Chapter 26 Totally Not a Filler Chapter

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After the fight that had occurred at the Entertainment District, everyone was brought back to the butterfly estate to rest and heal from their injuries
Obito used his healing jutsu to speed up the process on Tanjiro as he is the most injured one, despite that Tanjiro still passed out

Zenitsu and Inosuke were injured as well but they healed much quicker than Tanjiro, with Zenitsu being the quickest one to heal and be back on duty

Obito woke up one day to the sound of ceramic shattering on the floor from what seems to be Tanjiro's room so he began heading there
On the way there he eventually heard some screaming

"Kiyo! Sumi! Naho! Aoi! Tanjiro has regained consciousness!" Goto yelled out

Hearing this Obito became quite excited and when he was in the hallway connected to the room Tanjiro was, he saw Aoi with a sheet over her head sprinting into the room
Eventually Obito made it into the room, but he saw something unexpected

"Inosuke, why are you clinging to the ceiling?" Obito asked calmly

Everyone else in the room did this comical turn upwards before screaming hysterically

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING UP THERE?!" Goto yelled once again

"Good job noticing me, Torabito" Inosuke said before falling on Tanjiro's bed

"Inosuke, I'd recommend you get off Tanjiro's bed" Obito said

"I'd also recommend that, moron" Goto said

Inosuke began attempting to attack Goto while Aoi held him back

"Tanjiro fell asleep, so be quiet!" Kanao semi yelled

After Tanjiro first woke up, it only took him a couple of days to recover and then be able to start his rehabilitation training on a daily basis
Meanwhile Obito worried upon other matters and began heading to the training yard in the butterfly estate

"What are you doing out here, Uchiha-san?" Shinobi asked

"Ah, during my fight with upper moon six, they split into two beings forcing Tanjiro and his friends to fight one and Uzui and I to fight the other one. Of course I trust the skill that Tanjiro and his friends possess, but I had this small feeling of dread of what if they lost" Obito explained

"And what is your plan to fix that?" Shinobi asked

"Creating a clone of myself" Obito said as he clasped his hands together and made a 1:1 wooden statue of himself

"Of course the clone won't be as lifeless as this statue, I haven't even really started" Obito explained

"Ah, well good luck one that" Shinobu said as she began leaving

Obito had never really made clones during his life span, he made some shadow clones for tests during his academy days but he was never really good at it
Oh well never too late to start

"Wood style : wood clone jutsu" Obito casted

A wood clone began appearing out of his body and all seemed well but he began realizing something. The clone couldn't summon either the Shakujo nor the truth seeking orbs

"Oh well it's better than nothing" Obito said as he dispelled the current wood clone and tried making as many as he could

Some time later

Tanjiro decided to walk into the training yard where he had heard Obito being at. When Tanjiro rounded the corner, he witnessed an army

"Eh?! I knew Obito was training here but what is this?!" Tanjiro exclaimed

Hearing this Obito dispelled all of the clones he had made and began pretending nothing happened

"Oh Tanjiro, what are doing here?" Obito asked

"Oh yeah, I'm gonna head over to the swordsmith village to get a new sword" Tanjiro explained

"Why haven't you gotten a new one?" Obito asked

"Well... The swordsmith who usually makes my swords has gotten mad at me for ruining the sword he made again. So I'm heading over there to hopefully be able to apologize and talk to him in person" Tanjiro explained

"Huh, well good luck on that and save travels. Also send a kasugai crow my way  if you ever encounter danger there" Obito said

"Alright. Goodbye, Obito-san" Tanjiro said while walking to the front of the butterfly estate

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