Filmore Hillton Concept Art

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Filmore Hillton initially existed in the initial version of CRiTORA: Abnormal as a normal RV found by Darrell Halostorm. This RV would've been slashed in the climax of the initial version of Abnormal.

 This RV would've been slashed in the climax of the initial version of Abnormal

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(model of RV from Early 2022)

When CRiTORA: Abnormal was rebooted, the RV was adapted into Filmore Hillton.

When CRiTORA: Abnormal was rebooted, the RV was adapted into Filmore Hillton

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(Artwork from Early 2023)

Later in 2023, Filmore was given more details and dimension.

Later in 2023, Filmore was given more details and dimension

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(Art from Mid 2023)

Later in 2023, Filmore was simplified even further.

Later in 2023, Filmore was simplified even further

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