The Past 3a

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They sat in the living room.
"Who is she?" Gina asked
Her husband Dartyus had just brought a baby girl home just about a year old.
"She...I'm sorry".
" didn't. Tell me you didn't". Gina yelled angrily.
Dartyus had a lover for two years, started with a fling but turned into something deep. This was three years after he met Gina.
She stared at the baby with so much hatred.
"I didn't. And you we will take care of this baby and treat her no different like the one in your womb."
"What?. You are fucking with way you cheating scoundrel".
A hot slap landed on Gina cheeks making them turn red and her to stumble.
"You will and it's final". Dartyus said this and walked out.
From that day henceforth, Gina vowed never to allow that girl enjoy life since it's because of her she just got slapped by her husband who has never even raised his voice talk more of his hand on her for over eight years now.

Time flew,Gina gave birth,the baby grew healthy.
"Kids time for school". Dartyus said.
"Yes daddy we are coming. Little Adriana said as she walked out of her room.
Lila walked out. "Daddy, I don't like the fact that Adriana is in the same school as me"
Adriana was fifteen years old and Lila was fourteen.
Adriana overhead this but didn't reply." Dad I'm ready".
"Okay children let's go".

***Six months later****
"Adriana you won't go to school throughout this year" Gina said.
"Why,mom?" Adriana said.
Gina was boiling, she so much hated the word mother when it came out from Adriana's mouth.
"Don't ask silly questions here missy, do you think its easy to provide for four mouths hmmm?" Gina said angrily.
Without waiting for a crying Adriana to respond.
"You will start working as a housemaid from tomorrow". Gina said.
Adriana then looked at the stairs and saw her father standing there.
It killed him that he couldn't say anything because he wanted to but Gina told him that if he did Adriana would know the truth and as add homeless to her knowledge.
Adriana's heart broke because the only man she thought would stand up for her, didn't and she vowed never to trust any man again.
"Yes"she replied defeatedly.
"Good, now go and rest you have a long day ahead".

At that Adriana started so many side jobs and each money she got Gina would take them, sometimes leave her starving and her father was silent so was her sister.
Adriana decided that she wouldn't give her mother all the money anymore but she would save and fund herself.
At the eight month of the year making it two months since she started side jobs, she started researching countries with cheap houses and universities.

*One night***
"Where is it?". You could her Gina's voice storm throughout the entire house.
"I didn't take it"Adriana cried.
Gina had noticed that the money Adriana was recently giving her had dropped by a huge percent.
Actually Adriana had been saving up a huge deal for her house and school.
"Get out" Gina said.
"What?"Adriana said shocked.
"Go upstairs and pack your things"
Adriana just turned eighteen and today was her birthday. Well earth thank you for the best birthday gift ever.
"Goodbye". Adriana turned to see her father silent, she was hurt.
She turned to leave but stopped when she heard her mother say.
"Today I cut all ties with you, I don't want to ever see your face here again you ungrateful child"
Gina said.
Adriana nodded but all this while her eyes glued to her father's.
"I also to don't want to see any of your faces at all."
She said this while looking at her father straight in his eyes and saw pains, she wanted to pity him but he was silent.
Silent from the beginning. She remembered this and the hate grew bigger and stronger.
She turned her back and vowed to go to school again and hustle. This was her promise and she planned on keeping it.
She also planned on never trusting any man to stand up for her but to learn to stand up for herself at all times.
No matter what.

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