4 - Phone!

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He goes back to the bedroom after he cleans up a bit, planning to just play on his DS next to the nerd so he doesn't feel like he's missing anything. He goes into the room where his husband is sleepily looking at the ceiling, squinting up at it. 

He plops down next to him and crawls under the comforter, laying down. Izuku mutters, his back facing him. He turns on his DS and starts to play Mario Kart just for some shit to do, the soft sounds of the theme music and Marios 'yahoo!!' coming from it as he starts. 

His eyes drift back to Izuku after he moves, now facing him. His hair is a mess, and his nose is red and runny, his eyes hazy. He meets his eyes and musters up a small smile. 

"I think I actually got worse." 

Katsuki tries to ignore the worry he feels, though he's pretty fucking sure Deku can see it on his face, because he grabs his hand and kisses it, letting out a breath. 

"I'll just sleep it off..." 

He can feel the heat coming off of him in waves, and removes his hand from his grasp, opting for putting it in his hair and messaging his hair gently. That gets him a soft hum as Deku closes his eyes and his breathing starts to steady out again. 

He just sits there, looking at him while playing with the soft strands of curly green hair. But then his eyes catch something. Deku's phone charging on the bedside table. There is a small text bubble on the notifications bar, and it feels like it's calling for Katsuki to look and see who it is. 

It's not like he always freaks out about the nerd getting messages, it's probably just his mom, or auntie, or one of their friends, hell even one of those extras from work- He feels his heart stop and he stares at the phone, almost like it was possible to burn a hole into it. 

He can't fucking take it anymore, and he puts his DS down from his other hand, leaving his other one in Deku's hair. 


The green haired man hums softly in answer. 

"Can I have your phone." 

Izuku hums again, 

"Okay kacchan..." 

He reaches over and grabs his phone from the charger, soft snores coming from him. He removes his hand from Deku's hair and starts to type on his phone. He puts in his password (Kacchan in all caps), before clicking on the message. He knew it. 

Uraraka Ochakos name stands out and blurs everything else. The text message is even worse. 

'Hey Midoriya, would you like to hang out later?' 

'Not like a serious thing!' 

'Just asking haha!' 

The nerves radiate from the text messages like a poison, and it makes his blood boil. His fingers move before he thinks hard about it. He texts back, 

'Sure! Want to meet tomorrow around three at Sakari Park?' 

He sends a small smiley emoji, and three bubbles appear almost immediately. 

'Perfect! See you there!'

A mind reader and his husband! Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now