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        I can't believe how foolish I was. I'm lying in bed, replaying what happened between Stella and me in her bedroom. I was so arrogant. But that kiss... it was like nothing I've ever experienced before. It made my knees weak. Why did she run away like that? It's been a few months since I met Stella, and I know something happened to her, but she's never told me what. I wonder if she'll open up now so I can understand her better.
         Kai: Are we still on for tomorrow?
        Stella: Yes, unless you've changed your mind.
       Kai: Of course not.
       Stella: Okay, what time should we meet?
       Kai: Let's go to the movies around noon, then grab a bite to eat. After that, we can figure out something else to do in the afternoon.
        Stella: Are you planning on keeping me out all night?
        Kai: Would you mind if I said I wanted to?
       Stella: I'll need some time to think about it.
       Kai: Goodnight, my sweet Stella.
      Stella: Goodnight, K.
      I think I'm falling in love with her. I can envision a future with her, getting married and starting a family.
       The following morning, I wake up and take a shower before heading to Dunkin Donuts to get Stella her favorite coffee and bagel bites. After that, I go to her house. Dakoda has already left with the guys, so it's just Stella at home.
When I enter with her treats, I don't immediately hand them to her. Instead, I want to try something to avoid dwelling on last night.
"I'll trade a kiss for the goodies," I say to her. Initially, I think she might run off upstairs, but she surprises me by leaning in and giving me a gentle kiss on the lips.
       Before she could step away, I placed her belongings on the counter and firmly grasped her hips, just as I had done the previous night. I pulled her body closer to mine and kissed her with such intensity that I feared our lips might bleed.
      "Kai," she whispered.
     "Yes?" I replied.
     "There are important matters we must discuss before we proceed any further. I don't want you to become too attached, only to have you run away from me when I reveal something that may change the way you see me. It would devastate me."
      "Babe, no matter what you say, I won't ever leave you. I know you're going through a tough time, but I'm here to support you through it all."
     Stella lets out a nervous laugh. "Alright, let's have breakfast and then head to the mall."
    "Kai, the mall doesn't open until 11 and the movie starts at 12. It's only 9:30."
    "Well, considering the time it takes for you to eat, shower, and get ready, we'll be close to the mall opening."
    Stella nods. "You're right."
    I observed Stella for a moment and couldn't help but admire her beauty. She bears a striking resemblance to her twin sister, Dakoda, but they also have distinct features. Stella has darker blond hair and a freckle on her lip, and her eyes are a deeper shade of green. She is slightly taller than Dakoda. When the sunlight hits her face, it radiates a beautiful glow. It's astonishing that boys aren't lining up to talk to her, but I'm secretly relieved. I wouldn't hesitate to defend her if necessary. I just wish she would realize how much I truly desire her.
      "What?" she asks, noticing my gaze fixed on her.
        "I'm just here, admiring the most beautiful girl in the world and wondering how I got so lucky to have her in my life. She's not just my best friend, she's so much more, but I'm willing to take things at her pace. Stella gives me a huge smile and then hurries upstairs to get ready. As expected, it takes her about an hour, but when she comes down the stairs in that sundress and cowgirl boots, I'm speechless. She asks if I'm ready, and all I can do is nod because I'm too amazed to speak."
       "Stella, are you alright?" Kai asks, showing concern.
      "Yeah, let's go." I reply, and he holds the door open for me.
      He walks me to his truck and opens the door for me to get in. Once I'm seated, he walks around to the driver's side and gets in. As soon as he's in the truck, he leans over and gently takes my chin in his hand, turning me to face him. "I'm going to kiss you now, Stella." My eyes widen, but I can see the desire in them. He leans in and kisses me so softly, it's almost like a whisper.
       "I could definitely get used to this." I whisper back.
       "Well, I definitely can." Kai says. I want to do more with him, but I know he understands that I'm not ready yet. So, we'll take it slow.
    "So, what did you think of the movie?" I asked Stella as we walked back to the truck. It was a love story that some girls at school had been raving about.
    "Um, well, I would have liked it more if someone hadn't been distracting me by kissing me every five minutes," Stella replied.
     "Well, I recall someone saying she could get used to being kissed, and since I now know you like me kissing you... I don't plan on stopping soon," I said with a smile.
     "Are you sure you want to start a relationship with someone like me?" Stella asked, sounding unsure.
    "Why do you keep saying stuff like 'someone like me' and 'I'm damaged goods'? Stella, I accept you as you are. I hope we can build trust and share experiences to help each other overcome fears," I reassured her.
      "I'm afraid to share what happened to me because I don't want to lose you," Stella expressed. I could sense her fear and hesitancy, but I wanted her to know that I would never abandon her for something beyond her control. I wanted her to trust me enough to confide in me.
      Stella sat quietly in her seat, lost in her thoughts. I didn't want to pressure her into talking about it if she wasn't ready. "We don't have to discuss it today, Stella. Let's just enjoy the rest of our day," I reassured her. Trying to lighten the mood, I suggested, "How about a friendly game of golf?" A smile spread across her face as she replied, "Thank you, yes... a game of golf sounds like fun."
         "Alright, let's play golf," I suggest as I start the truck and we make our way to the local miniature golf course. After arriving at the club, we grab our gear and head out onto the course.
        Stella turns to me and says, "Okay, if I miss this shot, I'll tell you something about myself." I can't help but smile, knowing this will be interesting.
         As Stella takes her shot and misses, I playfully tease her, saying, "Oh no, Stella, looks like you missed one."
       She chuckles and replies, "Looks like it." She takes a deep breath and continues, "Okay, here's something about me. Over the summer, Dakoda and I went to a party. I decided to let loose, which is something I rarely do. At the party, a college guy asked me to dance, and I thought it was the coolest thing. So, I danced with him while Dakoda was dancing with her boyfriend at the time."
        "Okay, she tells me it's my turn to share. So, I guess she will be telling this story in parts. But I'm fine with that. I missed the first shot too, so I decided to tell her a little about myself.
      "I'm actually a big momma's boy," I said.
      "Are you now?" she replied.
      "Yes, ma'am. I just thought you should know," I answered.
     "Well, thank you for telling me that," she said.
      Stella makes the next couple of shots into the hole, so I don't get to hear more of the story until we move on to the next hole. She misses her first shot again, and then she continues with the story.
    "The guy asked me to go upstairs with him, which is something I've never done before. I had never dated before, so I was uncertain. But then Dakoda said she was going upstairs with her boyfriend, so I took a chance. What was the worst that could happen? So, we go upstairs, and the guy leads me into this room. Then he tells me he has to find a restroom really fast because the alcohol made him need to pee. It didn't seem significant until the door shut and someone grabbed me from behind, causing me to fall to the ground."
           "Your shot," she tells me. I take the shot, eager to hear the rest of the story without missing any details.
          Stella takes her turn and makes two more shots. Then we move on to another course. As we reach the last three courses, she misses a shot. Clearing her throat, she hesitates and says, "The rest of this story is going to be difficult to tell and hear. Are you sure you're up for it?"
          "Yes," I reply simply.
          Stella takes a deep breath and continues her story. "I could tell he was drunk by his breath. Every time he spoke, all I could smell was the stench of alcohol. At first, I thought someone was angry because I was dancing with Chad. That was the guy's name. But the person who had a hold of me made it clear that he didn't care who I was dancing with. He just wanted to teach me a lesson because, in his eyes, all girls are the same. I tried to fight him off, but even in his drunken state, he was much stronger than me. I couldn't escape his grip. All I could do was hope that Chad would return soon. Then, someone approached the door, but when they found it locked, they left. I cried, and that only made him angrier. He pushed me, and I hit my head hard. I saw black spots. By the time I realized his intentions, it was too late. He had already stripped me of my clothes and violated me. It was my first time, and he showed no mercy. I screamed in pain. When he saw that I had been crying, he dragged me towards a window. In that moment, I knew that if I didn't escape, I would die. I pleaded with him, promising not to tell anyone. But he threw me out of the window anyway. I spent three months in the hospital, hooked up to a ventilator, fighting for my life. Meanwhile, the literature professor at my high school continued as if nothing had happened. He went back to school the next day and resumed teaching. They threatened me after I woke up and remembered who had done it. They targeted my family with negative comments. That's why our family ended up here. I underwent intense therapy for months before finally being released to come home to my family."
         "Wow, no wonder you're so reserved around people and feel uneasy around certain guys."
       "Yeah, that's exactly why. It's also why I'm cautious around everyone and I didn't like that guy Brad that Mac was dating. And even though David was a nice guy, I couldn't develop any feelings for him because he shares the same first name as my attacker."
       "No way! This poor girl has been through so much." "Did they manage to catch the person who did this to you and put them in jail?"
      "Well, it's quite frustrating how our justice system works. He was caught and spent a day in jail, but now he's out on bail while his trial is ongoing. He's not allowed to teach anymore and has restrictions on where he can go, but my family is still being treated as if we did something wrong. I'm willing to testify against him if it means he'll be put behind bars."
      "Stella, what about the other guy? Was he involved? What happened to you?"
       "They were unable to prove his guilt, but I cannot definitively say either way. When the police interviewed him, he claimed that he had gone to the restroom and returned to find the room locked. It's a plausible story, so I'm not entirely sure." Stella wipes away a tear and smiles at me. "Shall we continue our game?" I respond, "Yes, let's."
           On Monday, while sitting in class, I find myself daydreaming about the girl I spent the weekend with. I can't help but wonder what she's doing at this very moment. I know I may sound like a lovesick fool, but I don't care.
         Suddenly, my friend interrupts my thoughts, saying, "Yo Kai, the teacher is calling your name, man."
       I snap back to reality and respond to the teacher, "Is there something more important than your studies, Mr. Kahale?"
    I confidently reply, "Yes, there is. There's this girl who I just can't seem to get out of my mind."
    Professor Miller, clearly unimpressed, reminds me, "Mr. Kahale, this is college, not high school. You can worry about some girl on your own time. Now, can you answer the question or not?"
    I playfully retort, "And what would that question be?"
    The entire classroom bursts into laughter, and the professor decides I'm not worth his time. He moves on to the next student, asking them the question he had intended for me.
     My friend, Jethro, leans over and asks, "Dude, what's going on with you? I've never seen you so checked out before."
     I sigh and reply, "Well, you see, Jethro... I've met this amazing girl. She's sweet and really nice, and all I want to do is spend all my time with her."
    Jethro chuckles and says, "Oh, hell, did our number one bachelor finally fall in love?"
    Confused, I ask, "What fall?"
    "The one that most guys our age have already taken at least once. The one where you can't get your mind off this one girl. You think about her all night and spend all your time with her until she gives in to your passes at her. Then you realize she's not the one after all."
"Not this girl. I'm going to marry her one day real soon."
"Oh, shoot, Kai playboy Kahale has found his true love? Who is she, man?"
    "She's a senior at Maui High. She's the twin of the girl my brother is dating."
"Oh, the Stella girl that everyone likes that works at the diner?"
"Yeah, that's her."
"Wow, does this girl even know how you feel about her? She seems really distant from everyone."
     "Yeah, she found out this weekend."
    "Nice. Did you hook up with her?"
    "No, man, she's not that kind of girl."
   "Alright," Jethro says, throwing his hands up.     "Are you coming to practice today?"
     I'm in a band with two other guys. I play the bass. Yeah, I'll be there, but before that, I'm picking up Stella from work tonight and we're gonna hang out for a bit.
     Jethro shakes his head at me. "And so it begins, ladies and gentlemen. Before you know it, our boy will be gone."
     "Whatever, man."
      Kai: What are you planning to do after work tonight?
     Stella: I'm going to go home and take a really hot bath, and then do some homework.
     Kai: Can I come over and hang out for a while?
    Stella: Of course.
    Kai: Alright, I'll see you later tonight then.
    Stella: Later.
     Hmm, I wonder if I can catch her when she's alone and just observe her for a moment. That's too creepy though. If only she knew how many nights I've fantasized about her and woke up with an erection, she would probably scream and run away.
     After school and practice, I go to the diner to grab a meal and wait for Stella to finish her shift. She'll be done in about an hour, so I sit in my booth and mind my own business. However, a group of kids from Stella's school enters the diner and starts harassing her and Mac.
    The girls start throwing their food on the floor and even throw a drink in Stella's face. Okay, enough is enough.
     "Do we have a problem here?" I ask them, stepping up behind Stella. Being 6'2, I tower over them, making sure I appear intimidating. I can see the fear in their faces as they scramble to apologize to the two young ladies and clean up the mess they made. They quickly gather their things and run out the door as if there's a fire.
     "Thank you," Stella says, then resumes working as if nothing happened. She is much stronger than she gives herself credit for. After Stella finishes her shift, I accompany her to her house and wait in the living room while she takes a bath.

                 Authors Note: How are you guys enjoying the book so far. Leave me a comment at the bottom on your thoughts of the book this far. Also if you love the book hit the star and vote for it.
           Much Love!

  @crystalsteadman 2023

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