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"Why'd you leave just like that?"

Zayn's hand lingered in my hair, giving it a gentle tousle as his breath occasionally brushed against my neck.

We were huddled inside the cave, patiently waiting for the rainstorm to let up so we could head back to the hotel. His coat and my cardigan, now dry thanks to the fire he had built, were sprawled out beneath us. My head was on Zayn's chest, my arm was draped over his torso, and his arm was under his head to support it while his other hand had found its place in my hair, massaging my scalp.

Being with Zayn like this, close and intimate, was really peaceful, I could get used to this.

"Doesn't matter."

I lifted my head up from his chest and faced him. "Come on, I don't want us to have untold issues between us... especially now that we've decided to turn this fake relationship into reality."

A bittersweet smile graced his face. "This morning, I was actually looking for you to, you know... apologise for leaving you there alone the other night." I nodded, prompting him to continue, and he smiled, still playing with my hair. His eyes were fixed on the twirling strands between his fingers as he avoided my gaze. "Then I stumbled upon you and that Byron guy, you were talking about how much of a right git I am, how insufferable, stubborn and annoying. And I just thought—"

"You're an idiot, Zayn." I sighed, slapping his chest lightly.

"I know—" 

"Shut up, you dumbass." Rolling my eyes, I cupped his cheek with one hand, tracing his jawline with my thumb. "If you had bothered to stay a minute longer, you'd have heard the part where I praised you for being selfless and utterly amazing."

His eyebrows shot up. "Really?"

I smiled, gazing into his golden brown eyes. "Really."

A twinkle appeared in his eyes, and he shot me a cheeky grin. His arm slid down my body and enveloped me tightly, pulling me even closer, and I reciprocated by entangling our legs.

"What else did you say about me, hm?" He nudged our noses together, eliciting a chuckle from me.

"I may have mentioned that you're a proper idiot and that you have no self-control over your lust."

He feigned offence. "Hey, if I didn't have self-control, you'd be begging for mercy by now."

My cheeks heated up at that, but I tried to play it cool. "You seem to conveniently forget that night when you were completely drunk and all over me."

"Key word—drunk."

"Yeah, yeah. I know I'm irresistible." I nestled back against his chest, releasing a satisfied sigh.

"That you are." He leaned down to plant a soft kiss on the top of my head.

A comfortable silence settled between us as I listened to the steady rhythm of Zayn's heartbeat. His hand returned to my hair, delicately twirling the strands around his fingers, lulling my mind into a peaceful drowsiness.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Shoot," I murmured, snuggling closer to him, craving the comforting warmth of his embrace.

"I know this might be a bit too personal, you don't have to answer. But when did you realise that you... you know, liked guys?"

"I guess I knew it all my life, never had an interest in boobs," I chuckled.

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