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TWO LADIES STOOD in the brewery, both their hands busy with their own busy as hot steam traced the air—the mixture of smell filling the cracks of the walls

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TWO LADIES STOOD in the brewery, both their hands busy with their own busy as hot steam traced the air—the mixture of smell filling the cracks of the walls. Yet, although from afar it seemed to be a serene morning for the both of them, it wasn't for Seulhyun. Her hands were sweating as her eyes took quick glances to her mentor every few moments.

She even had to refrained herself from looking at Mrs. Kang too much.

"Dear, could you help me pass the fire petal please?"
Seulhyun flinched at the sudden question, nodding her head as she reached for the red petals, handing Mrs. Kang the needed ingredients. The latter didn't seem to notice her odd reaction as she only thanked her normally.

It was killing the poor girl. She couldn't do her work properly with the tension she felt within her muscles. Every time Mrs. Kang does something, Niki's words always rings in the back of her mind. What if Mrs. Kang is really the culprit behind all of the princess's schemes? For her, it sounded wrong since she knows Mrs. Kang would never do such things, but then again nothing is impossible.

Mrs. Kang knows a lot of things about the castle's procedure since the king has given his whole trust towards her because of her loyalty and dedication towards the kingdom. So, she could have provided the newest information about the king's plans to the princess. However she couldn't pinpoint why Mrs. Kang would do that. She wouldn't earn anything beneficial from betraying the king.

She also has a strong connection with Seulhyun, and she knew Mrs. Kang would never lie to her. Especially, betraying her. It just didn't make sense.

Seulhyun shuts her eyes, facing the ceiling and fought herself from sighing loudly. Why must the situation be so complicated?

"Are you alright?" Mrs. Kang looked at her with worry, "You can take a break if you want, I can take over." She assured, but Seulhyun kindly declined.
"It's fine, I can handle this."

"It's just a minor headache." Seulhyun smiled, receiving an amused look from the elder. It's not entirely a lie, the whole situation is a pain to think about.

"Just don't overexert yourself." Mrs. Kang told.

Nodding, Seulhyun focused back on her work- at least she tried to. Then, her mind wandered to other older vampires working in the castle. Could it be the butler? He is around Mrs. Kang's age, so it might be a possibility. He also has access to the brewery and the restricted area thus he could have helped Princess Aera too.

Seulhyun isn't close with him though, so she doesn't know whether he is the type of vampire to do those sort of things. Is he?

She peeked at the vampire in front of her. Mrs. Kang seems to be very familiar with the butler, should she try to squeeze out some information from her? Will that be too obvious? But if she doesn't ask, she won't get any more clues soon.

Pressing her lips shut, she fixed her eyes at the potion she was brewing. Once the murky liquid  began to change color, she took a napkin and covered the handles, moving the small cauldron without burning herself.

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