chapter 4 12 kizuki

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After leaving the forest, it was day time and Obito decided to do what he did last time, he just followed the marked road and went through with it, after walking for a while Obito eventually ended up on a 4 way crossroad, he also saw somebody dragging a cart behind him, Obito quickly took off his mask

"Hello there sir, what are you doing here? " The man said

"Oh, I'm actually kind of lost, do you know where the nearest town is? " Obito said

"I'm actually heading to the there now to sell my items there, I could walk with you there, it's only a 30 minute walk from here" The man said

"Thank you sir, also sir do you need help with that cart? " Obito said

"No, no, I'm fine, after all I do this almost everyday, i got used to it, but thank you for your offer" The man said

Both Obito and the man walked towards the nearest town, when the man asked Obito a question

"So where did you get that scar? " The man asked

"Oh, it was a long time ago, and also a complicated story" Obito said

"Oh don't worry, take your time, there is still several minutes left till we get to that town" The man said

"All right, so long story short, half my head got crushed by a rock" Obito said

"Crushed by a rock? Huh, all right, I can imagine why that story would be complicated" The man replied

"So what do you know about demons? " Obito asked

"Demons? They're a myth they aren't real, but there is a rumor that a house North from here is housed by demons, huh, what a ridiculous story" The man said

Obito was surprised at the response as he thought everyone knew about demons but apparently not, but he also got some new information about some demons location

20 minutes later

Along the walk both Obito and the man had some small talk until they reached the town

"Goodbye" The man said

"Goodbye" Obito said

They waved each other off and Obito put on his mask and headed north

3 hours later

3 hours of running and 3 food pills eaten leaving 53 food pills left he eventually found the house, the house seemed pretty ordinary but also abandoned, the perfect place for a demon, so Obito headed inside
Inside was dark but so far nothing wrong, Obito planned on wondering around until he found the supposed demon here
While going through one of the halls Obito suddenly heard a flash behind him and turned around and got into a defensive position, but there was nobody there, FLASH, there it was again, this time it was behind him, Obito turned around and again, nothing was behind him, so Obito entered into the room closest to him and the room was very spacious, good enough for a fight, so Obito sat there and waited
Suddenly the demon showed up in the room with him

"Wow, you have up very fast, usually I had to show myself for the victims to give up" The demon said

"I didn't give up, I was just waiting" Obito said

Suddenly Obito was in front of the demon in an instant and gave the demon a kick launching it to the wall

"What?! What was that, how did you do that?! " The demon said

"You've always been feasting on the weak, but how would you act when you meet an equal" Obito said

"You're no equal" The demon said

"Better yet, a superior" Obito said

Suddenly the demon began running circles around Obito in high speeds

"Feeling dizzy yet? " The demon said

"No" Obito said

Obito activated his sharingan and focused, suddenly the demon was punched in the head destroying the head but the demon regenerated the head

"You may be equal in power but eventually you'll get tired and no matter how many times you strike me, I'll always regenerate" The demon said

"Then what about a handicap" Obito said

Suddenly the shakujo was summoned and Obito immediately aimed at the leg and extended it

"Aaah, what is this, why can't I regenerate?! " The demon screamed

"Something that could destroy you" Obito said

"Even if I die, the twelve kizuki and Lord Muzan will find you and kill you! " The demon yelled

"The twelve kizuki, lord Muzan? Who are they? " Obito said

"The twelve kizuki are Lord Muzan's most powerful demons and Lord Muzan is the demon King" The demon said

"If they'll be finding me than it's less work for me since I won't have to find them" Obito said

After that Obito extended the shakujo and obliterated the demons head

"The twelve kizuki and the demon king, guess they'll be my next targets" Obito said

After this Obito backtracked his way out of the house and continued to search for more information about the twelve kizuki and the demon king

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