chapter 15 trial and promotion

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"Lord Oyakata has arrived"

And a man who has the top half of his head in some sort of sickened state and also appears to be blind, came out of the house guided by who Obito assumes, are his 2 children

"You guys are here, my cute swordsmen" Oyakata said

Oyakata's 2 children closed the door behind him and then guided Oyakta to the porch in front of the demon slayers and Obito

"Good morning everyone, today's weather is great, the sky is really blue isn't it, all the familiar faces are here. Welcome to the semi-annual Hashira meeting, I'm really relieved" Lord Oyakta said

Immediately after that, all the Hashiras immediately kneeled and bowed down and Sanemi forced Tanjiro's head down
Seeing this, Obito decided to kneel but not bow down because he wants to be polite but Oyakata isn't his superior so he doesn't need to bow down

"It's great to see you in good health, Oyakata-sama. I sincerely wish you good fortune and for all your hopes to be fulfilled" Sanemi said

"Thank you, Sanemi" Lord Oyakata said

"Forgive my bluntness, before we begin the Hashira meeting regarding the demon slayer, Kamado Tanjiro, and bringing a demon with him. And also the encounter with the demon hunter. Can I seek clarification? " Sanemi said

"You're right, sorry for surprising you guys. The matter regarding Tanjiro and the Nezuko, has my approval. Therefore, I hope that everyone can accept them" Oyakata said

Well that was an incredibly easy trial, won immediately, Obito is liking his position, but Obito is expecting opposition, but the master already said Nezuko should be accepted so, Obito is pretty confident in his position

"Even though it's a request from Oyakata-sama. I still have trouble understanding and accepting it" Gyomei said

"I also flamboyantly oppose it. I can't accept a demon slayer bringing a demon along" Tengen said

"I'll obey all the requests of Oyakata-sama" Mitsuri said

"Actually, it doesn't matter to me. Since I'll forget about it immediately" Muichiro

"They can't be trusted. I hate demons the most" Obanai said

"Although I respect Oyakata-sama from the bottom of my heart, I can't understand what you're thinking. I fully oppose it! " Kyojuro said

"Carrying out the task of slaying demons defines the demon slayers corps. Please severely punish Tomioka and the other three offenders" Sanemi said

Allright, so to recap, 5 opposition, 2 friendlies, 1 unknown, and 1 with memory loss problems
Interesting, let's see where this goes

"Take the letter" Oyakata said

"Yes" One of the twins said

Honestly, these twins really weird out Obito, and he is pretty sure that none of them have blinked ever since he saw them
Anyways, he or she took the letter and began reading it

"This letter was written by a former Hashira, mister Sakonji Urukodaki. I'll read out a small part of the content. Please allow Tanjiro Kamado and his demonic sister to be together, Nezuko has an unyielding mental power, she still maintains the rationality from her humanity. Even when she's hungry, she won't eat humans, just like that, two years have passed, although it's a situation that'll be hard to accept momentarily, it's definitely the truth. In case Nezuko attacks humans, Tanjiro Kamado, Sakonji Urukodaki, and Giyu Tomioka will commit seppuku, to show gratitude and take responsibility " The twin said

After that letter things were silent other than a few small actions like the Kochou girl looking over to Tomioka and also having a saddened look

"So what if they're willing to commit seppuku? If they want to die they might as well just do it now. That's not a guarantee at all" Sanemi said

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