1 - Party!

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"Deku, your tie." 

He grabs his dark red tie, adjusting it. Izuku smiles at him, his green eyes bright. His hair is slightly pushed back thanks to the hair gel, and Katsuki almost laughs at the scene of Izuku fighting his curls to go the way he wanted them to in the bathroom an hour before they started driving here. 

"Thank you kacchan! I'm so nervous and excited to see everyone!" 

He makes a noise in agreement, taking in Izuku's appearance. They are both dressed nicely in black suits, except Katsuki didn't put his tie on. 

"I'm sure it's going to be the same old shit as always. Shitty hair and the rest of the idiots are gonna get shit faced, then I'll have to drive them all back to their houses." 

Izuku laughs and kisses him softly. 

"We'll do it together then. Besides, I heard Momo went all out this time! There is gonna be so much fancy food!" 

Katsuki rolls his eyes but can't fight the smile that reaches his face. The night air is warm, with a soft breeze rolling through. The restaurant they are parked in front of just screams expensive, with a polished black sign that says some shit in white cursive writing. 

Izuku grabs his hand, and he holds it back. Izuku is rambling about the different foods the restaurant has (He was looking through the menu on the car ride over) and listing off the ones he wants to try first. 

He listens to him despite his mind sometimes wondering somewhere else. Namely, the women that has been trying to get with his husband. She is in that building right now, laughing and acting like she is completely innocent. 

He grips Izuku's hand tighter. 

They get inside of the building, and there is no lobby. For a restaurant like this, people need to reserve tables months in advance, and even then, there isn't even a chance you might get it. Especially when there are so many high priority rich bastards that get first dibs. 

The women standing at the counter looks over at them and smiles. 

"Are you two here for the UA reunion?" 

Izuku smiles politely. 

"Yes! We should be under 'Bakugou's'?" 

The woman looks at her iPad, scrolling for a moment, before looking back at them and smiling. 

"Yes, if you just go into that room over there, you'll be right at your table." 

"Thank you!" 

The two of them go down the hall to a door. He can already hear the voices from the other side and their thoughts in his mind. Izuku opens the door and Katsuki walks through, his husband following after. 

Eyes are on them in an instant, and then the room explodes again with chatter and laughter. Kirishima is the first to get up from his seat to greet them, a big smile on his face. 

"You guys made it!" 

Katsuki gets a heavy pat on his shoulder and Deku gets a back breaking hug. The room has a huge table on one side that is already covered in food, and a karaoke machine on the other side, surrounded by couches. 

A mind reader and his husband! Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now