✄┈ 𝘊𝘩𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘮𝘢𝘴

Start from the beginning

➴I don't see him or Nya wanting to stop by their parents house for Christmas despite it being a family holiday

➴You'd probably have to get on his ass to send at least one card

➴He only does it because he realizes that you can't send one yourself

➴After having fun and games outside, he'll be dragging you inside for a cup of hot chocolate for sure

➴Always asking if the temperature is right and if you need him to warm it up for you

➴If he so happens to see you shiver in the slightest, he's leaning on you and trying to provide you warmth

➴It can get annoying, but hey, he's trying 

➴If the guy actually got you a gift, except it to not be much

➴In money wise that is

➴Kai would definitely go to the depths of hell and back up to get you a rock, just because he knows you would appreciate the thought, not the expense of it

➴He would go to the depths of hell if you just asked him to tbh

➴Will be holding back on the smothering, but will sneak a few kisses here and there

➴You will be spending the holiday with Nya too, it's just a given

➴The three of you would probably goof around and play outside or even watch a movie together

➴He can get frustrated at things very easily, so pls be patient

➴That being said, don't put up a Christmas tree with him 

➴He would either get so angry at it he would break an ornament

➴Or the tree will be burnt

➴Pick your poison on that one

➴Speaking of poison

➴He's always stealing food off your plate during Christmas dinner

➴Oh you're talking to Lloyd right now?

➴Guess that means you didn't want that chunk of mash potatoes!

➴You're helping Zane dish out napkins?

➴He's already ate half your plate and none of his.

➴When you're finally able to turn back to eat a bite of your food, expect your fork to clink with the plate and not the food

➴It's okay though because he lets you steal food of his plate as well

➴That might as well be your love language atp

➴You guys steal each others stuff a lot

➴Which is why you need to hide your Christmas gifts

➴He will take them and claim them as his, no if ands or buts

➴Just steal his and he might offer a trade

➴Not a good one, because he's ass at negotiating, but definitely one

➴Mistletoe would be so funny to him, too

➴If you get flustered easily by the idea or thought of a kiss, he would make sure to walk under that green leaf with you often

➴If you enjoy kisses just as much as he does, he won't walk under it as often

➴What's the point of doing so when you can just reach up and give him one at will?

➴At the end of the day, he's not all too into Christmas and only enjoys it because you and the others do

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