Chapter fourty-one

Start from the beginning

Back at the field, Benjamin watched as Bella had three vampires holding her down, Edward only had one but he was beating his face down to the snow, Garret had just gotten smacked to the ground as well. He saw wolves being pushed onto the snow, their fur getting covered in freezing snow. Benjamin did the only thing he could think of and slammed his fist to the ground, cracking it down twenty yards or more.

Bella was able to push the men who were fighting her down the the pit. Wolves pushed vampires down, growling at them as they fell.

As Esme was fighting with a member, the ground came out beneath them. Esme had a grip of the ground but the Volturi follower was pulling her down with him.

Leah, who had three followers in her back, saw Esme's struggle. So with the theee vampires in her back, she jumped across the pit to aid Esme, biting and taking down the vampire trying to pull her down with him. The four vampires and Leah fell down the crack, Esme looked sadly at Leah who whimpered, knowing she would be with her brother again.

The crack kept going down the area, making Edward fall down it, but he jumped out of it getting the follower who had been fighting him.

Ophelia was in a rampage. She had killed well over twenty followers in her blind rage. She spun around looking for more when she spotted Jane. She ran through the many followers yet to be killed, merely throwing them away from her or sliding around or under them. Jane tried to use her power on her but Bella was using her own to protect Ophelia.

One of the followers stepped in front of the Cullen, but she wasn't having it. She grabbed his arm and twisted around making it snap off. She then swung his body away from her and kept charging at the blonde Volturi member.

The latter knew she had no chance so she started running from the angry brunette behind her. Ophelia jumped over her and turned, grabbing Jane's neck. She groaned in shock.

As much as Ophelia wanted to kill her herself, she figured a wolfy death would be worse. So she dragged her to Paul, who held an unknown vampire hand in his mouth. He spit it out and kicked his lips looking at Jane who was on all fours as Ophelia held the back of her collar like a dog.

Ophelia held her up for her to be on knees, then tossed her to Paul who gladly took to killing the blonde.

Ari watched as he strongest follower got ruthlessly murdered in front of him. Caius had enough and figured if something needs to be done he needs to do it himself. He raced to Tanya, who had just killed another one of the Volturi, and attempted to attack her. However, Garret got there in enough time to kicked the Volturi king away from the curly haired vampire.

He flew back into Kate's awaiting hands, she electrocuted him, pushing him to his knees. Tanya then smirked and stepped up to her sister. She stuck her hands in his mouth, pulling them separate ways to break the top of his head away from his jaw.

Vladimir and Stefan were fighting in either side of the other Volturi king. Taking note of the two vampires running at him, he whispered, "finally" and upon impact his todo was snapped off from his body.

Aro was the last of the kings, he watched as the Cullens and their friends were defeating him and his army. He caught sight of Edward and began marching at him. Edward took notice and started to march over too. Then they started to run, by Bella came in and Aro pushed her away from him, causing her to fly in the air, falling into Edward and then both hitting the snow.

They held hands and stood up, all they needed was their love. It was their strength. Edward then held onto Bella and she kicked Aro in the face, he stumbled backwards. As he tried to stabilize himself, Edward then threw Bella again and he kicked Aro's chest in.

Edward attempted to choke him and pull off his head but Aro turned around before he could. He tried to break off Edward's head but Bella pounced on him, she herself taking off his head.

She kept her grip on his head as Edward kicked him, making it do Bella could easily pop his head off. Fire was the last thing he saw.

Aro let go of Alice's hand. His eyes wide.

"Now you know. That's your future." She hissed at him.

She's just wearing the same thing from last chapter. Also, sorry for the extremely slow updates 😔

 Also, sorry for the extremely slow updates 😔

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