The Rookie is back

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In a FBI office in down town Los Angeles, a young woman with light brown hair and blonde highlights placed a hand on the top of her desk, tying up a report. Agent Jane Banner, Official Agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. It had taken her some time, going through the academy and going through the probational period but it was worth it, especially since she closed her most recent case. The only problem was she was now doing the worst part of the job

It had been a long day and this was the last thing she needed to do today. She intended to take a long vacation after this, but the paperwork was kicking her butt. She was never one to complain about her job but paperwork was definitely the one thing she wished she could skip. It was lucky that she didn't have to do it for the Natalie Hanson case in Wind River Wyoming. A group of contracted security guards raped Natalie and forced her to run cross country to her death in an attempt to escape only to die as a result of the frigid environment. Jane had been the closest at the time being stationed in Las Vegas and was sent there only because she was the closest to the reservation at the time. Thankfully with the help of Cory Lambert a friend whom she still kept in touch with she was able to solve the case but immediately after that she was sent to the hospital, given that one of the guards she arrested shot her with rubber bullets. she had been recovering ever since and as she was healing at the time, had a scribe do the paperwork for her while her memory was fresh. She spent the next few days in the hospital recovering from the shotgun wound she received until she was discharged.

The clicking of the keys ceased as Jane finally finished her report. She let out a sigh saving the information and sending it to her superior, before glancing at her watch; despite smart phones she still kept a watch for convivence. It was almost midnight and she was clocking in almost 15 hours. Good thing it was her off day tomorrow, she wanted to grab a snack at her favorite eatery and get in a nice warm bath after the day she had. She powered down her workstation stood up and stretched her arms before walking away, making sure to push her chair in before she went to the elevator. There was absolutely nothing that could stop her from leaving the building now that she was officially off the clock!

Except that as she neared the elevator a gruff voice stopped her in her tracks "Agent Banner!" the Fbi Agent whirled around and froze when she spotted her BOSS staring at her with irritation in his eyes; before it broke into a wide grin. "Got you didn't I?" he said, causing Jane to release a breath her tense muscles ebbing away and she let out a laugh before giving her boss a grin "is there anything you want to tell me before I leave Agent Gordon?"

The elder Agent just chuckled her red hair shaking as she shook her head. "No Chance girl" she said before going over to Jane and placing a hand on her shoulder. I just wanted to say congratulations on your work with the case today, especially since you worked in that fog. Jane blushed lightly. The mission HAD to take place during one of the foggiest nights in LA trying to stop a traffiker from fleeing the city. Jane had actually been the one to track him to this city from Columbia and to be fair it WAS her first assignment outside of the US And one of her few after graduating from Rookie status. It ended well so she wanted to call it a job well done, despite everything that went wrong AND right during the case. "I just want you to take it easy. You were on this case for weeks." Agent Gordon stated before removing her hand and walking away "Maybe meet a guy" she said with a wink, Causing Jane to blush harder. She shook her head to clear her cheeks turned heel and pressed the call elevator button on the nearby wall. Honestly she wasn't sure where that "meet a guy" idea came from. It wasn't like she Hadn't dated in the past but she was just so busy with work that she didn't really have the time and dating a coworker just didn't seem like it was something that would end well. She certainly wasn't for "Office" hookups either and even if she was, she wasn't interested in anyone here anyway.

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