why. We thought you would be better protected with Kai. He can look after you more effectively than your mom and I can, at least until we apprehend this scoundrel."
"I comprehend now, and if you both believe it's for the best, then I will stay with Kai for a while."
"Thank goodness," Jim murmurs, planting a gentle kiss on Stella's forehead.

@CrystalSteadman 2023

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