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Kai and my dad have infuriated me at this moment. I'm exhausted from being treated like a child. I've already endured so much, and now they want to control my life as well. Realizing that my dad and Kai are in cahoots, I storm off to my room and begin packing my clothes, reluctantly accepting my fate like a compliant girl.
As I reach my room, I recall leaving my phone on the bed before taking a shower. I go to retrieve it, but suddenly, I freeze in place. My hands tremble so violently that I can barely hold onto my phone. Sliding down onto the floor, I call out for my dad, feeling utterly lost and unsure of what to do next.
To my surprise, my dad and Kai rushed into my room within seconds. Dad inquires about what's wrong and then hands my phone to Kai. He then pulls me onto his lap, reminiscent of when I was a child.
"What on earth is happening?" Dakoda enters my room, casually draped in a bath towel, seemingly unfazed by the situation.
"He... he's here," I manage to stammer out. My sister glances at Kai, her eyes filled with confusion.
"The man who kidnapped Stella is here in Hawaii... so I'm taking Stella back to my apartment. By the way, I've moved to a different, larger apartment on my own. If you and the guys want to come and stay there too, you can be with Stella so she's never alone," Kai explains.
"That's a great idea," dad exclaims, but his expression quickly turns puzzled. "I can't believe I'm actually agreeing to let my girls stay with their boyfriends."
"Come on, dad, look at the bright side. We're already 18," Dakoda reassures him, earning a smile. "Well, I suppose you're right."
"Stella, sweetheart, I'll put you down now. I need to pack some clothes for you to take to Kai's. Is that alright with you?"
"Yes, dad, I'll be fine," I reply. Will I really be okay, though? Yes, I believe I will. I trust Kai with all my heart. Plus, it'll give me a chance to check out the college. I received my acceptance letter a couple of weeks ago, but I haven't told Kai yet. I want to surprise him.
Getting up from the floor, I walk over to my dresser and help my dad gather my belongings. Meanwhile, Kai and Dakoda are discussing our living arrangements, and I can't help but feel like a child again.
In no time, my dad and I have packed my clothes. Mom and dad give me a hug as Kai and I head towards the door, with Dakoda not far behind.
"I can't believe mom and dad are actually allowing this," Dakoda whispers from behind me, wrapping her arms around my neck. "This too shall pass."
"I know," I assured her, then turned to Kai's car. "Dakoda, are you comfortable driving our car to Kai's on your own?" I ask her.
Yes, ma'am, I'm doing well. In addition, the guys are planning to go surfing tonight, so I'll join them. After that, I'll meet you and Kai at Kai's apartment."
"Alright, love you. Please stay safe."
"Of course, Stell.... Always."
Kai and I arrive at his house after about 15 minutes, and he guides me to his new apartment. "Stella, if you don't feel comfortable sharing my bedroom, there are two other bedrooms available. One next to mine, and another across the hall," Kai informs me.
"Would it be alright if I slept in one of the other bedrooms?"
"Stella, I want you to feel completely at ease here. If that means sleeping in a different bedroom, then that's what we'll do."
I smile at him, then pass by him and enter his bedroom to unpack my belongings. Kai follows closely behind, wrapping his arms around my waist. "You made a good choice with this room," he comments.
"I thought so too," I replied, turning in his embrace and wrapping my arms around his neck. "Take me to bed, Kai," I whisper. "Are you sure, baby?" Kai asks, but doesn't hesitate to kiss me.
Kai leads me to the bed and gently lays me down. Then, he undresses me, his lips trailing across my body, causing my back to arch when he reaches my hips. His kisses eventually find their way to my most sensitive area. Kai has only done this once before, and if my memory serves me correctly, I thoroughly enjoyed it. His tongue connects with my clit, and I can't help but cry out. "Oh my, that feels incredible."
"You can't escape from me," Kai playfully tells me, restraining my legs. Despite his hold, I can't help but squirm. "Oh, Kai," I exclaim as his tongue sends pleasurable sensations through my body. Within moments, Kai moves up my body, spreading my legs wider to position himself between them. He enters me slowly at first, but my excitement takes over and I wrap my legs around him, pushing my feet against his buttocks. Understanding my desires, Kai picks up the pace, thrusting faster and faster until I can't help but call out his name once more. Leaning down, Kai kisses me with such tenderness that it makes me feel incredibly special. Before I know it, my climax begins to build again, and this time, Kai reaches his own climax alongside me.
"Damn, baby... I love you so much."
I smile up at him and reply, "I love you too, Kai."
Dakoda and I have been staying at Kai's house for approximately a week now, and I must admit, things have been going quite smoothly. Each of us has settled into our own little routines. Naturally, Dakoda's boys spend their nights in her bed when they're not at their own place. Currently, the guys are waiting in the living room for us girls to finish getting ready. Tonight, we're heading out to a club, and next Saturday is prom. It's hard to believe that in just two weeks, we'll be graduating from high school. It feels like such an accomplishment.
"Stella... Baby, are you and the girls ready yet?" Kai calls out from the doorway.
"We're almost there, Kai."
"Alright, Stella, your hair is all done," Mac announces, stepping aside so I can see myself in the mirror. Oh my goodness, I barely recognize myself.
"I absolutely love it, Mac."
"You look stunning, girl," Dakoda exclaims, motioning for me to spin around. I'm wearing a floor-length red dress with a slit up the middle, reaching just above my knee. The dress has a V-neck and no sleeves. I've paired it with red stiletto heels and a delicate diamond necklace.
"Do you think you're ready, sister?" Dakoda asks me. I take a deep breath and shake my head. "Yes, I am. Let's not waste any time before the guys change their minds and we end up going to the prom alone..." I playfully tease. We exit the extra bedroom where we were getting ready and make our way down the hallway towards the living room. As soon as the guys catch sight of us, their jaws drop in astonishment. "Oh my god," Kai exclaims, walking towards me. He then pulls me into a tight embrace. "Are you absolutely certain we have to go to the prom tonight?" He whispers in my ear, and I playfully swat him on the chest. "Yes, we must go now. Behave, Kai." "But where's the fun in that, baby?" Kai says mischievously, twirling me around in a circle. I can't help but giggle as he bends me backwards after the spin. "Alright, you two, let's get going," Korey grumbles. "Always such grumpy pants," Kai remarks, before leaning in to give me a playful kiss on the nose. And off we go.
The guys walk both ahead and behind us, a habit they've developed since we discovered that Professor Hamilton is somewhere nearby. Thankfully, we haven't received any further communication from him in the past week, but we remain cautious because he could strike at any moment. Once we're inside the car, everyone starts to relax and we enjoy ourselves during the ride to the gym where the prom is taking place. The guys take a shot of something and offer us a glass of Champagne. We arrive at the gym without any issues and all of us exit the car and head inside, where people are already dancing energetically. Kai grabs my hand and pulls me onto the dance floor, where we dance for so long that my legs are on the verge of giving out.
"Kai, let's take a break," I suggest, and we make our way to our table, where my feet finally find relief. Kai leans in and informs me that he's going to get us some drinks, urging me to stay put. He can be quite protective at times, which I find incredibly attractive, but there are moments when it becomes annoying. However, I understand why he does it. Apart from times like these when he has acquaintances approaching us for small talk (which are actually just people keeping an eye on me), I'm not particularly fond of engaging with strangers. Yet, he still insists on doing it. Kai returns to the table with an abundance of food and drinks. "What's all this?" I inquire.
"What does it look like?" he responds. "You need to eat, and I'm famished, so I brought a ton of stuff for us to indulge in. So, dig in, sister."
I can't help but burst into uncontrollable laughter when I see him. His silliness is charming, yet he knows how to be serious when necessary. In this moment, there's no one I'd rather be with than Kai. "What's up?" he asks, catching me staring at him. I quickly shake my head, denying that there's anything on my face. He smiles, and I can't help but feel my heart melt.
"Nothing," I replied, shaking my head.
"Are you checking me out, Ms. Savage?"
"Maybe, Mr. Kahale."
"Well, I like it," he says, leaning in and giving me one of his signature kisses that always leave me weak in the knees.
I realize I'm hungrier than I thought as I finish the entire plate of food Kai made for me.
Kai and I are watching the dancers when our friends join us. The girls insist that I join them on the dance floor. We start bouncing up and down to one of our favorite 90s songs, "Cruel to Be Kind" by Letters to Cleo. It's one of those songs that just makes you want to jump around. As we give it our all, I glance up and see our guys watching us with big, mischievous grins on their faces. When Kai notices that he has my attention, he confidently struts over to me on the dance floor. Once he has me in his arms, it feels like it's just the two of us on that dance floor.
"You look absolutely beautiful out here," he tells me.
"Well, you're not looking too bad yourself," I reply.
"Are you ready to leave?" he whispers in my ear, his intentions clear. And yes, I am more than ready. "I think we've had enough dancing for tonight. It's almost midnight." I look into his eyes and nod, and that's all the confirmation he needs before he lifts me over his shoulder and carries me out the door.
My sister and Mac trail behind us as we step outside. Once Kai sets me down, they immediately confront him. "What do you think you're doing, carrying her out of the club like some primitive caveman?" Dakoda interrogates him, her thumb jabbing into his chest. I can't help but giggle at his bewildered expression, and he glances at me, silently pleading for assistance. "Dakoda... sis, I already told him I wanted to leave," I explained.
She swiftly redirects her attention towards me. "What the hell, Stella? Where do you think you're going?"
"Yes, home," I reply with a hint of annoyance, and she finally catches on.
"Oh, I see. Well, you kids have fun," she says before she and Mac skip back inside.
At 3 am, I am abruptly awakened by a loud banging noise. I grab my bat and cautiously leave the bedroom. As I start to make my way back, attempting to be as quiet as possible so as not to disturb him, he unexpectedly wraps his arms around me.
"Where did you go, baby?" he asks, his voice filled with drowsiness.
"I thought I heard something in the kitchen, so I went to check it out. Turns out it was just Dakoda and the guys, so I came back to bed," I replied, leaving out the fact that I was only wearing a t-shirt and panties. However, he knows because he runs his hand up and down my leg.
"Stella... baby, did anyone see you up there?" he asks, concerned about lacing his words.
"No, I don't think so," I squeak as Kai pinches my clit.
"Are you absolutely sure, baby? Because I wouldn't hesitate to go out there and confront my brother and his friends if they dared to lay eyes on my girl," he warns.
"Yes, Kai, I'm sure," I moan in response.
"Good... that's wonderful, baby. Now I can do this," Kai says, slipping two fingers inside me. I bite down on my bottom lip to stifle my loud cries of pleasure.
"Let it out, baby. We've heard plenty of them before. Besides, I want to know just how good I'm making you feel," Kai encourages, using his thumb to release my lip from my teeth.
"Oh, Kai!" I moan, unable to contain my pleasure any longer.
"Yes, indeed, my love. Allow everyone to witness the immense pleasure I bring you."
"Kai..." I reprimand him, and he chuckles mischievously. "Apologies, my dear," he murmurs.
The following morning, I woke up earlier than Kai. It was no surprise, as he could sleep until noon every day if given the chance. As I entered the kitchen, I found my sister sitting on a stool, sipping her coffee. "Um, I hope you left some for me," I grumbled.
"Yes, ma'am, I did. I knew you would need it this morning after last night, you wild girl," she replied.
I blushed deeply. "You shouldn't be so nosy," I scolded her.
Dakoda burst into laughter. "Well, it was hard not to be nosy. You had me all worked up just by listening to you."
"Stella!" Dakoda mocked me, continuing to laugh. "Do you want to make breakfast for the guys?" she asked.
"Sure, why not?" We gathered the necessary ingredients and started cooking. I began frying the bacon, while Dakoda prepared the pancakes. "Should we scramble some eggs?" I suggested.
"Sure, why not? If we're cooking, we might as well do it properly."
After five minutes of cooking the bacon, one by one, all the guys emerge from their rooms. Kai, being the last, walks over to the coffeepot and pours himself a cup of coffee. He then comes over to where I'm standing and leans in to kiss me on the temple, greeting me with a "Good morning, beautiful."
"Good morning," I reply, smiling back at him.
As the guys gather around the table in Kai's dining room, Dakoda and I finish up with the cooking. Once everything is ready, the guys kindly let Dakoda and me get our plates first. However, as soon as we're done, they swarm the food as if they haven't eaten in weeks.
"Damn boys, are you guys hungry or what?" Dakoda teases them.
"It's been a while since we've had such a wonderful home-cooked breakfast, especially with our early morning practices," Korey says, winking at Dakoda.
"Hm, I don't recall asking you to wake up hours earlier than necessary," Dakoda retorts.
A brief silence falls upon us as we all enjoy our breakfast. Afterwards, we all head off to get ready for school. Kai follows me into his room, and once we're inside, he turns to look at me. "What?" I ask.
"Are you certain it's safe for you to return to school?" he inquires.
"Yes, Kai, I do... I always have Dakoda and Mac by my side, and then there are the guys who are with us most of the time... so you see, Dad, I won't be alone at all. I might even make them accompany me to the bathroom."
"Um, are we only talking about Dakoda and Mac going to the bathroom with you?"
I can't help but chuckle at his question. "Yes, we're only talking about the girls going to the bathroom with me."
"Just making sure. I wouldn't want to harm my brother and his friends for looking at my girl."
"You do realize they wouldn't be able to see anything, right?"
"Someone's feeling quite sassy this morning." Kai says, pulling me closer by my waist. "Let me see if I can do something about that..." he says, leaning in to kiss me, but I pull away. "No, sir, not this morning. I'll be late for school."
"Oh, you wound me, Stella... you would deny me your love before we part ways for the day." Kai says, pretending to clutch his chest.
"Such a drama queen." I tease, jumping out of the way to avoid his hands as he tries to grab me. "Nope," I laughed. "I really need to get dressed and ready for school."
"Alright, I'm finished. All I want is a hug," Kai declares, extending his arms towards me as if to embrace me... I give in and he seizes me, initiating a tickle attack.
"Kai Kahala, you deceived me," I playfully pout.
"I'm sorry, baby, I couldn't resist, but now I'm serious. Go get dressed for school so you're not late. Hey Stella, today is Friday. What would you like to do after school?"
"Um, I'll have to think about it," I respond, causing him to squint his eyes at me. "You're not going to make me endure one of those dreadful movies as punishment, are you?"
"We'll just have to wait and see, won't we, Kai?" I tease, winking at him as I head towards the bathroom to prepare for school.
"Damn it!" I hear him exclaim, and I can't help but chuckle. He knows me so well - just like my sister with movies. When I dislike something, I act just like Dakoda. I made him watch one of my favorite movies.
I arrived at the school accompanied by the guys and Dakoda. As soon as we stepped out of the car, they all gathered around me, with Mac positioning himself in front of me as if he were my personal bodyguard. "I must admit, I feel like some sort of royalty," I remarked.
"Well, for the time being, you certainly are," Dakoda replied, flashing me a mischievous grin, which I couldn't help but reciprocate. We made our way to our first class and settled into our seats. We engaged in a brief conversation until the teacher entered the room. He called for an order, and for the next 45 minutes, we were unable to speak.
"That class was absolutely brutal," the guys complained.
"Oh, what's the matter, guys? Did the mean old teacher force you to divert your attention away from Dakoda?" Mac playfully taunted them.
"Are you jealous, Mac?" Kasey inquired.
Mac responded by flipping him off. "In your dreams, you jerk."
"Watch your language, young lady," a passing teacher reprimanded.
"Apologies, Miss Anderson," Mac shouts. We all burst into laughter. I'm going to savor my teenage years for now, but I'm aware that Professor Hamilton is still out there.
"Listen to that delightful laughter..." Dakoda remarks. I simply smile at her and proceed to our next classroom, which happens to be Dakoda's favorite class: Math!
The math teacher enters and immediately informs us that we will be having a test today. I am on the verge of falling out of my chair at Dakoda's reaction. "Seriously? He can't just surprise us with a test like this, can he?"
"Why yes, Miss Savage, I certainly can," Professor Donavon says, grinning widely at Dakoda and displaying his pearly whites.
"You could have given me a heads up that he was coming. She snaps at me."
"How was I supposed to know? I was looking at you," I chuckle.
Glancing at the paper in my hands, I realize that Dakoda would struggle with the same test. As soon as the teacher gives us the go-ahead, I begin working on my test. Once I finish, I take the time to review and double-check my answers. When I am confident in my work, I raise my head and gaze straight ahead. A little while later, everyone else starts slowly raising their heads as the teacher walks around to collect the papers.
Before the end of the class, he grades our papers and informs us that we can collect them when the bell rings for our next class. I walk up to retrieve mine and feel a sense of pride as I glance at my perfect score. As Dakoda and I exit the classroom and head towards our next class, she whispers, "You make me sick." I look at her, but my attention is quickly diverted to a man standing outside our classroom who clearly doesn't belong in our school. "Dakoda, he's here," I urgently informed her.
"Who's here, Stella?" she asks, puzzled.
"Professor Hamilton," I reply, my voice filled with concern.
"Where?" the guys inquire.
"Over there," I point, but when I look again, he has vanished.
"I don't see anyone there... baby," Dakoda whispers.
"He... He's gone. I swear he was there," I insist.
"We believe you, Stella," Gage reassures me, gently rubbing my back. "Let's just go to our other class. We promise to keep you safe."

@CrystalSteadman 2023

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