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Door 2


Oscar looks at the big clock at the wall right over the TV, slightly annoyed. "Hurry up Lando! We're going to be late!" He shouts towards the bathroom door. His teammate replies just as loudly, "Relax! We'll be on time."

Oscar shakes his head "Oh come on Lando! Carlos doesn't care if your bow tie is perfectly straight or if there's a speck of dust on your suit!" He complains and just storms into the bathroom to pull the Brit out. He has no patience any more.

Charles has a very similar problem. He waits impatiently for Carlos. "What's keeping you, Junior?" He asks, glancing nervously at his watch. "I'll be right there. Just a minute!" Carlos replies and at the same moment curses suppressedly in Spanish.

"I swear to God, if you are doing your hair again, I'll slap you. By the end of the night your hair will be destroyed by Lando anyway because you'll have to make out in the men's bathroom again." Charles yells and Carlos shouts back "But before it-" But the Monegasque interrupts him and presses his hand on Carlos' mouth.

Checo and Max fortunately don't have any life crises. Except that they have to see people. That's why they both drown a vodka shot before they set off and hope they don't have to talk to anyone.

Alpine has slightly different problems. However, similar to those of Red Bull. "Avez-vous de l'alcool ici? " Esteban asks and Pierre sighs "Uniquement de la bière belge." Este shakes his head "Il doit être un peu plus fort que cela." He replies.

[Do you have any alcohol here? || Only Belgian beer || It has to be a bit stronger than that]

"Oh, j'ai de l'Ouzo. 40,5%! " Pierre exclaims enthusiastically and takes two shot glasses from the cupboard. Este hands him the alcohol and Pierre fills up the glasses. In one gulp, the two drink the clear, liquorice-tasting Ouzo and barely noticeably screw up their faces. [Oh, I've got some Ouzo. 40,5%!]

"Alors, au combat! " Este says listlessly and Pierre grimaces. [Well then, off to the fight!]

Kevin is not at all enthusiastic about the meal. But for Nico's sake he goes. After all, he also has to be a good role model for Logan. The two Haas drivers kinda adopted the American that evening.

"You'll survive Kev!" Nico assures him. The Dane looks sceptically at his boyfriend. "I'm just saying." Grumbles Hulk. Kevin smiles briefly and then says, annoyed, "I hate the driver's dinners. I always have to dance."

"Boy, you got problems." Hulk replies shaking his head and Kevin asks mockingly "And yours are worse?" Nico protests immediately "You're the one with the goat family. Kimi, Seb, Rose, Nando, kinda Lewis and Mark and your twin Valtteri. You are the youngest. You're the baby of the family, so to speak. If you don't count Mick I mean. You siblings bond together, it'sincredible!"

With a grin, Kevin kisses the German one last time before they leave for the meeting place for dinner. The other teams manage to arrive without problems and, unlike Ferrari, on time.

Throughout the evening, it's relaxed. The season is over, F1 families are reunited, you can talk without a camera pointing at you and everyone is happy.

When "God rest ye merry gentleman" is played, Nico stands in front of Kevin with shining eyes. Kevin sighs before standing up without resistance and dancing with Nico.

Mick and Nikita hop happily around the two men, laughing childishly. That doesn't bode well, but they ignore it for now.

During "Comfort and joy" Nico turns the Dane in his arms and he giggles. They have been dancing to this song for years. Always the same moves in the same order. It has become a tradition.

As they sink into the chairs afterwards, Logan stands in front of them. "Logan, søn, what can we do for you?" Kevin asks. "I wanted to ask if I could play 'Ludo' with Oscar in the next room." Logan replies. "Of course boys, but don't drink any alcohol please." Smiles Nico warmly and Logan runs with a quick "Thanks Far and Papa!" To Oscar.

Suddenly someone shouts "Spit that out. Out! No, no, no, don't swallow, spit!" Nikita and Mick look at each other before swallowing. "And now they're high!" Max comments enthusiastically.

"WHAT?!" Screams Nando slightly panicked. "They're high on sugar, calm down." Laughs Kevin and nudges his brother.

"¡Maldita sea!  You guys nearly gave me a heart attack!" Nando says and looks at them annoyed. Kevin just laughs and Nico asks sceptical "And what do we do now?"

"We'll let them come down again outside. But that can take a while." Kevin explains and Checo also seems to be familiar with the measures.

"Nikita, put on your jacket and grab Mick. We're going to play outside with the tennis ball." Calls the Mexican and the young Russian, who is the only non-F1 driver around, eagerly runs to the German and pulls him towards the door.

Checo calls Nikita's name several times, but he simply ignores him. At some point Sergio has had enough. "Nikita Pietro Kvyat, put your jacket on now or I'll call Daniil!" He shouts after the boy.

Nikita grins at him innocently while taking on his jacket. Mick does the same and both run out in the garden. "Nikita Kvyat? And isn't his second name Dmitri?" Asks Valtteri confused. "Do you want Max's second name to be Jos?" The Red Bull driver just asks back before running after the two drivers who now try to climb on a road lantern.

As the older drivers watch the three outside, they have to smile. White clouds come out of their mouths from the cold and Checo has his hands buried deep in his jacket pockets.

Mick and Nikita stand behind each other and throw a tennis ball against a house wall, which the other then has to catch. The two young drivers need nearly an hour to calm down and come back inside.

Checo warms up again with tequila. Even if not that much. He doesn't have to drive a car, but he doesn't want to let Nikita out of his sight.

And so 02.12.2023 ends.


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