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The final siren blew, marking the end of the game at the MCG. The stadium erupted with cheers and applause, celebrating the thrilling match. Leni, Olivia, and Monique joined the chorus of fans expressing their excitement and appreciation for the game.

As the crowd began to disperse, they decided to make their way towards the locker rooms to catch a glimpse of the players and perhaps share in the post-game excitement. Little did they know that fate had a surprise in store for them.

As they approached the locker rooms, Leni's excitement reached its peak. She couldn't contain her enthusiasm and, caught up in the moment, she exclaimed, "Daddy!" The word echoed through the corridor, a spontaneous outburst that went unnoticed in the midst of the post-game chaos.

However, among the crowd, Pat overheard Leni's innocent declaration. His eyes widened in realisation, and a mix of shock and anger washed over him. The truth, hidden for so long, had unexpectedly surfaced.

"Daddy?" Pat repeated, his voice edged with disbelief and frustration. The revelation hung in the air, an unspoken secret now exposed.

Olivia, sensing the tension, tried to play down the situation. "Pat, not now. We'll talk later." She urged, attempting to redirect the focus to the shared love for the sport. 

"No, Olivia. What the fuck is going on?" He demanded. "Pa-" "Is Charlie Leni's Dad?" Pat widened his eyes. "That son of a-" "Oh! Here we have Patrick Cripps! Pat, whose this here?" An interviewer I know way to well asked. "Well BT this is my little sister, Olivia." Pat fake smiled looking at me. "Olivia, how do you think your older brother played today?" He pointed the microphone in my direction. "Yeah, um, I think he played pretty good. It's always fun to see him out there giving it his best." I nodded. 

After a few more questions, BT walked off and Pat turned back to me. "We're not done here. I'm talking to you in the car." Pat tutted as he stormed off. 

... In the car 

"Olivia. Answer my question before I ask Leni myself." Pat furrowed his eyebrows in the car. "Charlie is Leni's dad." I mumbled. "What the fuck!?" He slammed his door shut and looked at me. "This is a joke, yeah?" Pat's face was literally red. "Are you dating or something now?" Pat joked. I wish he never said that. "We are." I played with my fingers, just before Pat was about to yell Monique came in the car and placed Leni in her booster seat. 

Monique sat in the front and looked at Pat. "Are you ok?" She put her hand on his. "No!" He replied. "What's going on?" Monique anxiously looked at me. "Charlie and Liv are dating." Pat didn't even look at me. Monique smirked at me when Pat wasn't looking. "It's fine, Pat. She's old enough-" "That's not it." He shook his head. "It's not?" She questioned. "His the bastard that got my sister pregnant and left her" He looked out the window. Monique's jaw dropped and she looked at me. 

She couldn't defend me this time. We both knew she couldn't. "Everyone makes mistakes." I looked at Leni who was now sleeping. "Pfft." Pat rolled his eyes and opened the car door. "How do you date the person that left you and your daughter? How do you not tell your older brother from before hand that my fucking mate is the father to your daughter!" He unbuckled his seatbelt and walked out of the car. "He needs time. It's gonna be alright." Monique reassured as she cleared her throat. 

hey guys 

omfg im so sorry i thought i uploaded these - i lit did these like 4 months ago i thought i uploaded them. anyways, woahhhh this is chaotic lol 

have a good one 

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