Zack: It looks like a Faunas....

He thinks to himself as he takes in your appearance however turns his attention to your extra appendages.

Zack: If so...what kind?

The 'creature' stomps towards Zack, causing the man to back up and put his hand out.

Zack: Wait wait wait!

Zack pleas as he closes his eyes and looks away.

Your pov~

I stopped after the creature in front of me backed away and held his hand up. His looked identical to mine. Could this creature the other half of me?

Standing face to face with this man who bears the same features as me...I can't help but feel a glimmer of....something. Could he be the key to finding out who I was?

Normal pov~

With cautious curiosity, you slowly approach the man, your eyes searching his face for any signs of recognition. He watches you intently, his expression a mix of fear and wonder.

Zack: Who...who are you?

You hesitate for a moment, unsure of how to communicate. But then, a surge of energy pulses through you, and you instinctively reach out your hand towards Zack's. As your hands touch, you feel a sense of wonder.

(Y/n): W....Wh....

Zack feels intimidated by the mask's modified voice. You smell the fear radiating over his entire being. You remove the mask and look down at him. His eyes widen as you stand back up over him.

(Y/n): W-Who...?

Zack gains his bearings and stands up. Zack puts his hands on his chest.

Zack: Zack. My name is Zack.

You imitate his actions and look at him.

(Y/n): Zack?

Zack gains a small smile and shook his head dismissively.

Zack: No. MY name is Zack.

Zack decides to risk it for the biscuit and puts his right hand on your chest.

Zack: What is YOUR name?

He asks. You think about it before Ako's presence flashes in your head.

Ako: Hybrid.

You look at the man then put your hands on your chest and stutter the name which was given to you.

(Y/n): H-Hy.....Hybrid.

Zack raises a brow and repeats your name silently to himself while looking away. Eventually he shrugs and looks at you once again.

Zack: Not the name I would have picked for you.

You quickly turn to the ship and re-enter. Zack wonders what you are doing until he sees you come out with two wrist bands on. He sees you put on the mask again and tap a few buttons on the left wrist band. He is surprised when he sees you immediately tear off the mask and blink a few times at him. Zack approaches the mask and picks it up. He looks at you as you stare in concern about the mask. Zack hums to himself as he inspects the mask and is surprised when he puts on the mask and sees his own body heat.

Zack: Infrared vision? Incredible.

He removes the mask and hands it back to you.

Zack: That wristband device on his left arm must have something to do with it.

Male! Xenomorph Reader X Cheater Ruby Rose (Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now