Uncertain Future

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Elle finally finished explaining her situation with Laura placing her empty cup on the table and needless to say she was floored. Elle was straight up admitting to her that she had partially suspected Ford was cheating on her, but she was also admitting that she had been fantasizing about an affair with Y/N L/N to the point where she was having VERY realistic dreams. On the one hand this was perfect for getting back at Ford, but on the other, Elle was breaking the Hippocratic oath and wanting to go after a patient that lost his family. It was somewhat fitting that Elle could be his wife as she already had a son, but Ford would be a thorn in that relationship regardless and it wasn't like Elle and Sam would be replacements for his own wife. But more importantly how was Elle going to woo this man into a relationship? All the reasons mentioned above were going to be a problem with that plan.

"Elle are you sure about this?" Laura asked. She stared at Elle disbelieving. Elle hadn't even started the divorce process and she was already looking for a new lover. She really needed to get her head on straight. Elle nodded "I'm going to contact my lawyer tomorrow Laura and I know it's going to be an uphill battle, but I am sure of my feelings. I know I cant tell him Laura but I want to help him as best I can, and maybe, just maybe, he will see me as more than just his nurse." Elle said Laura shook her head "Elle, you need time to grieve and get your mind right. You must think about Sam before a new man." Elle just glared at her friend and stood up from the coach "Doesn't mean I can't get in touch with how I feel." She told her friend before returning to the guest bedroom ready for some sleep before the long road ahead tomorrow.

Laura was silent as she watched Elle retreat to her room. This was not going to end well.

Elle returned to her room and sat on her bed. She knew that Laura was just looking out for her but after what she saw with Ford part of her wanted him to hurt as badly as she felt. she did have to admit Laura was right about Sam though. She needed to put him before any potential relationship. Whether or not the trial would goas smoothly as she wanted, Elle knew one thing. Elle did not want to lose her son.

With a sigh Elle just laid on the bed gazing at the ceiling tying to think about an uncertain future


Jane was staring at her phone Corey on the other side of the screen. He was listening intently to what Jane was telling him. After her encounter with L/N she spent hours sitting on the couch wondering what to do. She just spent the evening drinking with the man whose life she ruined just enjoying a beer with him and worst of all she enjoyed it. Even if they didn't exchange any words she was able to subtly check him out while the two sipped their beers. Though it had been obvious his hygiene wasn't quite the best, given the length of his hair and the stubble on his face as expected since he was in the hospital for some time but she had to admit it was rugged and... she kind of liked it. But she didn't really care about that. She was more concerned with making sure that he never found out about her role in his accident. So she just kept silent focusing on the taste of her beer and nothing else until he actually began talking to her after he drank his first bottle.

"Why is someone like you at a bar this time of night?" Y/N said suddenly said causing Jane to jump in her seat and looked at Y/N who was staring at the bar counter his bottle half empty and his cheeks red even from the minimal amount of alcohol he consumed. Jane didn't need to be an FBI agent to know that he was a light weight. Just great. She was driving L/N to become an alcoholic. She really needed that. She almost missed his question and found her words caught in her throat what could she say? She couldn't really lie to him. "I'm in law enforcement" she said and as expected his eyes widened at that. He turned to face her fully for a moment and Elle got a close look at his face and her heart skipped a beat. He was. really handsome... she felt something she hadn't felt in a while. A familiar heat in the pit of her stomach. She shook if off though when Y/N gave her a small smirk "sounds like I shouldn't get in trouble with you then" he said somewhat humorlessly, his voice flat before he returned to his beer taking another sip.

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