"FRIDAY open the door"

The locked door instantly slid open, revealing a small frame curled under blankets in the dark room, squeezing onto his pillow and muffling his cries.

Concerned, I slowly approached Peter in his bed and kneeled next to him on the ground while Pepper stayed her distance at the doorway, watching this heart-wrenching scene.

"Hey, Peter, what's wrong, buddy?" I asked softly.

But I got no response; the kid's eyes were glued shut, and I noticed his knuckles paling from gripping the pillow so hard that I thought he was asleep still. More tears started to slip out of his clenched eyes as I gently placed my hand on his shoulder and started to rub, trying to shake him awake.

"Pete, you're having a bad dream. Wake up, kid." I gently say.

This had no effect on the kid as he started to rock back and forth, crying even harder, letting out louder groans and whimpers, not quiet words but sounds of agony. I placed a second hand on his side and started shaking him awake more forcefully.

"Come on, Petey, it's just a dream; listen to my voice; wake up."

After some more shaking, his eyes shot open aggressively, darting around the room looking for danger and softening when he met my eyes. His crying paused for a second, slowly catching his breath. I could see water pooling at the bottom of his eyes. Then, all at once, he broke down in pain right in front of me, and I had no choice but to pull him into a hug. I'm not great with hugs, but there's something about this kid that makes me fold instantly. I would give this kid the world if I could. It's heartbreaking just seeing him like this. I pulled him in tight while he sobbed into my chest. I glanced back at Pepper with eyes, asking if this was the right thing to do. She calmly nodded and stepped out, giving us some space.

After a few minutes of crying, Peter finally spoke up, his voice hoarse from all the tears. 

"I'm so sorry, Mr Stark."

My heart shattered again. He's just a kid, and he's been through so much. I knew then that I had to do everything possible to help him.

" Pete, you have nothing to be sorry for", I sternly spoke, pulling his head away from my chest and bracing his shoulders up so he was looking me in the eyes.

" do you want to talk about it?" I offered

Peter slowly sits back in his bed, and I stand up, move to sit next to him, and place my arm around his shoulders while he thinks. Peter opens his mouth a few times, but nothing comes out.

" Why don't you start with what happened in your nightmare." I suggested, 

"That's if you are comfortable sharing."

" It started out with my Uncle Ben; he died in front of me, you know?" Peter spoke, cutting the silence in the room.

I continued to stay silent, allowing Peter to speak his mind.

"I told everyone I was late coming out of the Library because I had a lot of homework, and that's why he was waiting outside for so long for me. But I never told anyone what actually happened. I was too ashamed." His voice cracked, speaking the last part.

"It's okay, Pete, you can tell me anything; I won't judge you," I said calmly.

" I didn't even go in the Library. Flash, The kid who beat me up in the bathroom. He had a bad day that day and usually takes that out on me. I spent all afternoon cleaning myself up in the school bathroom. By the time I got to the Library, Uncle Ben was already outside. So I snuck around the back to walk out like nothing happened, but I walked over to Ben as I stood out in front. A guy came out of nowhere, bumping into him; he had a gun and wanted my Uncle out of the way, so he shot him right then and there. I could have saved his life if I had been faster and less ashamed. It's my fault he's dead." He choked out and let out a heavy sigh. I could tell this was a massive weight on Peters's chest.

"The dream was just replaying these events over and over and over again, getting beaten down, then losing my Uncle over and over again" " he whimpers.

"Pete, It's not your fault, buddy, I promise you. It's just the way things were meant to happen, and it happened. You can do nothing to fix it, or anyone else could do. Your Uncle loved you deeply, and he wouldn't want you sitting around blaming yourself for what happened when it was completely out of your control." I spoke as I pulled him in for another hug, and some tears started to spill.

We sat silently for another five minutes before Peter was ready to come out for food. We stopped up and started heading out down the hallway. 

"Oh, by the way, Kid, some of the Avengers are joining us for dinner. Is that okay with you?" I ask as I pull Peters's arm around my waist, letting him lean into me, taking weight off his previously broken leg. 

Bruised But Not Broken -  Irondad/spidersonUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum