Kepler Solarowl

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Kepler Solarowl

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Kepler Solarowl

The Solar System CRiTORA. Kepler Solarowl is the tenth and oldest of the Planetary Pals, serving as the wise parent-like figure of the group. Kepler owned the Cosmic Center of the Waymilk Isle, home to their famed telescope and books of knowledge. Soon, they were separated from the other nine pals to a place of unknown origin. They must work with Caroline and Isaac to find their way out, but will they ever see the other Planetary Pals again?


First appearance: Prologue - Origin

Gender: Non-binary

Pronouns: They/Them

Age: 28

Element: Ice


Icicle Pierce: Kepler can create blocks of ice out of thin air.

Frozen Enhancements: Kepler can enhance other CRiTORA with ice-based abilities.

Solar Asteroid: Kepler creates a small asteroid to launch at enemies.



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