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Imene Royal.

I watched as he went inside the deli and I got on my phone fixing myself in the camera before swiping over apps.

Papa bear 🥺

Pa I love yu so much thanks for taking care of me my whole life. Idk where id be if yu weren't my father, ion got time to explain frl cs I gotta do something but I love yu more than the word love can represent. Thank yu for bringing miss Riley into my life, I been wanting to call her mom but i was always scared idk why, I love yu again and I'm sorry.

I put my phone on do not disturb and went live on Instagram. It instantly got to 5k.

"I'm about to do something and I guess you guys would want a explanation. So a year ago my best friend was almost killed, I made a plan. To get revenge, only one person knew about it and I'm glad that person hasn't said anything about it.

Ima go down for murder, I know I will. But it's worth it. Now I know notti ain't really fuckin wit me right now but that's my hearty still, and I made a promise to him while he was in the hospital. I'm fulfilling it, thank you to everyone that's been in my life old and new. I love you all, and I appreciate everything yall have done for me." I said and ended the live deleting the apps quickly and deleting dd from my lock and home screen.

I walked out of the car fixing my hair in the bun and making sure the gun was not noticable.

As he walked out I 'accidently' bumped into him.

"My bad." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Watch where you goin next time." I said and he mugged me.

"Girl I said my bad damn, lucky yo ass cute would've beat yo ass right here." He said.

"Beat who? Not me the fuck got the wrong female I handle my shit."

"Oh frl you think so?" He smirked looking intrigued, I smirked playfully.

"I know so, but what's yo name you look familiar." I played it off.

"Probably from the news a year ago for beating a nigga ass."

"Mm so you like that?" I said fake interested.

"Yeah, but the name kdot." He said.

"Well guess what kdot, you a bitch who finna die. And that's on notti." I said punching him we fought for a minute and I seen him finna pull out a knife so I grabbed the pistol from my waist making him stop.

I heard sirens nearby but I didn't care, it would've happened sooner or later.

"Why the hell you bringing a knife to a gun fight pussy? Suck my dick I'm 41k. Finna sing kdot boppin you got hit in the head." I said and let off four shots to his head.

The crowd gasped and I looked around seeing phones out. I went to my car and grabbed a blunt before lighting it up hitting it as fast as I could.

If I'm going to jail, I'm going high.

I took my phone off do not disturb and called dd.

"Imene whe-

"I killed kdot, I love you I want you to know that, tell everybody Ima miss them. I'm finna go to jail and I want my mom- miss Riley to represent me, I'm finna be high as fuck in the back of a police car." I laughed and I heard a few others laugh letting me know people were there.

I pouted a little.

"I'm scared David, but ima be straight, ima be strong too. Kdot gone which is all I wanted for a year. Tell Ethan it was all for him, after all it's everything for notti right? I gotta go a cop car just pulled up and they walking over here. I love you David." I said and hung up.

I took one more pull from the blunt before getting out the car and putting my hands behind my back.

"You have the right to remain silent"

I looked down but I had a smile on my face. I seen a news van so I looked at the camera.

"Suck my dick I'm 41k everything for notti worda ma dead. Pussy ass kdot nigga. Got hit by a girl." I said and they pushed me into the car.

Inside was a female officer and she looked back at me in shame.

"Girl, my daughter listens to your music. She adores you, and now she gotta hear her favorite rapper going to jail for murder." She said and I shrugged.

"No offense but don't try to guilt trip me ion feel bad. Just take me where I'm going no need to get statements, I shot him four times." I said leaning back closing my eyes. Not going to sleep so the high didn't go away.

A week later

"Imene!" I heard as I got taken into the court. It was full of so many people, my dad notti dd and ddot in the front. Miss Riley was at the desk thing waiting for me but she had a deep frown that made me start tearing up.

"Royal versus Harlem." The plaintiff said.

I looked up and realized it was the judge that helped with my custody cases. She looked at me and sighed.

"So did I make the wrong decision with your dad, imene?" Was the first thing she said.

"Ma'am if I was with my mom I would've done it sooner." I replied.

"Whyd you do it, you got such a bright future ahead of you." She said.

"I had to. I just had to." I sighed.

"Your honor, I know my client did it but she is a good girl, please don't give her a long sentence."

"Riley I know you a good lawyer, and I really don't wanna take her to jail. There's nothing we can do, she confessed before and after the crime. There's no need for trial. Imene Royal you are sentenced 10 years without bail. After the 10 years you will do parole for two. That's the shortest I can do." She said and she did that lil beating thing.

"Can we all say goodbye?" Riley replied sadly and she nodded so all of my family came up.

My dad looked at me and he had tears and his eyes making me hug him.

"Why." He sniffed, I started crying lightly.

"I'm sorry papa." I said before going to ddot.

"In ten years we fighting okay? Ima beat yo ass." He said and hugged me.

"I love you Darrian." I turned to notti. He wouldn't look at me.

"Ethan you forever my best friend. I had to do it for you." I said hugging him and he hugged back.

I got to dd and he kissed me. A slow kiss.

"I love you too." Is all he said hugging me.

"Imene girl I wish you didn't do this. And I'm sorry you have to find out like this too, but I'm pregnant." Riley said and I pouted.

"Well I'm sorry to all of y'all. And I'm thankful for you too, don't forget about me while I'm gone, I'll be back soon though, free me." I said as they handcuffed me and I turned to the crowd.


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