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(PSA: This is after Blue Ivy's 17th birthday, I didn't know what to write for that event lol but anyways)

2 weeks later


Beyonce was scared. She hasn't spoken to her parents since Solange blew up at them on Christmas. They payed for everything from rent to the phone bills.

If they aren't talking to her, are they gonna give her the money she needs? Yes, she has some cash because of her job but it's not nearly enough money for everything she has to pay for.

So like she usually does, she is gonna swallow her pride and call them and pray they answer.

She dialed her mother's number. Relieved, she heard the sound of her mother's voice. "Hello, Beyoncé."

"Mom? I really need your help. I'm not going to be able to pay-"

"Your father already paid. He paid this morning. Though we are not on good terms, we will always make sure you're good."

Her saying that made Beyoncé feel confused. If her parents really cared that much, why did they treat Solange like that.

"Thank you."

They spoke for couple of minutes but Beyoncé had to go pick the twin up from daycare, so they said their goodbyes and Beyoncé went on her way.

Meanwhile Blue Ivy was at the mall with her friends.

Usually her mother wouldn't let her go out on school days, "You can wait till the weekend." But lately her mom hadn't been the same since Christmas.

Solange had really done a number on her. While Blue and her friends were shopping, she saw a guy. He was a taller darker skinned guy who looked like he was around her age.

He had looked like he noticed her too. He gave her a smile that she quickly returned. He had said something to his friends and started to make his way over to her. Blue had parted ways from her friends so she could talk to him alone.

"Hey." Pretending that she didn't notice him, Blue turns around shocked.

"Oh, hi!"

He showcases his teeth with another smile, "My name is Zach. What's yours?"

"Hmmm, I don't know if I should tell you. My mother always told me not to talk to strangers."

He laughs. "My name is Blue Ivy."

"Wow, that's such a beautiful name. A beautiful name for an even more beautiful girl."

Blue was taken aback by him; no guy had ever been this forward with her. "Thank you." Blue smiles harder than before.

"Do you have Ig?"

Blue pulls out her phone, unlocks it, then opens Instagram. "Here," she hands the phone to him, "Put in your username."

He typed it in, follows himself, then gives the phone back to Blue Ivy. "It was really nice meeting you. I'll text you later."

All Blue could say due to her excitement was, "Ok!"

Cringing internally, she watches as Zach walked back over to his friends, not noticing her friends walking toward her.

"Blue! Who was that?" Kennedy said, wiggling her eyebrows. Kennedy was the youngest out of the group since she was 14. The only reason they began hanging out with her is because Damien had to bring is little sister everywhere, which was his mothers orders.

"Just a guy." Rolling her eyes playfully, Blue attempts to shift the conversation. Faking a yawn, "I'm gettin tired. I should head home."

They all laugh at Blue's failed attempt.

While that is going on, Solange is still couch surfing. She was currently staying at one of her cousins house.

"You need really need to apologize to Bey. You do realize you talked about her dead husband in front of her daughter?"

Right now Angie was giving Solange her daily lashings for the way she spoke about Shawn.

"Ok! You said this, like, a million times. I get it."

"If you really 'got it', you would be over there apologizing to her. She gave you a place when that girl kicked you out. And you really treated her like that?"

Solange rolled her eyes, "You don't understand. My parents kicked me and I had no where to go, my own sister couldn't even let me stay on the couch. Everyone defends her, though."

Angie sighs, deeply, "It isn't like that. It's just she lost her husband. The father of her children, of course we're gonna be easier on her. That doesn't mean we'll always take her side."

"It feels like that though."

Kelly was in her apartment, grading some papers when she got a text from Beyonce. This wasn't weird, they had become really good friends during the time she was tutoring Blue Ivy.

The text read, "Hey, Blue is staying the night at a friend's and the twins are gonna be at my parents; Girls night?"

Kelly saw this as a chance to finally tell Bey how she felt; Kelendria had a tiny crush on Beyoncé for a while now.

After a couple of minutes, Kelly texted back: "Ofc! I'll be there in about 30 mins. Can't wait to see you!"


Thoughts on Zach?

Matthew playing Beyoncé's bills?

Angie getting on Solange?

Kelly deciding to tell Bey about her crush?

Sorry for such a long wait

Hope everyone who celebrates had an amazing Christmas!!!

Thank you for reading ❤️❤️

(Sorry for the short chapter)

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