Chapter 7

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Blaire POV:

Blaire got out of the car-which she was never going to get used to-and stared at the school as intimidation flooded through her. Her school. Xander hopped out of the car, and his eyes were bitter. Guess he didn't like school as much as she did.

"Ah, what a jolly day in hell," he said, his voice dripping in sarcasm.

His eyes softened as he turned to Blaire.

"Are you sure you're going to be ok?"

Xander had worried over this as students, mostly the older ones, were not as careful when it came to the tinies. It was better for them when they were vulnerable. Easier to bully.

Not trusting herself to sound confident, Blaire simply nodded and clutched the straps of her light grey and white backpack until her knuckles went white. It wasn't the learning part she was worried about; she already made up for it in tutoring. It was the whole social thing.

Xander eyes her for a few more seconds before leading Blaire into the school. Murmurs and whispers blossomed in the hallways at their presence.

Oh my gosh, is that Xander Knight?

Who is that little girl?

What happened to the family of boys? Who's the newbie?

Everyone eyes locked on Xander sand Blaire until they made it to her classroom in the Junior section of the school.

Blaire put her backpack in her assigned cubby, one of which that were lined up on the wall outside the classroom, before yawing her supplies and reluctantly walking towards the door.

"If you need anything, just click the button on this bracelet ok? It will notify me for emergencies," Xander said to her.

"O-ok. Tha-thank y-you Xander,' Blaire small voice whispered. It was a simple silver bracelet with a small white button that didn't look like a button in the middle.

Xander made his way to his class on the other side of the school, leaving Blaire on her own. Slowly, she pried the door open and slipped inside as quiet as possible.

"Welcome to class 2A. You must be Blaire, right?" The teacher said in a kind tone.

Blaire nodded, once again not trusting herself. She was defiantly trusting herself to be nervous though.

"How about you introduce yourself to the class Blaire," the teacher said and gestured to the carpet in the front of the room.

Blair's eyes widened in panic. She made her way to the front of the classroom and faced everyone slowly, who were staring at her with curious and pondering eyes.

Do they ever stop staring? Blaire wondered.

"H-hi everyone. My na-name is Blaire Knight. I am sev-seven years o-old and wa-was b-born on March 17," she finished.

The class gave a small applause and the teacher showed Blaire to her seat. Her deskman seemed nice and had brown hair and hazel eyes. Based on her name tag on the seat, her name was Juniper.

Juniper gave Blaire a bright smile which Blaire returned as well as she could, but it was probably small. She fidgeted with the hem of her initialed cream coloured sweatshirt. The teacher introduced herself as Ms Clouds, but we could call her Ms C if we wanted.

Blaire listened intently as the teacher started explaining the game they were going to play to get to know each other more.


Soon enough lunch time came around and Blaire had no idea were to go, so she just grabbed her punchbag and followed the rest of her class.

As she made her way into apparently what was called a cafeteria, someone grabbed her arm and pulled her. Before she knew it, she was cornered by three tall, teenage boys.

They are very ugly, Blaire inquired.

Some of them had ugly, menacing smiles on their faces while others simply seemed curious.

"Well look who it is, the little grade 2 newbie," One sneered.

The other two laughed mockingly.

Blaire realized what was happening and fear flooded in her like a dam holding back a rive broke. She immediately remembered the bracelet and pushed the white button. They began mocking her and advancing. She prayed internally that Xander would get here soon.

The same one from before help up hist hand to hit her, causing a lot of the others to become surprised. Just as he was about to bring his hand down, a gunshot rang through the cafeteria.

Blaire opened her eyes to see Xander with a smoking gun in his hand, a murderous expression on his usually jolly face.

"Did they hurt you Blaire?" Xander said, not taking his eyes off the teenage boys as they scurried away, as if he was taking mental image of them.

Blaire shook her head as a no, and was painfully aware that all eyes in the cafeteria were now on the brother-sister duo.

Without saying another word, Xander picked up a now shaking Blaire and walked top the parking lot where their car was. Being in the Mafia had a lot of perks, including leaving school early and underage driving.

The reality of everything that just happened dawned on Blaire as she sat down next to Xander who was waiting for an explanation. Tears started falling down her face as Xander gently rubbed her back in support, giving silent comfort to the panicked seven year old.

After one shaky breath, Blaire tole Xander everything that had occurred that day. He made a mental reminder to sue the idiotic teenage boy's families for hurting his little sister. Crimson and Hunter on the other hand, would want full blown revenge.


Speaking of Crimson and Hunter, the first thing Blaire saw after being dropped off at the Knight Manor were 2 pairs of really, really angry eyes.

Finally, the seventh chapter his done! Hope you all enjoyed, it's not as long as the others but is still pretty long. Just so we're clear, Crimson and Hunter are made at the bullies, not Blaire. Sorry if there was any confusion there. Also. Xander did go back to school after dropping her off.


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