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Door 7


When Danny opens his eyes and looks at his alarm clock, he realises that it is only 4:30 in the morning. Shortly afterwards, he realises why he has woken up. He feels hot, has a sore throat and a headache. In short, he is sick. And when Daniel Ricciardo is ill, he doesn't care about anything. He only cares about the person he can cuddle up to. And that's Tonio. Although he had ignored him for the last day.

So he gets up and walks over to Antonio. He knocks and enters. The Italian is still asleep. Danny shakes him by the shoulder and Tonio opens his eyes, blinking. When he sees the Aussie, he first raises his eyebrows, but understands what's going on when he sees the other man's feverish eyes.

"Come here tesoro." He mumbles tiredly and Danny lays down next to him. Tonio immediately pulls him in his arms. "Good night. And sorry." Whispers Danny and yawns. "Buona notte bello." Toni smiles. But he doesn't sleep. He stared at the ceiling until he notices that Danny has a bad dream. He has it often when he has fever and the younger one knows it.

"Ninna nanna, ninna oh, questo bimbo a chi lo do? Se lo do alla Befana, se lo tiene una settimana. Se lo do all’uomo nero, se lo tiene un anno intero. Ninna nanna, ninna oh, questo bimbo me lo terrò! " Tonio quietly sings to calm his best friend.

[Lullaby, oh lullaby, To whom shall I give this child? If I give it to the witch Befana, she's gonna keep it for a week. If I give it to the black man, he's gonna keep it for an entire year. Lullaby, oh lullaby, such a baby I'll keep for myself!]

Daniel wakes up late. It's almost 9.30 a.m. when he opens his eyes and releases his grip on Toni. "Sorry." He mumbles and blushes slightly. Toni grins mischievously and replies, "No problem, carissimo." Danny blushes heavily and buries his face in Toni's hoodie. The owner of the hoodie laughs slightly.

Max comes in and grins "Give the poor bloke a break, Liano. He's already completely overwhelmed." Tonio laughs and Max says, "Breakfast is in half an hour."

Liano: Nickname for Italians (short for Italiano)
Italiano: Italian for Italian people

"You're bullying me." Danny says slightly offended. "Do you want a cookie now?" The Italian laughs. "Yes." Grumbles the older one. "I don't have one, but I can give you this." With that Tonio gives Danny a kiss on his nose and he looks at Antonio fascinated. Daniel hugs Tonio with the words "I'll never let you go!" And immediately falls asleep again.


Sebastian and Kimi are both battling the flu. Sebastian, prone to irritability when unwell, finds himself snapping at the slightest inconvenience. Meanwhile, Kimi, usually stoic and reserved, succumbs to the illness with bouts of tears, an uncharacteristic display of vulnerability. As they lie in bed, their shared misery exacerbates their usual tendencies.

Normally that's not a problem. Seb tries everything to make Kimi comfortable and comforts him when it all gets too much for the Finn. In return, Kimi lets Seb shout as much as he wants and has no problem being used as a punching bag by the younger boy for several hours. The difference, however, is that only one of them is sick, not both.

Sebastian, restless and irritable, grumbles about the lack of sufficient tissues, his voice rising with each complaint. Kimi, in a fragile state, feels overwhelmed by Sebastian's outbursts, causing tears to trickle down his cheeks. Startled by his own emotional response, Kimi tries to stifle his sobs, but the mounting pressure within him only intensifies his distress.

The tension in the room thickens as Sebastian's frustration peaks. He blurts out, "Why can't things just be normal for once? Stop crying and pull yourself together!" His words, sharp as blades, pierce through the fragile emotional barrier surrounding Kimi, provoking a flood of tears and a sense of helplessness.

Kimi, unable to contain the flood of emotions, sniffles and whispers, "I can't help it. I'm sorry I'm not as tough as you." His vulnerability hangs heavy in the air, a stark contrast to his usual composed demeanor. His tears glisten under the dim light of the bedside lamp, reflecting the strain of their shared illness and emotional discord.

Sebastian, momentarily taken aback by the magnitude of his partner's distress, softens his tone. "I didn't mean to make you feel worse. I'm just not myself when I'm sick." His apology, though sincere, struggles to penetrate the lingering cloud of tension and hurt between them.

Kimi, still sniffling, manages a shaky smile through his tears. "I know. I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have let it get to me." He reaches out to Sebastian, his hand trembling as it searches for his partner's reassuring touch.

Their hands meet, bridging the emotional chasm between them. The warmth of their intertwined fingers acts as a soothing balm, easing the residual tension. Sebastian, his anger dissipating, pulls Kimi into a gentle embrace. "We're both just a mess right now," he murmurs, his voice filled with empathy and understanding.

Kimi, nestled in the safety of Sebastian's arms, nods softly. "Yeah, we are. But we'll get through this together, won't we?"

Sebastian presses a tender kiss to Kimi's forehead, his voice laced with affection. "Of course, we will. We always do."

Time trickles by, the warmth of their embrace serving as a haven from the storm of their shared illness. Three hours pass, filled with whispered apologies, tender reassurances, and the gradual rekindling of their unshakable bond. As the night deepens, they find solace in each other's company, their shared vulnerabilities forging a deeper connection, one that withstands the trials of sickness and the turbulence of emotions.


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