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Imene Royal

"So I talked to my aunt and I decided that I should go live with her." Tj said as I came to sit next to him.

"You sure? Its no problem with you staying here your my best friend and my dad loves you."

"Yeah im sure, we both free thanks to you and your mom. And I think it's time to cut off our physical attachments. I don't want to do it with you anymore because i'm starting to catch feelings and I don't want that." He said and I took a deep breath.

"So you dont wanna fuck anymore because your falling for me?" I asked tilting my head.

"Yes, please don't take offense to it. I love you but I only want to love you as a friend." He said.

"I completely understand, and i'm sure it's for the best anyways. We agreed on staying friends which is what we need." I said and he smiled before standing.

"She said she'll be here in a hour."

"I know we just had that talk and everything but can we fuck one more time." I said and he busted out laughing.

"Come on mama."


"Bye girl." Tj said giving me one last hug.

"Oh my god bro. I feel like we breaking up." I said pouting holding onto him longer.

"Just extra, I'll still talk to you every day. But its time for me to go." He said and kissed my forehead.

"Okay, call me when you get to your house and stuff okay? And don't forget." I said and he nodded walking off the porch.

"I won't imene, you told me a thousand times." He said and I watched him get in the car.

I walked back in the house and went to the studio where darrian was with Du.

"Hey yall."

"Imene you nasty why I walk in the house and all I hear is you and that lil boyfriend of yours." Du said and darrian had a disgusted face.

"First of all he not my boyfriend second he just left so we had to show out for the last time. It's yall fault for being here." I said and they both shivered.

"So he really moving in with his aunt?" Darrian said.

"Yeah, but he said he will still come over and everything but this finna be weird. He been my roommate for almost four years."

"Anyways, let's actually start working." Darrian said playing a beat.

"This gone have both of you on it?" I looked bobbin my head.

"Actually it's gone be me and you. Come on my heart." Darrian said and we went to the booth.

"That shit tuff." I said and they nodded.

"Hella pain."

"I got a video shoot planned for it today so let's go you got thirty minutes." Darrian said and I rolled my eyes going upstairs.


"Hey princess you look cute. Where you at?" Tj said pulling a puff from a wood.

"This video shoot for me and bubba song. Say hi." I said pointing the camera at Darrian.

"Wassup cuh, Imene ima call you tomorrow though my auntie threw a get together for me and she got people here now."

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