283 11 2

Door 14


The kitchen, usually a domain of precision and timing on the racetrack, transforms into a chaotic yet vibrant scene. Lewis, donning a chef's hat with flair, leads the brigade. Mark, eager and competitive, brandishes a spatula like a trophy. Kimi, with a mischievous glint, plots culinary mischief.

The menu is as diverse as the drivers' nationalities: Spanish paella, Italian pasta, British fish and chips, German kale with cracovian sausage, and more. Each driver champions their dish, ready to prove their culinary prowess.

The symphony of chopping, sizzling, and laughter fills the air. Lewis, handling the fish for the British dish, tosses a piece high into the air, catching it with theatrical finesse. "That's how you do it, lads!" he exclaims, drawing applause and cheers.

Meanwhile, Mark takes charge of the pasta station, showcasing his stirring skills with flamboyance. His Australian humor lightens the atmosphere as he attempts to twirl spaghetti around his fork, only to accidentally fling it across the room, eliciting uproarious laughter.

Kimi ingeniously devises a plan. Sneakily, he swaps sugar for salt in one of the dishes. With a mischievous but invisible grin, he waits for the chaos to unfold.

As the evening progresses, the air fills with the tantalizing aromas of diverse cuisines. The drivers, usually fierce competitors on the track, bond over shared experiences and stories, trading banter and jests.

As dinner time nears, they gather around the table, their creations laid out in a feast. Excitement brims as they eagerly dive into each other's dishes, relishing the flavors of various cultures.

The first bite leads to bewilderment as the swapped dish's unexpected taste sparks a frenzy. Shouts and laughter erupt as they discover Kimi's culinary trick. Amidst the chaos, plates are passed around, tastes sampled, and reactions range from incredulous to hilarious.

The night, far from being a culinary triumph, becomes a celebration of camaraderie and shared joy. Spontaneous food fights break out, with pasta flying, paella pelting, and laughter echoing through the villa.

Mark, seizing the moment, challenges Lewis to a cooking duel. Flour clouds billow, eggs crack, and within moments, the kitchen is a mess of ingredients and laughter. Kimi, the mastermind behind the salt-and-sugar switch, finds himself in the crossfire, playfully protesting his innocence.

Amidst the pandemonium, Hulk, known for his contagious laughter, joins the fray, swinging a ladle like a jousting knight. Checo, typically reserved, lets loose and joins the food fight with gusto.

As the night progresses, the once pristine kitchen resembles a battlefield of culinary creativity. Utensils clatter, laughter crescendos, and camaraderie deepens among the drivers. Food smeared faces and flour-covered clothes become badges of their shared adventure.

Exhausted but exhilarated, they collapse into chairs, the chaos now subsiding into hearty chuckles and satisfied smiles. The villa, once a serene haven, now bears the marks of an unforgettable evening.

And where are Jenson and Romain, our master chefs? They're sitting on the stairs, laughing and eating popcorn while watching their friends in the kitchen.


10 more days to go...

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