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"So, what do we do today?" Tonio asks with Baby Ric in his arms. "Nothing special. Just playing." Kimi answers his son and tries to make Max eat his breakfast. "Okay." The Italian mumbles.

"Who wants to go outside?" Mika asks after the breakfast. "I don't." Lando grumbles. "Me neither." Oscar says. Carlos and Danny both agree with them. Mick already stands at the door and tries to open it. "Slow down Kleiner. You need your jacket and hat and scarf and gloves." Michael laughs. Mick looks at him disappointed and his father holds up his clothes with an amused smile.

"It's amazing!" Logan grins. "It's cold." Oscar replies. "But you can build an Olaf!" The American beams. Oscar is quiet. "For me? Please?" Logan begs. "Fine." Oscar nods and asks Mark "Am I gonna die?" Mark starts to laugh and shakes his head. Oscar looks at him sceptically before running out in the snow.

Nikita and Mick both scream and laugh the whole time. You can hear their happy laughter everywhere and Mika chases Kimi. Michael and Seb laugh at the silliness of their partners.

The young drivers decide to do a snowball fight. With laughing and shouting they throw the cold white towards the others. But then it happens. One of the snowballs hit Mick. In the face.

The poor boy starts to cry immediately and Nikita stands there in shock too. Both boys have now tears in their eyes. "Mamá!" Cries Kita and runs to Checo while Mick sobs in Michael's arms.

The two kids are being carried inside where Michael makes them a hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows. "Skumfidus." Giggles Kevin randomly and runs outside to play with Hulk. "Right..." Michael mumbles confused and gives the mugs to the kids. He starts talking to Checo while the two children are drinking their hot chocolate.

They than sit down and Michael tells them stories from Christmases long, long ago.

"Mh....Where do I start? Oh, my first Christmas with Mika. It was a very cold Christmas...

...Michael is trembling. The day started pretty normally. For a Christmas Eve. In the morning, he and Ralf decorated the Christmas tree and packed the last presents. For lunch they had potato salad, a German tradition. In the afternoon they went to church, just like every year. But now he sits on a bench in the middle of the night and freezes. It's only 2°C after all and he sits there in just a pullover.

At some point, someone sits down beside him. "I searched for you." The man besides him says. "And now you've found me." Michael grumbles. "Are you okay?" He is asked gently. Michael nods while everything starts to feel numb. "I'm getting Mika!" is the last thing he hears.

When he blinks, someone grins at him. "Good morning sunshine." The man laughs. "Ugh. Fuck you Häkkinen." Michael grumbles and Mika just laughs even more and hugs the now sitting man from behind.

"My head is dead." The German mumbles. "Someone spiked you." Mika say him. "Oh." Michael says quietly. The Fin hugs him even tighter and Michael can feel, how he is getting more and more tired. "Good night Michi. Merry Christmas."

Michael sighs contentedly and hugs in his sleep Mika even tighter...

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, when did that happen?" Asks Michael and Daniil answers "Probably right after you fell asleep." Michael sighs and replies "Yeah, no shit Sherlock." Daniil just grins and says "Fuck you Watson."

Back to the story. And yes, Michael, it happened. Because that moment was the moment Mika realized his feelings for you my dear friend.

Mika stares down at the younger man. He is as if paralysed. After a few minutes he hugs Michael back. With a little yawn he gives him a little kiss on the head. His last thought is 'I like this Christmas. Next year it will be the same' before falling asleep with a blissful smile.

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